Carnivores at restaurants

(Allie) #41

I wouldn’t now either, but at the time didn’t have any clue what it was… I think I was maybe just 4 or 5 years old.


Blood is awesome though, I loved it as a kid. Grandma kept hens.

I can’t get blood anymore (once the egg lady who keeps and sells rabbits too gave us some but it was once in decades). Well we have that not-sausage thing but it’s always very much filled with rice. Always, there are no other versions ever. I don’t even like that so much, I always go for the sausage… As they are usually together: the blood thing, the liver thing (very rarely lung is used but that’s not so common) and the sausage, the REAL thing, meat and flavor and no grains!

But blood fried with onions, that is so, so, so good…


White pudding link.

I prefer black pudding tbh, but both are good,

Watch the carbs though!

White pudding - Wikipedia

(Pat) #44

My son had this meal at Nonnas restaurant near us. It’s supposed to be a share meal but he finished most of it. Rump steak, pork ribs half rack, 6 buffalo wings and cheeseburger. He hardly touched the chips and coleslaw. That was $71.95. He said next time he will finish it. My son does Keto too and he eats mostly meat and some veggies/salad.



I had a binge at Texas Roadhouse that stretched about 6mo, where every steak I ordered was over cooked (usually not too bad), but BS for a “Steak House” every time I sent it back, every time I got a gift cert for my next meal, and I ate my steak… Small places almost never screw up.

(Bob M) #46

I just had dinner last night in Montreal, Canada. Had raw beef ($17 Canadian, about 25% less in US dollars) for an appetizer, rack of lamb for dinner ($54). Doubt there was 6 ounces of lamb Luckily, the rack of lamb had a big hunk of goat cheese. Add 15% taxes and 15-20 % tip. Went to rental and had yogurt and dark chocolate, as I was still hungry.


yea it is hard cause in a way ‘our life at home and costs’ can sometimes make a meal meant out for enjoyment tank!

I am right there too and I do have to draw that line mentally on ‘having fun’ and ponying up the extra bucks’ and then let it go…not saying this was you on your meal outing, lol, but for me, I AM SO into prices at home and ‘my good’ food prep vs. going out for enjoyment anymore.

it was a very very hard habit/social life/whatever ya call it ‘normal’ eating out practice of today? thing I had to let go sometimes…but yea, I used to voice it, now I just mentally shut up to family and try oh so hard to ‘not go there’ now HAHA

last lamb I had eating out I said NO ANYTHING on it, no sauces, no weirdo rubs no anything on my lamb lollipop appetizer I ordered and the darn thing still came with some weirdo azz mint/oily crap on it…ugh
and I paid big time at some fancy restaurant to not get what I ordered and hubby gave ‘me that eye’ and I just scraped off some and ate a bit and then gave it all to him which he easily inhaled :slight_smile: and said, oh so good, nope…yea I lied thru that darn dinner big time HAHA but it worked in the end…can ya see I haven’t ‘truly let it go’ just yet cause here I am typing about it :unicorn::clown_face: Most times I return easily but sometimes the hubby makes me need to just let it go…oh well :sunny:


I think that the trick is hammering home your preferences without overwhelming the server. When ordering, phrases like “nothing on the plate except the steak, no sides, no garnish” can help. If they ask about sides, just repeat, “Nothing at all.”
For a change of pace, exploring different cuisines might be fun. The best Italian restaurant Perth is a great option for finding dishes that focus on high-quality proteins prepared with care—perfect for someone who values simplicity.

(Brian) #50

Unless it’s a place I intend to frequent, I don’t bother much about getting an exact order. I often just get a burger, sometimes a “double” (double meat), and they can usually get the idea that I don’t want a bunch of veg on it, not terribly unusual. Pretty much, though, I’ll leave the bun on the plate and give the fries to someone who wants them. Most of the places I’ve gone, condiments are on the side.

I have found that there are numerous places that will give pretty generous burgers. Ate at a place tonight that makes 1/2 pounders and I got a double. :slight_smile: Waitress seemed surprised that I’d eat that much but it was not hard at all. Quite tasty, actually, with some cheese curds on top of the burgers. Interestingly, it didn’t come with a lot of fru-fru, the meat was the star, which was what I wanted in the first place.

Now, if it’s a place I intend to go back to on a regular basis, I’ll usually get to know some of the wait staff and we’ll talk. If I can find a time when they’re not terribly busy, they can usually figure out exactly what I want. I tip decently and I’m a nice guy, too, so I kinda think they wanna keep me happy.

(Robin) #51

I go to a burger chain and when I say “no bun”, they always ask if it’s “Allergies or Preference”.
Last time I went, I guess I was feeling feisty. So, I said “Fetish”.
Got some side-eye for that. :thinking:

(Alec) #52

I don’t do that any more. I simply go in and ask for 4 quarter pound patties and nothing else. They always know what I want (I think others must ask for the same), there is never a question of whether I can or can’t have that, and they charge me (what I consider) a pittance… 4 quarter pound patties is about A$10 ie less than what they charge for 2 regular quarter pound burgers.

I do not go out of my way to buy these, BUT, if I am on the road and start getting peckish, this is one of the easy options. Not great meat, but not bad either. In Aus at McDs, I am pretty sure it is 100% beef. What part of the cow is a separate matter, but being a carnivore, as long as it comes from a cow, I am happy.

(KM) #53

Restaurants will go to hysterical lengths to make sure that people who are actually allergic are not in any way exposed to things like nuts or shellfish, as customer deaths are rather poor for business. They will still honor a preference request, but not be in a paranoid panic about the person dying if burgers and buns were in the same room. :grin: