Carrying the Message


(Mark Rhodes) #1

It has been suggested by @carl & @richard that we should attempt to bring our message of health to at least two others. For me my Senior Engineer and my General Manager and their spouses have both started keto as of this week. In the manufacturing facility where I work in America’s mid-west (Wisconsin) that now is a total of 5 (not including their spouses) people of less than 100 doing keto.

Thanks all for helping me change the world.

How do you comfort yourself without food? (In lockdown?)
(Liz ) #2

Fantastic! I have two who have gone keto right now that I know of. I have told a LOT more about it. If folks don’t try it at least now they have the knowledge that there is an alternative to SAD and CICO and the science to back it up. Maybe I planted a seed?? I hope so.

(Michele ) #3

My husband is a trainer and my daughter is a massage therapist who has dropped 50 lbs doing Keto and EF. Their clients are starting Keto and then moving into fasting protocols. So far we have at least 10 people who have started or about to start this WOE.

(Mark Rhodes) #4

@Michelesko how do I double click the heart?:heart_eyes:

(Dameon Welch-Abernathy) #5

Given my massive transformation over the last several months, I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I’m doing it.
I’m not mentioning Keto, though I am mentioning eating once a day (or less) and ditching the carbs and sugar.
And, of course, I am documenting my journey and sharing on social media.
Latest post:

Also, this very public “sharing” helps to keep me accountable and ensure I’m making progress, or at least not backsliding.


One of my best friends is starting Keto as he has witnessed my results and sustainable lifestyle, he wants to drop 30 pounds and improve his health.

Very cool.


Out to dinner last night with my friend and his wife, she just started Keto two nights ago. We got into a small debate at the dinner table as her salad contained red beets - - taught her how to use google to look up the nutritional value.

Her husband said he has been trying to teach her how to use google for years.

I was right and now she has a tool she can use to broaden her understanding.

For anyone curious:
“nutrition red beets” without the quotes, amazingly simple.

(Renee Slaughter) #8

I’m having a luncheon Saturday with 3 friends who are diabetic and 1friend who is grossly overweight. I’m serving pork rinds nachos and a low carb chocolate cake. Can’t have nachos with out beer so Michelob ultra. I will explain in detail how I succeeded and show anyone who wants to how to start. I have a FAQ list so we will see how it goes.

(Candy Lind) #9

I’ll be getting my hubby on the bandwagon soon, and my friend and fellow truck driver Collene @9256 is BUSTING IT UP on keto. Just started in January, fat-adapted really quickly, and has already completed a 100+ hour fast and preparing to do another one! I have others I would like to convert, and I’ll keep gently nudging, but these two I’m excited about. :grin:

(Candy Lind) #10

Excellent idea!

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #11

Wife isn’t coming. Yet. Maybe someday.

I walk it at work. If folks ask, I talk it. I bitch about them buying two dozen donuts for 10 people, and I don’t eat at potlucks. But otherwise folks wonder how I eat what I eat and lose what I’ve lost. I find it’s better to come from a place of success and response rather than straight proselytizing.

(Diane) #12

Great thread!

Two of my sisters, a brother in law, and a niece are now eating ketogenically. A former co-worker I ran into who hadn’t seen me for over a year seems very interested. She had gastric bypass a while ago, but has regained quite a bit of weight. She asked a lot of questions. I’m sending her some information and we plan on getting together for dinner in the next few weeks, so… we’ll see.

(Dameon Welch-Abernathy) #13

Mine is slowly coming around, I think.
She’s not onboard with multi-day fasts yet, but she’s at least trying a 16:8 plan.
It’s progress.

(Renee Slaughter) #14

My husband sees the changes in me. But isn’t quite ready to commit totally. But he’s asking about what foods to eat for lunch and breakfast and is following my lead. So reducing his carb load.

(Darlene Horsley) #15

I have a husband and two sons who are stick men. I swear they metabolize food before they are even finished chewing! Labs are good as well.
However, I have a brother in law that’s T2 and two sisters who are not healthy. Slowly I come…hopefully they’ll be attentive.

(Collene A Reynolds ) #16

Glad Wayne is coming on board! I absolutly love this keto life!

(Candy Lind) #17

Wait … WHAT?? We are on here at the same time!? Wonders never cease! LOL

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #18

I’m not on with multiday fasts.

What we can do together is whole foods from the margins of the store. Maybe she gets to keto, maybe it’s just Mediterranean. She is free to do as she wishes.

(Liz ) #19

@rslaughter1960 That’s great he’s getting on board!

My husband totally believes the science & sees my results. He’s fairly slender but has some fat around his waistline. He cut chips, fruit, & fruit juice and lost 10 pounds! He still has beer on weekends & a medium carb diet but I bet he eventually makes his way to Keto for health & longevity. He just turned 54. He sees what happened to his dad (diabetes, CVD) & he knows what’s wrong with mine (CVD) & takes it all very seriously.

My husband hadn’t really thought about nutrition much before I started researching low carb in 2003. If I hadn’t gotten obese I don’t know how I’d have known to go Keto. I think getting fat saved my life.

(Renee Slaughter) #20

Does that mean becoming diabetic saved me from a horrible future?