
(Robin) #46

Hooray for you, dancing, and for Raymond getting over his cramping. Curious what meds he took for that.

(Geoffrey) #47

Salmon salad chaffwiches. Mighty tasty.


@Karen18, happy you had such a wonderful trip K!

for what you have gone thru last yr just for yourself, you have recovered SO SO fine and I am very happy you are doing this great K. It was scary what you went thru but am glad you are on this thread and still chatting with us!!

Super happy to hear Raymond is on the improve. You watching him and noticing things and giving corrective advice, wowza he is so lucky you guys are so tight to help each other this much!!! You know ‘we know Raymond’ well thru you :slight_smile: so tell him we wish him a healthy and happy new year too from the carnivore crowd :wink:

still loving the daisy plates as always!
enjoyed reading your post!


It’s nice to read such nice news! :heart: No cramps must be a huge motivation and it’s great he could do it, cutting out the sugar, I mean, not everyone can take that step, sadly. You made a great suggestion and he took it, sweet! And it worked :slight_smile: So his diet will be better from now on, at least regarding this (quite important) point? Sweet!

You should if you talk about beautiful braided shirts, I want to see them! :smiley:


Your presence in Raymond’s life is so very beneficial in so many levels!


Exactly. He doesn’t even know I exist but I really wish him many more nice years dancing and getting compliments and feeling good physically!
These carnivore threads are really wonderful. We have so many thing here beyond woe related things (and that’s already a lot as what we eat impacts so many things).


I wrote a short story (linked). Using writing as a tool to stay on plan.

The other night I had an interesting evening meal. It was dark meat duck breast and locally caught white fish. It was a break from ruminants. Since then I have been back on to eating lamb chops and steak. Mrs. Bear and I miscommunicated on shopping and we had both been to the butcher. So I have been eating an Australian breakfast popular a century ago, lamb chops and eggs. Still addicted to coffee (it helps me create stories - there, I empower the addiction). The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The sky is blue with interesting clouds to ponder.

Short story:

(Judy Thompson) #52

A great piece that perfectly describes the horrible NEED of sugar addiction. Would it be OK to post it to another ZC group on fb? Those people are so lost.

(Karen) #53

He is my dance partner and friend :grin:

(Karen) #54

He’s been on alsorts tbh … the only one i can remember name of is quinnine which he was on for years until the hospital consultant took him off it on one of his very many hospital stays! Then his doctor put him back on it but it never really alleviated the symptoms x

(Karen) #55

I will pass that on and thank you … bery thoughtful @Fangs xxx

Yes you are so right @Shinita he took the advice because he was so tired of not getting any sleep through the painful cramps and he is doing well and cleared out all his sugary products! He did have a smidgen of cramp this morning though not sure what it was attributed to but he can handle the smaller episodes all the time he manages to sleep through the night :slightly_smiling_face:

(Judy Thompson) #56

Good morning, back in Virginia now after the 3 day drive and settled in with Mimsy, the now 7 year old yorkie poo on my tummy where she usually sleeps at night. She’s such a good little traveler, 8 or 10 hours a day on my lap in the passenger seat of the Transit utility van, then tucked between us at night. Her raw food has to be carefully chilled to last the trip, frozen if possible in the room at night - unloading the cooler, it looked like her food made the trip okay.
Food on the road is so much less than optimum but still ZC all the way on hot dogs and one day a tiny half chicken with icky spices…one night mozzarella sticks with pepperoni that didn’t sit well. Next time I’ll precook a roast to take. I keep threatening.
Today, hitting the ground running with that long awaited dental appointment to install molar crowns! Then to the grocery and lunch and later, teaching in person a few hours till 9pm.


RIGHT!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

@FrankoBear, ohhh so get a carb horror story! I was in a carb nightmare for many years so I feel all that misery too, so many of us did!!
I hope Billie has improved alot and can go to the beach with you! You are enjoying your fine summer weather and hope you are tackling some surfing you love also!

@JJFiddle, glad you had a safe trip back to VA.
dentist, AHHHH feel for ya :wink: but hope all goes smooth and fast.

--------------keeping it zc simple. got a nice sirloin steak defrosted for first meal today. You know, I am finding I am not as much of a fan of the taste of this steak anymore…hmmmm. Not sure why but I find me eating less and less of this cut but darn they had a sale so I had to beef up any way I could, lol. Will enjoy it tho and second meal I got 4 thin pork chops to fry up. beef and pork. standard day in my daily life.

all going zc well


I rarely had carb nightmares, I enjoyed my carbs very much, that is the problem, actually… Less and less as time passes, sure but I still can fall into pits and I can handle carbs way better after carni times so I don’t necessarily immediately climb out of it… Though I am a hedonist enough to want the best, usually… December is still problematic. Or whenever I get compulsion or some super temptation.

I knew I was not determined enough yet but my last week was okayish enough, not carnivore but pleasantly close… Then I baked something wonderful and carby. But I am fine now. I came back to carnivore-ISH - as I have some fancy condiment that will be very great with my “boring” lean pork and Alvaro doesn’t eat it. It’s so spicy the amount won’t be much. Anyway, it’s condiment, of course I don’t eat much of it but the spiciness still helps with that. Otherwise I have wonderful items, Alvaro made rabbit stew (oh yes, that’s another reason I can’t do pure carni. he used a pretty small onion for the whole rabbit and he will eat most of it but still), I fried pork (the “boring one”. it’s nice though, no problem as long as I don’t try to focus mostly on it. as I have rabbit now, I just eat as much of it as I like, I don’t need to eat it due to hunger even without enjoyment. but I have ideas anyway, I make some meaty quiche again soon), I have an opened packet of wonderful, thin, soft ham (normally it’s chewy - nothing wrong with that -, now it’s very soft… oh well, it’s tasty and I like soft too) and many other things. Quark quiche muffins too. It’s lovely, the cream made it dessert like, good thing I didn’t use salt or dill or something. Just egg, quark, cream.

The rabbit stew has plenty of jelly. Alvaro managed to burn it a tiny bit last time (for the first time, IDK what happened), the burn wasn’t a problem but the complete lack of liquid/jelly? Tragic. But now we have a lot and considering a whole tasty, fatty, young home-raised rabbit was used, the taste is good and not watery! Yay!

So I focus on carnivore this week. Not IF, I already feel I will get really hungry for lunch… And while I try to keep myself from coffee, I can’t have my tiny willingness to try things hard wasted on that. I have more important things.
I do want and probably will get IF automatically but I won’t push lunch skipping. That is the end goal, it makes things so much easier (unless I get hungry early but then I eat, it can’t be helped unless I am super determined and still feel okay) but now lunch and dinner sounds good. I thought about making my lunch a small, liquid+fat thing… That may help with hunger and I can have a single proper meal later. Whenever I have a proper lunch together with Alvaro, I don’t get hungry when he has dinner and then I eat a tiny bit and get hungry later (in my Gremlin time when I am hungrier and wilder. carnivore mitigates the problem though)… Not ideal.

But now I want rabbit, I barely tasted it yesterday!

Weather got cold, I need to put out warm water for the cats multiple times a day. There is a very tame big tomcat here today, in good shape, good as 4 cats are already too many for us. I petted him. My self-discipline and willingness to train it (when it comes to mostly innocent and enjoyable things, at least) is minimal, I couldn’t resist.
We got some sunshine, that’s good, we regularly get some so I don’t get miserable and super low-energy due to lack of it.

(Karen) #59

@Shinita He does know you exist because i have spoken quite often about everyone on here and some of you lovely stories

@JJFiddle hope your dental appt went well… i have just had all my teeth fixed… just a couple more sometime soon. Had 2 root canals and then crowns plus other work. Just having them qhitened now and wow can’t believe the difference…they’re becoming nice snd white and i can feel myself smiling a proper smile after years of smiling qith a closed mouth, confidence is soaring! :grin:


I actually wondered about that possibility… After all, Alvaro hears about quite a few of you folks but even the doggies here… :slight_smile: He still remembers Bolt.

(Karen) #61

Raymond was quite taken by everyones kind thoughts.

Food last night 500g mince beef

Food today other than my brunch which…yes I forgot to photo… was 2 eggs 2 bacon 2 sausage. Tonight i had burnt ends (beef) and because i was disappointed with the amount so i followed it with some pork ribs.

The shirts photos… they look better on than in photo and he just got so many compliments on them.


Wow! I like the black one (great contrast, everyone in the room must notice it :D) and the last one the most. Shiny metal turquise leaves, I never saw anything like that and even the fabric is nicely patterned…

I went and thought about my failed yesterday again, probably nothing interesting for you but I don’t want to delete it. I really need to get my stuff together, the last weeks were so bad regarding my mental and even physical strength, I don’t feel I can do anything… I should get over it asap.

I realized I MUST have some ready to eat FATTIER meat on hand at all times. I was hungry and couldn’t stomach my boring lean meat anymore… I ate up my pork jowl and had sausage and ham and cream cheese but that couldn’t cut it. Didn’t want the rabbit either. Yeah, really lean pork (fried in lard but that’s not enough) and (fatty for a rabbit but still lean) rabbit, that’s not a good combo. I know, it just happened. I trusted my processed meat and other items too much, again.
I will try to behave today and tomorrow I will fry some pork chuck, I have a decent sized slab in the freezer.
As I have lean pork and no pork jowl anymore, I think I will eat my wonderful cod liver, the can is in the cupboard since way too long ago :wink: And the lean pork will be quite nice and substantial when I make it into a very complete dish with eggs and cream/sour cream. I will make both version I suppose… Always liked variety. I had my “quark quiche” yesterday too, not even a little, egg white milks as well so I think I had protein and some fat, it should have worked but my satiation isn’t like that, apparently.

But maybe it’s the too many meals. I ate 3 times as I got hungry for the 3rd time in about 7 hours, really hungry. As far as I can tell, my meals were small because I didn’t like my meat much. As I never got satiated with my carni food. It’s fine I am not satiated at the end of a meal, probably good practice, may be useful - but I got hungry again and again. If I eat a substantial meaty meal, I usually get satiated but if not, it’s very temporal, satiation arrives in 1-2 hours and all is well.
I know how much meat and other things gives me satiation for the day, why don’t I use it? I was clueless yesterday as I didn’t track, though… (Took notes so maybe later.) But it wasn’t much meat. It could be a pound but it’s not enough if half of it is rabbit and processed stuff and I barely eat eggs.

Maybe I should just start with 500g pork every day… But it was super lean pork this time, I wanted to use it up and was too optimistic having all the other items… And maybe using all my options still could save the day if I made better decision when still hungry… I have a problem with freely using my resources too and it’s understandable I don’t want to eat something special and fatty (cod liver) late in the evening when I wouldn’t even enjoy it. I was hungry, I just ate and ate with minimal joy. It’s a waste of lovely food. And I didn’t want my not lovely one.

I will make plans with macros again. Just vague ones. When my brain works better as hungry Gremlin me isn’t good at saving the day at all. The weather doesn’t help my brain now, it’s cold and gloomy. I woke up and my room was 16.3C! Still toasty when I am wearing my very old, still super soft and thick pullover. It’s a miracle. I used to use it instead of a winter coat when the winter was just normally cold (light frost and no precipice as it’s a pullover, it would get soaked easily). I am a bit too warm in it but nope, I won’t change :slight_smile:

(Karen) #63

Food today… dinner this evening…

lovely big ribeye rare as and 2 fried eggs easy over. Followed by some black pudding.

Brunch was 2 sea bass fillets pan fried in butter fotgot the piccie ooops

And another shirt doctored for Raymond…


I bought a lovely red velvet military style jacket in charity shop yesterday… got it reduced due to it missing a button and would you believe it i had one single button amongst all my grans old buttons that was just perfect… saves me re buttoning about 20 plus buttons!
So just about the whole day has been spent sewing! :smiley:

(Robin) #64

Sewing and embellishing must be your happy place!


Nice, Raymond is so lucky to have you, @Karen18! Not just because of the shirts :slight_smile:

Today I had: little rabbit, scrambled eggs with ham, meaty quiche muffins, tiny lean pork (I managed to eat it using cream cheese. and gave some to the cats. all 5 of them as the tomcat appeared again and it’s very cold and my heart is way too soft. it was a teeny tiny treat but hopefully he appreciated it :wink: SnugglePie got multiple pieces as she was inside when I was eating. she is beautiful, very enthusiastic and I mentioned my heart… and I really am done with this lean pork), cod liver. I still find cod liver wonderful (but I eat it up in no time and ends up with a lot of oil) and Alvaro (who forgot and tasted it again) still find it meh.
I had creamy egg milks too (with coffee as I choose my battles wisely).

I didn’t really get satiated in the end of my only proper meal but some time later it was quite fine. No photos (maybe tomorrow if we get sunshine. the meaty quiche muffins are pretty but they were done when it was already dark).

I definitely feel more stable today. And my inflammed foot is pretty fine since several days! I am curious if I can handle 2 hour walks now. I only went out for a tiny walk and my face almost froze off, it was painful! Alvaro came home with rosy cheeks too… It’s not super cold, frosty but not very much, not much wind when I went out either so I don’t know why it was so unpleasant. But we had sunshine! :smiley: Not very much but 1-2 hours a day is precious too! I did my walk in sunshine :slight_smile: