Carnivore/Zero Carb January 2017!

(Leslie Andersen ) #132

Thanks Adam for sharing that info. I feel like my next trip after this should maybe be to Australia! I will definitely share my food and experiences when I take my trip. It is about 3 months away yet though.

(Kerri Hines) #133

I did a fermented phase. It didn’t help at all. Tried daily kombucha… probiotics, natural fermented cabbage… there’s a good assortment of stuff in the natural foods section at my grocery store.
The only way I feel great consistently with digestive health is no veggies. Or maybe just a few bites maximum.
The fermented stuff doesn’t seem to bother my belly but it didn’t have any effect on my ability to eat non fermented veggies. I still enjoy kombucha sometimes.

Edited to say that I guess I don’t understand the post notifications in this forum. This appeared to be a reply to what I thought was a comment from me about not being able to digest veggies very well.
Anyway, I’ll leave my response even though it makes no sense in context to anything I had actually previously said.
Seems like I get reply notifications to my comments sometimes that aren’t actually directed at me… ???

(Tammy Kidd) #134

Been going great so far. Lost 2 of the 4 lbs I put on during the holidays!

(Adam L) #135

Hi Kerry, from what I can see on my screen the posts/conversation between yourself & Kate line up & make sense.

(Adam L) #136

No worries Leslie, yes good choice come & visit us! How are you going with ZC? I have just completed my first week & going really well, feeling good. It’s also my first week dairy & sweetener free since going lchf/keto, have had the odd craving on days 6 & 7 for double cream, cacao & xylitol which makes a lovely dessert but that’s been pretty easy to ignore especially as I only have cacao in the house at the moment :grinning:

(Adam L) #137

Meal 1 at midday, Salmon Sashimi dipped in a little soy sauce & wasabi, haven’t had this in ages - must have more often! Meal 2 at 8 pm was lots of fatty :bacon: & 6 :fried_egg: biggest meal of the week, was quite hungry tonight!

What did you Keto today?
(Leslie Andersen ) #138

Thanks for asking Adam, I’m glad you are doing well. I’ve been ZC since the 25th and it’s going beautifully. I had been Keto adapted already, doing well on LCHF since May. I still have heavy cream in my coffee in the AM but have cut the sweetener. I feel great and find the ZC surprisingly easy. I love the simplicity during the hectic work week. Shopping, cooking, deciding what to have… all so simple! I
I admit, however, that I miss cooking special more time consuming recipes on the weekends. I expected to struggle with the desire for the variety of foods available to me on LCHF, but within 48 hours of starting ZC it was gone like a puff of smoke! I am committed to continue this for 3 months, and then will evaluate the benefits between ZC and LCHF to make a decision what to do going forward. Either way … there are little to no carbs in my future!

(nadine1073) #139

Today is day 8 ZC for me! Start weight was 160.4 lbs… weighed myself yesterday… 155.6 lbs :sunglasses: Happy girl right here :slight_smile: My NSVs are no more pain in my left hip since day 2. Sleeping well. Sweet cravings are pretty much gone :slight_smile: enjoying my food. Figuring out that smoked, cured or spiced meats or fish give me heartburn. Bye bye bacon :cry:So salt will be enough. Hope everyone’s enjoying their ZC journey. :slight_smile:

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #140

Feeling awesome on my 12th day, my body is loving ZC. My inflammation is significantly reduced, no joint pain, sleeping good, and handling work stress reasonably well. The “bacon on top” is I’ve lost 12 pounds in 12 days :grinning::laughing:… while consuming 2-4 pounds per day of bacon, keto meatloaf, bacon, eggs, bacon, steak, bacon, eggs, :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: I’ve not seen weight loss like this since my last run with ZC. Not that I feel the need to lose a pound a day, and I suspect this will level off, I will take steady slow weight loss while feeling top of game physically.

I followed ZC for 18 months about 15-years ago, felt amazing but quit because I wasn’t connected to communities like this, didn’t understand the science, and feared I was doing long-term damage… I didn’t listen to my own body.

I’ll close with a beautiful pic of bulk bacon my local Piggly Wiggly is selling for $2.49/lb. KCKO and luvin’ ZC!

(Kerri Hines) #141

You got a lot of piggly wiggly at Piggly Wiggly! :joy:
I’m having a great ZC week with weight loss as well. It seems to be the only way any weight loss happens for me since I haven’t lost a single pound in over a year of very low carb keto after losing 25 in the first 5 months.
I’m down .7 pounds since cutting out literally less than 1 ounce a day of green vegetables. That’s all I had been eating. The difference that has made is I’ve only eaten 1 meal a day because of further reduced hunger. I had already been 18/6 IF eating 2 meals for over a year. I did have a couple of 18/6 days with 2 meals since tightening up on ZC though.
Anyway, it’s kind of mind blowing that a few bites of veggies a day is the difference between even further reduced hunger and being able to achieve some scale weight loss.
I understand how your mind can talk you into thinking it can’t possibly be ok long term. But we just have to trust the favorable response from our body and keep remembering that it’s smarter than we are. :joy:


And this is why I think this forum is so important to all of us!

I too stopped keto and low carb in the past, for fear of damage to my body…fear that was implanted by family, friends, coworkers, doctors, nutritionists, etc.

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #143

Happy someone caught that @Sunny_Bunny , always thought it was an odd name for a grocery :pig::pig2::pig_nose::pig_nose::pig2::pig:

(Terry) #144

After my 1st ever ZC week:

  1. Down 9 lbs in 7 days. Yes…I know, it’s water, but it still makes me happy. :blush:
  2. Lower back pain is gone. (I thought my lower back stiffness was due to age.)
  3. Sleeping like a rock. I fall asleep immediately & suddenly my alarm is ringing!
  4. I’m really not hungry anymore.

I did not expect that going from low carb to no carb would cause such dramatic benefits. Either I’m extremely sensitive to any carbs, or more likely, my previous woe had a lot of hidden carbs.
You definitely don’t have to worry about hidden carbs when you’re just eating meat, eggs, & cheese! :bacon::fried_egg::poultry_leg::meat_on_bone:

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #145

Could be hidden carbs, but this is so common, even with people who count meticulously, and eat only “whole foods”, that my suspicion is it’s more that that.

(Adam L) #146

Wow that’s awesome Leslie, great stuff. Three months is a significant commitment, no doubt you’ll know which way to go after that much time. Agree with you on the simplicity of ZC & the severe lack of carbs in the foreseeable future!

(Leslie Andersen ) #147

I went from low carb to ZC also, ( began ZC 12/25) and lost 6 pounds in a week. I didn’t think it was water weight because I had already lost my water weight when I started LCHF. ( a significant amount the first week) and had been doing that form of Keto since May. I am certain I was already very Keto adapted, and was pretty strict, which I attribute to the lack of any adaptation symptoms also. Now I admit, I’m no expert and am mostly just guessing, all be it paying very close attention to my body and what it “tells” me. If someone with more knowledge has insight or info to add to this I would welcome the comments, I consider myself a student of improvement!!

(momzbusy2012) #148

I could also see this happening despite being fully adapted. I think this may be especially true for those like me who are extremely resistant to weight loss, despite being fully committed and diligent to this WOE. I’ll let you know next week if I experience the same thing :slight_smile: fingers crossed!

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #149

I would tend to agree. Water weight is lost as a result of using up glycogen, which takes water to store. If you were already in ketosis, then your glycogen was already low, and that couldn’t therefore be the explanation.

When I first went ZC from an already ketogenic diet, I began losing weight rapidly, at about half a pound to a pound a day, and that rate kept up for weeks.

(momzbusy2012) #150

You have no idea how encouraging this is! It’s been so frustrating for me (and I’m sure many other women) who find they follow the ketogenic diet to a “T” and experience virtually no weight loss. Other fellow ketonians either assume they aren’t doing this WOE correctly or say “your body must be healing itself.” Although I don’t disagree with the latter of these two statements, it’s very discouraging when you see so many people have weight just melt off their bodies and yours holds on to it like it’s life or death. I became so discouraged in the communities because people would make recommendations that I had already tried. I’m even under the care of a Functional Physician, whom I’m grateful for. But, the zero carb WOE is my last resort and I am optimistic. I don’t think it’s realistic for me to fast each and every weekend from Thursday night until Monday morning, which has been the ONLY way my weight has decreased.

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #151

I have my fingers crossed for you, too!

(I looked for a :fingers_crossed: emoji, but the only emoji containing the string “finger” had the entirely wrong sentiment. :laughing:)