Cheryl's 90 Day Carnivore Challenge: Started on Nov 01 going through to Feb 29, 2020

(Daisy) #917

So I was watching Kelly Hogan’s latest video last night and realized (when the lady said something about hers) that my spider/varicose veins have massively improved since keto/carnivore. I say keto/carnivore because I really have no idea when they went away lol.

Also pretty amazed at how fast my foot healed. I dropped a kitchen knife and stabbed through it 2 Friday’s ago, and by that Sunday, there was zero pain. I could barely walk Friday night and Saturday. Again, never really thought much about it until someone else said something about their quick healing.


very true Daisy. Our body can and will put in its’ true efforts for faster healing because it is all it really ‘needs’ to handle caused our carnivore bodies are literally healthy and can put all that time and effort into direct healing of say, a cut, or whatever. Sounds crazy but it is true.

Our SAD sluggy carb coma bodies were so polluted that when we had a wound or other type of troubles it had to handle so much inflammation, healing our insides and battling toxins/chemical processed crap that it just can’t and won’t function to its capacity. We overwhelm our entire system. All the bad piles on and on and on and our poor bodies.

when I think back how I ate, omg I am always amazed how our bodies can take such abuse for such a long time but that one day, ya know, we can go down with multiple disease and diagnosis in a flash, like many do and live with.

Zero carb took away a lot of med fears for me truly. I like that about this plan :slight_smile:

OW on the stabbing LOL…cool though you feel better now!

You made me think what I did the other day. I have very long fingernails and I was cutting my ribeye up before I cooked it and I literally sliced straight thru my fingernail and it was one scathing hair from my fingertip. I thought omg I sliced off my nail and just missed my fingtertip, and I got such darn sharp knives they are scary as heck…I knew to cut slower and watch where my fingers are…another reminder for me to slow down with my sharp knives LOL

great report KD!!

(Daisy) #919

Oh my!!! I’m so glad you missed your fingertip!


Sardines scramble eggs for breakfast
It was an early breakfast at about 8.30 am
1 can sardines in olive oil
3 large eggs
Pink salt
Sheet of nori seaweed
Cup of black coffee and MCT oil

Weekend work at computer to get a head start on next week.


Brain working hard, body sedentary in front of a screen.

Headache, agitated after 3 hours. Body made me move. Got out for a surf check and cafe stop. Ham and cheese. Coffee with cream. Dairy comfort. Dairy needs a close looking at. Look at ocean. No waves yesterday. Today big, wild surf. How we rapidly change. Watered the trees. The fruit is ripe in the food forest. I stood in an bull ants’ nest and had to do a dance, then a striptease to get them out of my jeans.

Scotch fillet steak and two large eggs cooked in butter for dinner. My wife had salmon fillet and salad. There were 3 Nectre dripping figs left in the fridge. I had none. They are gone.

Back to the city on Monday. Looking forward to work. I like my job. The 3 hour drive allows at least two human nutrition podcasts to keep me learning and adapting.


Breakfast? A filet mignon smothered in 4 tablespoons of grass fed tallow. Oh man… :heart: at first bite! lol Also had beef liver and bone broth.

Linner? (2nd meal around 3pm. A combo of lunch and dinner, heh) Canadian bacon, gobs of pork lard, anchovies and bone broth. Mighty tasty day. :slight_smile:


@Fangs I want to talk about fibre. I just listened to Dr. Dale Bredesen (The End of Alzheimers) again and he makes an interesting point about toxins in fat and detoxifying the modern body by doing a poo.

Shall we chat here or here:


R, mouth watering post! I loved your description of your breakfast. That truly is fine eating!


FB is that 1.5 each way for a total of 3? Just wondering cause if that is 3 one way then I have to say I feel for ya on that one. Tough commute.

I popped over and read a bit but I don’t see the part you are chatting about…toxins in fat and detoxifying the modern body by doing a poo? What is your question and what poo chat do ya wanna discuss? LOL too darn funny as I am typing this LOL


food yesterday was

1 lb. ribeye steak which was super yum

1 lb. ribeye steak which was just as good as the first.

2 lbs. of great beef, I felt so energized. Beef does a body good LOL


3 hrs one way. 6hrs round trip.

I haven’t reignited the dried up old poo pile discussion about fibre. I’ll do it in the fibre thread. Then link the post back here.


Ohhh, sorry on that long one way trip FB! But you stay there right? You hang for a few days and then come back home later? not sure on that tho.

food yesterday was

1 lb. cheeseburger patty

another 1 lb. cheeseburger patty

1 chicken breast

doing well and feeling wonderful.

(Keto Koala 🐨) #928

I was a good carnivore tonight, I ate three lamb chops and a big chunk of brie cheese. Was so full.xx

(Daisy) #929

So I’ve been compiling a list of improvements I’ve seen and improvements I’d still like to see.

Benefits seen from keto/carnivore

Chronic stomach pain gone
Gas gone
Bloating gone
Hypoglycemia gone
Can fast for long hours
Knee pain gone
Varicose/spider veins gone
Muscle increased
Cellulite decreased
Raynaud’s improved
Brain clarity increased
Increased sense of smell
Canker sores gone
Thicker nails
Hair healthier
Faster healing
Better mental health (anxiety and depression)
Quality of sleep
Clear complexion (from eliminating sugar)
Increased energy at work
Better immune system
Less bug bites
Sugar addiction easily managed
Food freedom in close sight

This is still a list in progress

Things I’d still like to see improved:

Digestion (still not perfect from transition to carnivore)
Stable energy (see above)
Stable uninterrupted sleep
Grey hair reversed
Skin tone improved
Desired body composition/ “weight loss”


Yeah, I stay in the city a few nights. I stay with my brother (he’s a T2D in love with a vegan, leaning toward vegnism for love, so the kitchen battles are hilarious. I got told off about my egg shells in the compost last week) So it’s 2 long road trip per week. Country road takes me home. Great for podcast listening, so I can pretend to know stuff on this forum.

I enjoy cooking up my omelette roll ups for work

Large mug of bone broth 8am
Black cold brew coffee with cream (dairy is hard to shake) 10am
Omelette roll ups (2) 12 noon - 2 eggs om cooked in ghee + left over roast beef from last night + 3 heaped dessert spoons of duck liver pate, pink salt seasoning
Black cold brew coffee with cream 1pm (been a long day at the computer*)
Dinner tonight is beef ribs and sparkling mineral water

I have some roasted duck breast for tomorrow’d omelette and chicken pate

*All my work mates have gone. The 20 years younger vegetarian female co-worker arrived 2 hours after me and left 2 hours before 5pm. She was eating toast with some kind of spread on it this morning. She said she had no energy. My other co-workers are chugging along on the SAD with occasional soft drinks (sodas) “for energy”. They both have restless leg syndrome and yawn all afternoon from about 2pm. Hangriness seems to hit the team at about 3 pm. Those 2 guys left t 4pm. We’re allowed to set our own hours. It’s coming up 6pm. I put in a 9 hour day. Not a single yawn. Focused, in the zone and getting work done. This ketocarnivore WOE is bad for my work life balance and gaining me a rep as a hard worker, these are problems in the making.


hey egg shells in the compost pile are a good thing, well maybe not for a vegan tho HAHA

very cool you are staying with your bro! turning vegan for love? wow that will be interesting to see if he can hold on that change. boy I know I could not go down that road. polar opposite from vegan to carnivore :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Your beef ribs sound delish. You are eating very well and it seems your menu is doing great by you…all that work energy :slight_smile: It is amazing as we eat to energize on meat and good fat, the rest of the other eaters, we watch them sink and crumble due to low energy, that slump that hits and more. It is crazy watching that happen around you isn’t it? I was one of them :slight_smile: but it is so nice not to be anymore. I just go go and go and feel wonderful and it is amazing when one gets out of that SAD menu and into healthy eating like keto/carnivore that one thrives. Happy you are doing so great!!


KD you list is super impressive. Chronic stomach pain gone? Wow bet ya love that!

It is wild you said less bug bites. So true. When we go camping everyone gets skeeter attacked and I don’t. No sugar seeping from my pores? never sure on that but there is absolute truth in it LOL
funny to see that written on your list but oh so true for me at least.

Nice to see your still needs improvement list SO much shorter than your benefit list! Love it, great update!


food yesterday was

2 scrambled eggs, 2 sausage patty
(out on the road, ordered 2 biscuits and ate the insides, yuk, but passable—got caught on that one, which I rarely do anymore)

when home I had 3/4 lb. cheeseburger patty. 2 pork chops. can of tuna.

Felt like I didn’t eat well yesterday. I can tell when my food for the day falls flat like this day did…beef…need beef and a lot of it. LOL
hungry this morning. got a ribeye with my name on it. pork is ‘just ok and blah’ to me. It doesn’t effect me bad in any way like some, but pork is not a draw anymore and just doesn’t fill me up much and hold me.

haven’t had any down on the scale, darn, miss my little 1/2 lb. drops :slight_smile: but I know clothes feel looser etc. so that is always good. lean mean zero carb machine body coming my way HA

(Daisy) #934

I really do think this is it. My blood was so sweet all the time, it was irresistible! Lol. When I stopped eating sugar (before I went keto), I stopped getting bitten. When I tried “keto friendly” sweeteners, bug bites returned. Those sweeteners benefited me literally zero lol.

Btw, I went to the Texas Roadhouse last night and finally remembered to ask for salt only on my steak. Guess what? Zero stomach pain!! Woot woot!!!

(Daisy) #935

Btw, my husband keeps trying to convince me to stop eating carnivore. He keeps making little comments here and there. Last night he said, “I know you’re eating more often doing this” I just stared at him. I said “um… I eat once or twice a day now. Sometimes not at all.” He started to comment that I eat breakfast before I leave the house, which I corrected that I cook breakfast (a steak) before I leave the house and usually eat that around 11, which is my first and sometimes only meal of the day. He changed the subject fast lol.

(Liz ) #936

Hi folks! I read this whole thread :slight_smile: I’m 10 days into animal foods only. March 8 I will be 3 years Keto. Mid 2018 my dad passed & literally overnight my husband & I left our home 30 miles away to move in with & care for my elderly mother. I’m the cook and everyone eats Keto, that’s great. But now I’m trying Keto animal foods (or KetoAF which makes me giggle) and sort of cooking two dinners every night, one for me and one for my husband & mom. So far it’s been fine tho.

Though I was strict Keto I knew I had been eating too often out of emotional need & I regained 15 pounds over the years. I’m 50 and I’m sure hormones are messing me up. In the past I would fast to get control of insulin levels again & take off a few pounds. I had perfected my fasting technique but since dad died, I could feel the cortisol spikes of the new very stressful situation and fasting seemed to make that worse so KetoAF seemed the only way I could regain control of my compulsive eating.

Right away I felt so much better! Hunger & satiety signals coming back online, no more obsessive thoughts about food. Lost 3 pounds of bloat right away. Phew! So I’m sticking with it.

BUT two nights ago I had the WORST abdominal pain ever, which faded over 24 hours. I figure this is detox? Because last night I woke up with the pain returning somewhat but also in every atom of my body, after years of pain-free Keto living, I feel like one big ache!! Is this toxins? Oxalates? I’m doing all the electrolytes & water. I still drink tea & coffee & a small amount of cheese/ghee/butter. I hope this will pass! I was looking through threads on carnivore start up side effects & didn’t exactly see this one. I’d normally think it was the flu but my temperature is just fine. Any advice? Experiences to share? Thanks!!