Caution: Profanity! True Miracle of Keto!


Okay, I cop to the fact that the promise of profanity was used as click-bait, although there may be some in this post…

I listened to the latest 2KD podcast last night and Carl and Richard made some brief remarks about ‘getting back on the horse’ and the more you ride the easier it is to get ‘back on the horse’. I just wanted to add emphasis to those off-hand statements because- to me- these sentiments reflect the TRUE Miracle of Keto!

There are some keto folks – totally unscientific estimate of 3% - who can go 6+ months, and even YEARS, without ever, ever falling off the horse. I am in total awe of them.

Then there are some keto folks – totally unscientific estimate of 3% - who can fall off the horse and LOSE weight. I am jealous of these unicorns.

And then there are the rest of us – totally unscientific estimate of 94% - who sometimes fall off the horse accidentally, planned, unconsciously and/or a combination. And here is where the true keto miracle comes in for me!

Not to undermine the many other keto miracles: extreme health benefits, disease reversals, pain and inflammation reduction, weight loss, ability to stop medication, mental health improvements, cognitive improvements, mobility issues and on and on, but…

Not one of these miracles would be possible without the fact that Keto consistently, rapidly, easily and effectively welcomes me to get back on the horse! Time after time after time.

Maybe that is everyone else’s experience with different health-seeking WOEs, but it has NEVER been my experience! I would hit a smallish bump, fall off the dang horse, and say “F-it! I’m never riding that horse again” or “Now that I’m on the ground I’ll stay here until next Monday and get back on the horse then”. And, of course, Monday never came, nor the promised health benefits.

Anyway, this is just my opinion, and that brief exchange between Carl and Richard solidified my resolve to share my reflections. I’m getting off the soapbox and back on my horse. KCKO indeed!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

But-but-but . . . you promised us some fucking profanity! What kind of bullshit is this? I don’t see any, damn it! Where the hell did it go? :grin: :grinning: :rofl:

(TJ Borden) #3

I think it was her “F-it”. It reminds me of when I was a kid. Not only did my Mom never swear, she didn’t even use slang, so you KNEW she was mad when she said “darn you anyway”.