Carrying the Message


(Rob) #42

Nice one @marklifestyle. This topic got featured on the 2KD episode #108. Quite rightly too. Great topic :smiley:

(Mark Rhodes) #43

I just started listening. Now I think Iā€™ll wait till tonight and listen together with the wife. I look forward to seeing her face when she hears itā€™s ME! (fanboy gush) this week!

(Rob) #44

itā€™s at 15:19

(Karen) #45

Amen! And fiddle those dudes lose so quicklyā€¦:hushed:



I used to think that you had to be really smart and on the ball to be a doctor. Letā€™s just say that my experience has taught me that while many are very bright, an awful lot of really dense people make it, too.

(Janet) #47

I have been blabbing about VLC/Keto for about 7 years to everyone and anyone who will listen, store clerks, gym friends, librarian, other cancer survivors. I made personal cards using a business card template on computer and Avery card paper. Front is only name and email, back is a few versions of favorite websites and book, Why We Get Fat. Appendix has Dr. Westmanā€™s diet which is what I used. But that requires them to do some work.
Now, Diet Doctor has a triple fold, double sided brochure anyone can print out. This is a great introduction to why LCHF works and the diet itself. Have printed out a few copies to keep with me whenever diet comes up.
Now it is even easier to ā€œCarry the Messageā€

(Amy ) #48

Mark - loved your share and count 2 more in on the Wisconsin Keto Band Wagon! A girlfriend of mine shared with me on January 16th and I made the transition that day. My husband has joined me and weā€™ve never felt better. I have had 2 girlfriends tell me they want to know what Iā€™ve done and are willing to try. My husband has a buddy at work that keeps asking questions. So the word is spreading! I also loved the suggestion from the 2Dudes to share with two friends. IT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

(Jeannie Oliver) #49

Lovinā€™ this thread! I was inspired to add my two cents after a log conversation with a librarian when I checked out Mark Sissonā€™s Keto Reset Diet this evening. She commented that she has heard good things about it and feels she needs to learn more. I answered a few of her questions, swapped personal stories, and discussed the best resources to get started. I hope I helped her!

My dear daughter (who is also a physician) handed me her copy of The Wahls Protocol as well as The Obesity Code when I visited over the holidays. She was turned on to keto through a Facebook group for women physicians, and has been using this WOE to lose weight and to self-treat for persistent inflammatory bowel disease. She recommended it for me to heal my non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. I had bought her a couple of good keto cookbooks for Christmas because they were on her Amazon wish list, and I spent the rest of my visit trying out some of the recipes.

I date my own keto journey beginning January 2. Because I was a little bit chicken hearted about giving up the carbs, I began with 18-hour fasts and 50 g of carb. That was so easy, right away I cut the carbs to 20 g.

I donā€™t own scales, but Iā€™ve gained and lost so many times I can pretty well judge my weight based on which jeans are fitting me this week. (A long marriage and divorce from a personal trainer left me with an aversion to scales and body fat measurements.) I estimate that Iā€™ve lost 20 pounds in 10 weeksā€“going from 185 to 165.

To get to the point, since going keto I have brought on board three friends who have long struggled with weight and health problems.

  1. Tara, who is exactly 60 inches tall, weighed over 200 pounds, and who suffered emotionally from being the only fat person in her family. I work with Tara and so we see each other about three days a week. Sheā€™s my daily support system, sending me links to good videos and blogs and swapping recipes and ideas.
  2. Marcy, who lost over 100 pounds last year with CICO and working out like crazy every day. Now she has gained back about 40 pounds. Marcy has brought her significant other on board, and she is cooking a keto meal and sharing with her book club tomorrow night.
  3. Perhaps most importantly, my friend Kim, who listened with half an ear to us discussing keto over a card game. Kim was scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery a couple of weeks ago, but it was called off when her pre-op work up diagnosed her with full blown diabetes. The dear woman had ignored all the early warning signs, but faced with the hard facts she right away came to me for advice, hoping she can avoid becoming insulin-dependent. Sheā€™s found a good doc who is supporting her decision to try LCHF to control her glucose. In addition, her husband and live-in mother-in-law are 100 percent on board with eating the keto way as well.

Iā€™m NEARLY as happy with the results my friends are experiencing as I am with my own. Like many on this thread, I try to refrain from ā€œover sellingā€ ketoā€“when you start listing all the benefits, it can sound like youā€™re selling snake oil. My heart goes out to strangers I see at the grocery store, the book store, and the pharmacy who appear to be unhealthy and unhappy with their bodies.


Iā€™ve been very careful how I bring up my new ā€œdietā€ but itā€™s come up several times when eating around others. Both times there were people who knew nothing about it and a ā€œknow-it-allā€ who had strong opinions about false statements about keto.

The first was a friend who is notorious for knowing everything about everything who stated ā€œoh yeah I know someone whoā€™s list 40lbs doing that but you got to be careful itā€™s bad for the kidneysā€¦ Also she eats bacon like every day! Thatā€™s terrible for you!ā€

Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m ashamed but I donā€™t argue with herā€¦I wanted to have a good evening with friends I rarely see and didnā€™t have it in me.

The second time was another friendsā€™ grandmother who is in great shape and is a pistol! Sheā€™s in her mid 70ā€™s in great form and still goes out to shovel, climbs the stairs etc. She knew several people on keto but also had some false ideas like itā€™s not good long term and that I probably wasnā€™t getting enough protein (?).

I had just met the woman so I really didnā€™t feel comfortable arguing with her, but I did get a chance to explain the details of the health benefits of the diet to my friend later, at her request, so while she didnā€™t seem interested in taking it up herself, at least she got some good info.

(Mark Rhodes) #51

Oh we all know those people!

ā€œOh, you do ATKINS, I know all about ATKINSā€
Well the protocols are similar to the Atkins Induction phase, except the protein is much more moderate and the fat is only to satiety.
ā€œRight, you do ATKINS. ATKINS doesnā€™t workā€
Dr. Atkins was close to figuring it out. Follow Atkins but drop the protein and replace with more fat.
ā€œNo, Atkins doesnā€™t workā€

Okay then, glad we had this little chat.

(Todd Allen) #52

The Atkins diet exploded with tremendous popularity. I doubt that would have happened if people werenā€™t having success with it. There was also a strong movement to demonize the Atkins diet which I remember well because it prompted me to move in the opposite direction from Atkins which in hindsight accelerated the processes making me eventually need to go keto. I think peopleā€™s negative impression of Atkins is more due to the demonization efforts than any shortcomings of the diet.

Iā€™ve looked at what Dr. Atkins promoted. The biggest difference is he didnā€™t advise limiting protein or calories suggesting that for most people as their appetites normalize they naturally seek an appropriate level. He advised significant intake of low carb veggies which if followed would also limit any tendency to overeat protein or total calories. I believe he was mostly right although the currently common keto practice of counting protein grams might be helpful when one is in transition to a normalized appetite.

(Liz ) #53

Yes, exactly, itā€™s just like they are trying to do to Keto today. So frustrating. I remember they spread rumors he died of a heart attack from eating like he did! I was so mad. I lost 60 pounds on Atkins induction in 2003 and never regained all of it. He explained fat fasts and which veggies to eat. He explained blood sugars but I donā€™t remember learning about insulin levels. I donā€™t think I ate too much protein on it but I canā€™t remember.

That diet got me off sugar (my demon) for years. It stopped working for me for weight loss when I didnā€™t know how to get past the stall that eventually happened, that eventually always happens (despite knowing about fat fasts!!). Then, when I was desperate, a dietitian encouraged me to ā€œeat a more balanced dietā€ so I went Paleo and added carbs back in through honey, fruits, sweet potatoes, yay! Permission to carb up the ā€œhealthyā€ way! Ugh, my demon was back. Luckily I stumbled across an article and realized Keto was basically Atkins Induction and knew I could do it again.

Now Iā€™m in a Keto stall but I know what to do about it thanks to Richard and Dr Fung! KCKO

(Mark Rhodes) #54

Liz, My last Dexascan revealed a stall. That was February. Since then I tightened down my carbs, especially nuts. Added 3 weeks solid feasting as I had come into that scan with 6 5 day day fasts over two months with only .6lb fat loss (@15.7% BF). After the three weeks I went 20:4 M-F and this week I am on day 3 of a black coffee and water EF. I feel as if I am losing fat this time. Either that or the glycogen was hiding in my stomach and sidewall fat as I can see muscle striation on my obliques.
My wife on the other hand started Mariaā€™s 30 day Keto Cleanse program and she too has lost about 8 pounds after the holiday stall.

My current take away? Mix it up.

Keto- for the win!

(Liz ) #55

Very interesting, thanks! Iā€™m not out of things to try yet. I did weekly 46-70 hr fasts through Jan/Feb, Iā€™m taking a break from that in March, instead Iā€™m doing 20/4 or 18/6 randomly daily. Also in my first week of lower protein, just to see. Will try this & if no results in a month Iā€™ll eliminate dairy. If nothing there Iā€™ll do longer EFs. If no go there, stricter water fasts. Lots of options and a lifetime to work it all out :smile:


Iā€™ve converted at least 4 that I know of. 2 others do it off an on.

My husband and daughter converted with me after about 3 months from when I started. Last 4th of July some friends of a friend noticed our weight loss and asked what we are doing. They have been doing it ever since. I saw some pics of them on Facebook last week and they are looking great!

(Jamie) #57

My interpretation may be wrong, but leading by example is how I interpret what Carl and Richard advocate for. Otherwise, it feels like weā€™re doing the same thing as the low fat, low calorie folksā€“pushing something that might not be right for every person because weā€™re too emotionally or financially attached to it. I really hope the low carb/keto community can stand above the way the low fat/calorie operates and even be open to evolving our nutrition beliefs as we learn more about it. It is clear that low carb is not right for everyone just as low fat isnā€™t.

Iā€™ve been doing low carb or keto for just over six years. My success has influenced many others to at least try it, including my wife, family, and coworkers. My wife was initially very much against it. She was worried that it would kill me. My success and the slowly evolving acceptance of the science is gradually leading her to accept it as the better way for many. She now cuts her carbs; although, not to the level of reaching ketosis or even being qualified as low carb.

(Mark Rhodes) #58

I agree wholeheartedly!

Perhaps I worded it wrong. Iā€™ve been this WOE for 18 months. They have ridiculed me, teased me and I never once got snippy. I knew where I was headed and eventually so did they. As time progressed more serious questions and comments came about. Still I never evangelized. Our factory health tests were conducted and not only was I lean but lo and behold my numbers were outstanding ( on SAD terms or KETO terms).

My Senior Engineer and I were talking about KETO. Finally I expressed concern for him. He is thin, 48 no health issues. I explained TOFI. He asked me for some books. I suggested two, one for his FACT based thinking (Phinney & Volek) and one for his wife (Maria Emmerich). The rest just happened.

For 29 years I have been a recovered alcoholic. I was taught in a different program to only share my experience- when asked. That if someone somewhere wants to know how I did it itā€™s my responsibility to share that. That organization started in 1935 and with its methods has helped millions with no advertisements or affiliationsā€¦ That is how I carry both messages of hope.

(Dianne McDean) #59

One person at a time thatā€™s out Motto. My husband has been keto for 3 years, finally convinced me. Iā€™ve been keto for 5 months. He convinced me to give up my 30 years of vegetarianism. Hard, but I have seen the benefits. Iā€™ve lost 6kg and feel terrific to say the least. Our son was living overseas during my conversion. He has since returned. He is eating keto as he has no choice, we buy the food. Heā€™s lost weight and his acne has cleared up totally. His girlfriend is now on keto. Sheā€™s lost 5kg. Her mum and dad, whom we have never meet, have now started and also her best friend has commenced. Our heart break though is our daughter, who has PCOS and horrendous acne, wonā€™t have a bar of it. She is stubborn as. But we KCKO

(Rob) #60

It sure adds up thoughā€¦ inspiring!

(Candy Lind) #61

You know about resistant starch, right? Do you chill his potatoes before reheating for meals?