Cheryl's 90 Day Carnivore Challenge: Started on Nov 01 going through to Feb 29, 2020

(mole person) #883

Oh, this is good to know. I wondered what would be a worrying level to see on PKD since the values that I get fed are what would normally look like fasted levels.


5 Feb 2020
Morning Glucose 4.6
Morning Ketones 0.7

Will test midday before eating my first meal.

Midday ketones up to 1.4.

Ate too much fat today and felt ill. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

(Daisy) #885

I too have a vegetarian coworker. She walked by the microwave today with my 2 giant racks of ribs and said “there’s an entire dead animal in the microwave” I said “yep, that’s my dead animal” :joy:


food yesterday was

4 chicken breast fried in a lot of delish grass fed butter
small cheeseburger patty

DIRTY Carnivore day…3 squares 90% dark chocolate. 9g carbs.

Why, cause I wanted it, that is why. Did it thrill me. No actually. I haven’t had it in SO long since I started Cheryls challenge and I thought, hmmm, I have a 1/2 bar left, might as well try some and while OK, it didn’t blow me away, can I live without it, yea I can.

I decided I won’t be buying any time soon. You know once gone, why even bring it back. Longer and longer years on plan I just don’t ‘need or truly want’ things back in my life. Zero carb all the way is all I need.

So interesting to try some, not a monster draw anymore for me once I got rid of it again out of my life. Cool.


My local farmer’s “girls” are laying again (YUM) and after listening to Dr. Saladino I’m planning on making calcium powder out of the eggshells this weekend. Has anyone here done that? Kinda cool to use the entire egg, heh. If you’ve done this please share your experiences.


I did that for my tomato plants, when I still had a little green thumb. :slight_smile: I washed the shells, let them dry on the counter then ground them into a fine powder with my mortar and pestle. I tried with different choppers, only NutriBullet could get them fine “enough,” but it was a lot easier with mortar+pestle.


Holy smoke I feel hungry. I’ve eaten my 400 g allowance with some extra fat and it didnt touch the sides. Maybe tea or coffee makes me hungry? Gah. 2-1/2 hours to dinner time. This hunger is quite unusual. I thought fat was meant to stop hunger.

G 5.2 K 1.2

Hungry AF.


At work.

Got bit by a venomous spider last week. Not a red back spider. Not a funnel web, nor a bird eating spider. Probably not a Huntsman, Wolf nor Daddy Longlegs spider, either. They all sound like 1970’s rock band names. It has left a nasty red welt on my right arm with a red streak running up the lymphatics path into my armpit. Went to the doctor. He prescribed antibiotics. We can both see it is not an infection and that the redness is a hypersensitivity reaction. We have these spiders here, white tail spiders and/or recluse spiders, they crawl on you in the night (Tourism Australia is going to hate me). If your brush or squish them they bite. So some kind of night spider bit me. I can now shoot webs from my wrists. I had some bloods taken to see if the venom created any internal organ damage. I’m not going to take the antibiotics.

I have remained carnivore and the dairy cravings are subsiding. In this hot summer weather (41’C+) it is easy to not eat (as per @Bubby1), and black coffee is a nice slow sipper with ice blocks in it.

Mug of salted bone broth at 8 am

This morning I made 4 x rolled 2 egg omelettes fried in gee.
2 were meant for breakfast at lunch time and two for the 3 hour commute back to the spider infested countryside.
I only ate one so far and a cold beef rib (left over)

Last night I had 4 beef ribs served to me by my mum. I could only eat 3.

The filling for the omelette rolls was:
chopped cold beef
rasher of streaky bacon
two to three dessert spoonfuls of chicken liver pate

Drinking lots of water and taking magnesium citrate supplements and Vitamin B3 Nicotinamide supplements (to prevent skin cancer by supporting mitochondrial function and the production of NAD+ as part of the electron transport chain in highly active skin cells, but also used by some anti-ageing doctors as well)

Interestingly my fasting blood glucose today and yesterday was greater than 6.5mmol/l. My blood ketones, however, were 0.2 mmol/l. So the spider bite and maybe some work stress may be involved? That higher blood glucose is not switching off the nutritional ketosis. I’ll keep checking.

Revisit doctor appointment next week. (I requested a fasting insulin test as part of the tests)

Hope I can get a surf tomorrow.




YEA! another 3/4 lb. gone. got a little more this time than the usual 1/2 lb. down the scale. will take it

food yesterday was

1 lb. ribeye steak
can of tuna
small cheeseburger patty
2 beef sticks

all great on zero carb! I eat a ton and love it and lose lbs. What is not to love LOL


HAHA yea I wanted to try it back. It kinda was that moment of screw it and it didn’t effect me at all. Didn’t thrill me either LOL it just was :slight_smile: Sad kinda in a small weirdo way I can say chocolate is not that interesting anymore in my life. Kinda sad truly for me but a good sad tho ya know? LOL


fantastic FB…how have you been feeling thru it all? anything new to report about that.

sorry on that scary azz spider bite you mentioned. things that creepy crawl and have a boatload of legs in life…never good ya know HAHA


I’ve been feeling fine. I think the doctor thunk I should be sicker from the bite and venom. He was a bit confused. We actually did talk a bit about nutrition as he saw I am a bit heavy and that my cholesterol was high on a series of previous blood tests. He did not seem to notice that I am an actual bear. He told me not to eat pasta, potato, bread, or rice. He said I should eat vegetables and not drink any beer or sugary soft drinks. I was happy that he was trying. He said that many of the other doctors in the practice are low-carb doctors. He’s not, so he defaults to plant-based or Mediterranean diet as fall backs. I pointed out my fasting insulin, HbA1C, high HDL, low triglycerides etc. He could see where I was going, so quickly turned off the computer monitor and asked about the bite on my arm.

I watch my work mates fade after every snack or soda they drink. They are amazed if I have breakfast at 2pm.

Carnivore for long days at the computer works just fine. I can power through the emails and paperwork production. No yawns. Clear head.

Looking forward to being more active on the weekend, however.


Well I am certainly glad Mr Spider didn’t do worse to you and hope you don’t get any bad things from it. Small things can wrap up into some big bad poisons in those little bodies LOL

I so get that fading. I used to fade. I was that same way with bad nutrition just sucking life from me. When younger I didn’t notice cause you are young and still go that Ummppfft energy to spare, but the older ya get the more ya fade faster in your day and then suck down soda or whatever and it makes us even worse.

It is sad it takes getting fatter, losing power, med troubles hitting us, feeling like crazy, tired/slug etc. to truly make us wake up??? Then all us a bit older ones run for ‘diet help’ to save us LOL heck I did LOL

more active you are, just eat more to handle it. All zero carb takes. Eat as you need to eat any time thru your life to make ya feel great :slight_smile: fab report FB!


@FrankoBear Spider bite? Yikes!! It sounds like your immune system is taking care of it and I hope you recover from that bite quickly! That spider doesn’t stand a chance against that “rasher of streaky bacon” lol. BACON is superfood! :smile: Love a mug of salted bone broth to start the day. You’re doing so good. I’m looking forward to your fasting insulin number with your next blood work.


So how’d you do last night? Whenever I get that hungry, and I’m at my 400g’s, I add fat. That always fixes it for me, but I’m not drinking tea or coffee so maybe that does make a difference? Maybe your body was just needing a bit more for the day?


Hi Renee, that is what I did. I fried up some fat and ate it at 7:30 pm. I just had my breakfast now, 6:30 am - my ground beef fried in the leftover fat from my fat fry last night. :slightly_smiling_face:

Actually I think tea makes me hungry so am weaning off.

(Edith) #900

I went through a large Oxalate dump in December / January. Adding more salt was a big help.

(Daisy) #901

@FrankoBear I’m glad you’re ok!! That’s super scary! I got bit by a brown recluse a few years ago. Not fun stuff. Also got Mrsa from a different spider bite within a year of that. Scary stuff.


just ate a Scotch Fillet, about 300g
12 good size prawns (tigers)
all cooked in butter with pink salt
2 fried pastured chook eggs, with yolks still runny so as to preserve some goodness (choline? or not to oxidise the cholesterol with cooking it too much)

That was dinner at 6:30pm and there is still time to walk and check the trees

2 black coffees this morning one with MCT oil. Really only needed to sip the second one while thinking

Breakfast was at 11:30am. Again a date with my wife.
She had a yogurt and berry smoothie and lamented her hunger. Then she was eating my scrambled eggs.
4 eggs scrambled
2 pieces bacon
mushrooms; a pile
Not sure what oil they were cooked in but I tasted garlic

Supplements = 900mg Mg as citrate, Vitamin B3, 4000mg fish oil, 1000mg krill oil

Yesterday my mother-in-law loaded me up with a large container of green figs. To feed her daughter. I am not eating figs as they need care and dairy foods to subdue the oxalate load. But they are in the fridge, they are home grown and sweet. These sun ripened ones are leaking nectre. I feel bad being a sugar courier. There are so many seeds in a fig fruit, I can see why they are high in oxalates.

For some reason I am craving in the future. In that I think I will have sardines in my omelette tomorrow. I’m not hungry now. Blood Gluc: 4.9mmol/l (88 mg/dl), blood ketones: 0.4mmol/l a few minutes before eating. Fasting blood glucose this morning 5.6mmol/l and blood ketones 0.2 mmol/l.

@Fangs the shrimp taste so sweet just cooked in butter with some salt. What’s going on there? I also wanted to eat a small amount of prawn shell. It is chitin. I’m not chitin you.

Chitin (C 8 H 13 O 5 N) n (/ ˈ k aɪ t ɪ n / KY-tin), a long-chain polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, is a derivative of glucose.