Cheryl's 90 Day Carnivore Challenge: Started on Nov 01 going through to Feb 29, 2020


I will definitely ask you for advice when I muster up the courage to buy lamb/pork/calf heart :slight_smile:
My butcher sometimes slices veal liver into thin fillets, about 0.5 cm thick, which I sear like a steak - hot pan, butter, 2 min per side. It was pretty delicious - a little sear on the outside and juicy on the inside.

We all made such drastic changes in our diet, keto and carnivore :slight_smile: I never ate those greasy meat parts, I would peel parma ham, bacon was no-no…you should see me now :joy:


I’ve only cooked chicken hearts so I’ll be asking for help when I get around to trying the larger hearts! :slight_smile: I like the chicken taste of the chicken hearts so I just put some kind of animal fat in the pan and do a slow simmer on the stove.

Like you, I’m dealing with auto-immune stuff so I’m making sure to keep my fat to protein ratio higher than regular carnivores might be doing. I use beef tallow and lard when I’m gonna eat leaner cuts of meat to keep the fat/protein ratio where it needs to be. BUT…hang on to that bacon fat!! It’s just too yummy as you know and you’ll find yourself continuing to use it for stuff. If you’re eating eggs that bacon grease is delicious with them.

There are websites with great healing testimonies that are so encouraging. You also might enjoy listening to this interview with Dr. Zsofia Clemens


Challenge update

Doing very well. Holding plan tight.

food yesterday was:

1/2 lb. cheeseburger patty
10 jumbo shrimp with homemade alfredo sauce to dip
1 s/b chicken breast

Hunger is just so low. Which I love love love :slight_smile:
Energy is high and feeling wonderful.

(Daisy) #265

I’ve been doing a little self experiment this week. I had plugged a couple days into cronometer last week and my intake was WAY too low-like 900 calories low. So I’m eating more this week, hoping to get things straightened out. I also haven’t been exercising this week, trying to let my back finish healing after my Sunday set back. I also haven’t been doing fully beef as I had planned. Circumstances brought in eggs, shrimp, chicken, bacon and a little cheese.

(Cheryl) #266

Had the last of the antibiotics yesterday. Stomach ache and headache the whole time I had to take it. Bugger on that. Anyway, my stomach still hurts and it’s making me cranky. The sensation is supreme hunger even though there’s no reason for it. This shall pass in the next day or two and I’ll get back to normal. UGH!


Sorry that is so nasty for you Cheryl. Hopefully like you said a few days to recover.

I know antibiotics tear up my tummy also. It is like a nasty low crampy icky feeling ya can’t shake. Hate 'em but sometimes a necessary evil.

Hope you get better fast now!


@CherylP I hope you feel better soon. {{hugs}}

(Cheryl) #269

Awww… thank you for the hug!

(Cheryl) #270

Thanks. Still have a stomach ache even though the Rx is finished. I hate taking pills!!! They do more harm than good sometimes. Wonder what the heck is causing the belly ache? Hhhmmm…


I bet it is still the meds. They just crampy up your tummy sometimes and you just need a few good days to get it out of there and you should feel better…at least it seems to work that way for me when on antibiotics.


challenge upday

food yesterday was
ribeye steak
some shrimp and alfredo sauce to dip
1 chicken breast

Doing well. I kinda found those foods that seem to be my ‘go to and enjoy’ meats/seafood that make me happy and just for an easy eating and cooking day.

Kinda in that settled routine right now and doing great.

(Daisy) #273

I’ve been trying to eat more this week to “reset” my metabolism. I think I mentioned earlier that I’ve been way under on my calories on carnivore (like 900 a day…) so I’m using this week to up them. The scale isn’t going to be my friend this week (confession: I have been getting on it every day), but that’s ok. I think my body needs this. I also haven’t been exercising to let my back finish healing. I hope to get back to it next week. I’ve noticed I’ve been very tired this week. I don’t know if I’m deficient in something, or just fighting the cold, or what. Last night I took a teaspoon of raw honey for my sore throat and slept better than I have in months. I was only up once (usually every hour to 2 hours) and woke up feeling semi refreshed this morning. So I don’t know what that means or how I should translate it. I’m not going to overthink it for now.


Daisy, I"m trying to increase my cals this week too just to see how that works. I haven’t gotten on the scale yet but will on Sunday although it feels like I’ve gained, sigh. Been super tired here too but I felt good lifting weights this morning.

(Daisy) #275

@Fangs what is your recipe for baconnaise? All the ones I find use a blend of bacon grease and another oil. I tried it the other night with just bacon grease and it didn’t turn out ideal.


Some of them call for lemon juice too. Perhaps bacon grease and egg yokes?

(traci simpson) #277

I’m on day 3 and it’s pretty expensive IMO. I’d like to do it longer if I can.

(Daisy) #278

Once your hunger levels out, I find it cheaper because I’m not buying all these other foods


Surf and turf


here is the link for the one I make.

hope it helps you…I love it LOL don’t make it all the time but when I get in the mood for it…oh yea I put in the work and make it. (not a kitchen person here LOL)


be sure to shop sales. That is key for me. I follow the meat and seafood sales in a few stores around me. Lowest price on meat I want and I shop that store and if another has a fab deal I can’t miss I just bugger over and hit that sale.

Clear out your freezer so you can bank up some of those good sales you hit. Important for me to stock up when I can. Any way to help the grocery bill :slight_smile:

One does need to save money anywhere they can on eating good meat and seafood…I so get that.

Plus I personally make sure I throw in a chicken breast in my days every now and again cause it is a cheaper meat and helps control costs…but I never live off chicken, I throw it in as a side dish to my more expensive beef, lol.