Carnivore Chewy July - 31-day Challenge - 2023


I have never had Barramundi. I was just playing a game where I fished up a Barramundi (it’s an Aussie game), it was a big fish. I didn’t know it was actually a real fish.

(Karen) #102

Didn’t have the dteak but as it is vacuum packed it will go another day.

Took a walk to Lidl this afternoon and picked up some anchovies in oil. I had a packet instead of the steak and drained off the oil. I do love them.

Also ate some cheese but thats me done and i am in bed cos i got fed up with the tv on. It’s only background noise but i like the peace and quiet of my bedroom best.


3MAD, 6 hour eating window (first meal at 1:30pm, I was hungry!), way above a pound of meat… Oh no appetite problems today, I enjoyed my pork chuck :slight_smile: But I got satiated moderately quickly so I got hungry again later - but until my satiation lasted, it was perfect. I like that when I focus on meat :slight_smile:
My protein, fat and carb intake dropped a bit compared to yesterday. Okay, my carbs halved as I run out of milk… But that macro interests me the least.

We had a hot day, in the end though not as bad as yesterday and it was cloudy in the morning… And now we got rain too. Good, watering the plants just isn’t the same for poor things. And maybe it helps with the temperature too… Not with the humidity but we use the A/C a lot anyway. My room is borderline tolerable.

My pork got pan treatment again as it was very pale after its 2 hour roasting. But that is a good base. I will shot the old and the new state next to each other tomorrow.
This is part of my lunch (I ate more pork and some sponge cakes and a bite of leftover quark too):

I quit coffee and I am curious how long I will last this time. No coffee, no milk, no cream :smiley:
I had not very little sour cream though. I made paprika chicken and that used some, my scrambled eggs are always better with it too…

I have found this few days old photo too, my unattractive chicken liver+heart stew with my egg dumplings/crumbles:

It’s from the bottom of the pan where much tiny liver pieces were, the whole thing was a tad prettier though one definitely doesn’t like it for its looks.

(Geoffrey) #104

Only did OMAD today. The reason being was after I ate three scrambled eggs and sausage this morning I was wanting a little more so I ate a little full fat yogurt. I’m not lactose intolerant and have never had any problems with dairy before but shortly after I ate the yogurt I started feeling very bloated and out of sorts. Since starting carni I haven’t had any intestinal issues whatsoever so that was strange. Not feeling well I started the day off easy by working my dogs and then doing a little leather work in my shop. After a few hours I started feeling better so I started working on a new water line for my barn. I spent the afternoon trenching for the new pipe by hand in hard ground. It was very hot today, my thermometer was showing 110°. Thank goodness the humidity wasn’t high. Anyways, by the time I called it quits and came in my body just didn’t want any food. My belly was still a little off. So just water for me tonight.
On a positive note though, my girls aren’t letting the heat affect their laying.


Had surgery today. Paying rent for a lifetime in the surf. Small but bad skin cancer removed from my face. Side of my face.

Scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. It was an afternoon surgery. About an hour in surgery. They hit a small artery that they weren’t meant to, so I lost a bit of claret.

I asked for them to do the surgery just under local anaesthetic. I promised to lay still, and I did. So, I listened to the whole thing. Having done surgery myself in younger days, I knew what was going on.

Before all the pain relief wore off, I ate two baked beef ribs and all the connective tissues.

I’m going to grab a few extra hours of sleep tonight.

Tomorrow I’m doing a biltong fast. I have a bag of dried raw beef to eat as needed at work (we have a staff training day).

I’ll drink some salty beef bone broth as well for collagen, amino acids, and minerals to maximise healing building blocks.

Should be all healed up by the end of the weekend. But stitches out after 7 days.


Barramundi is a delicious white flesh fish.

(JJ) #107

I am not familiar with him, I shall do some googling tomorrow


They are awesome girls then :smiley: We don’t even ever have that much heat but hens tend to go on a holiday when it’s hot…
I am so glad the greengrocery’s always have plenty of eggs (we only buy 90 at a time and that barely makes a dent, apparently).

@FrankoBear: Get better soon*! It was a small surgery with a tiny mishap and you do your best so you will, right?

*How else can I say this? I only have this single version to express my wish and I am very displeased with it. I have read INSANE amounts of English texts in my life (many hours a day isn’t unusual, it’s unhealthy, really), a very big part was very well written and I still couldn’t pick up enough for a decent style :rage:.

I am off carni now (to put it lightly, apparently waking up before 5am and my other circumstances make my self restraint training basically impossible. I eat whatever. I do that on my carni days too, of course, lucky I often don’t have the slightest inclination to eat anything else but my normal food) but I will be back tomorrow. My carni food is way better (when I lose the compulsion to taste certain things, they may be borderline okay but I inferior to my normal food, even taste wise, just different and nostalgic. Alvaro cooked my old favorite). My nicely fatty green ham is defrosting, it will make 2-3 superb fried pork meals but I only will do that tomorrow as I still have pork chuck and chicken to eat today.

I drink some coffee today for reasons I don’t fully comprehend but it sounded a good idea. I didn’t open any milk or cream though, my buttery egg milks are good enough.

(Robin) #109

I am so envious and impressed by your lifestyle. Was it you lives in N Texas?
I get to Dallas now and then for family. One day, buddy, I am gonna take a little detour and visit your slice of heaven

(Geoffrey) #110

Yes, I’m in north Texas and I would love to meet you some day. We could have our own “meat up”. We are approximately 58 miles due west of Dallas.

(Karen) #111

Up 7.30am and stair running 50plus then coffee and books in garden. Milder weather today, the gusty wing has dropped off. Ran to CrossFit, did some bar work then a gassy wod which i enjoyed, then ran home to get resdy for dancing this afternoon. Only time to down a couple of slices of mild cheddar.

Dance was meh and when Raymond’s ankle went iffy we called it a day and left. I was so hungry when i got home so cooked the small sirloin and at the same time put dessert in oven … hot n spicy chicken wings and left them long enough to get slightly charred so the skins were crispy. Very nice. Ate a bit more cheese, 2 slices of corned beef with mayo and 2 hard boiled eggs also with mayo plus just had some bacon before coming upstairs to bed.

Forgot to mention i got an appt through post today for an MRI scan for my head for next week! I was surprised cos it was a while back that the Doc said he would see if radiology would do another one for me to check out these burning sensations i get. I had presumed it was a no go! Love my doctor! :wink:

(Geoffrey) #112

Those wings look perfect.

(Geoffrey) #113

Busy day cooking around here.
As soon as I got back from my walk this morning I fired up the smoker and put on two small venison hams that I’ve been curing for two weeks now. Smoked them for about four hours.
Sliced up.

Unfortunately they came out a little too salty, I guess I should have soaked them in water for a while before smoking.
But they’ll work just fine when combined with other foods like stews and what not.

Then I created this.
Carnivore pizza! Yes it’s totally possible and it’s delicious. I made one side keto, for my wife, and the other side carni.

I followed the instructions from the utube channel Chris Cooking Nashville.
It’s rather labor intensive but I enjoyed making it and will do it again in the future.

Now don’t get me wrong, this no where near as good as a real pizza but for someone like me, who is giving up real pizza for life, it’s a pretty good substitute.
The things I would change for me would be more sauce. I followed the recipe to the letter and found the sauce wasn’t quite enough. I think it would be better with a tomato based sauce but while on carni that’s just not going to be an option, maybe someday. I would use more cheese next time and add provolone to it. And finally I wouldn’t cook it as high or as long as Chris did. I cooked mine at 550 for ten minutes and I think next time I’ll turn the heat down to 450.
Regardless, it was still very tasty.
Hopefully this link works. hi


What is in the carnivore pizza base Geoffrey? I’m guessing it is egg and cheese.

These days, I have no urge, nor even thought toward eating pizza. But that creation of yours looks good. If you didn’t have the word ‘pizza’, what would it be called?

I love the colour of the smoked venison. It is pastrami tones on my screen. We have a deer farm that makes amazing venison products near by home, Including venison chorizo and venison biltong. Our native wild deer are kangaroos. Smoked kangaroo is quite tasty.

But that reminds me I am on a fast today… a biltong fast. A big brown paper bag of dried, raw beef. Sipping a salty beef bone broth for a morning wake up drink and to take some post surgery tablets. Thinking about my work that is infested with good people who think vegetarianism or veganism will save the world. So, the food choices at staff training day are junk, sugar, or vegan. Definitely low meat. :rofl: hahaha. It’s a university. We are supposed to be intelligent.

(Geoffrey) #115

Crust ingredients:
7 eggs separated egga from yolks
1 block cream cheese (8oz)
1/2 cup shredded cheese

  1. Tbsp Parmesan
  2. Tbsp egg white powder
    2 tsp unflavored gelatin
    1 Tbsp melted butter

I was very surprised how much the taste and texture resembled bread. My only issue with it was it wasn’t chewy like real crust is but my wife liked it better but then again , she’s never been much of a bread eater but I’m an addict.

I can’t think of what I’d call it if not pizza.

Yes the venison is very much like pastrami in color but this doesn’t taste like it. It’s closer to a ham. I’ve never made pastrami but I will some day.

Venison chorizo sounds great. I love pork and beef chorizo and since I eat a lot of venison I’m sure I’d love chorizo made of deer. I’ve heard of biltong but haven’t had the pleasure of trying it and kangaroo, now that’s definitely on my list to try.

I doubt if I’ll ever be able to travel to Australia but it is a dream vacation of mine. My father had the pleasure of visiting there while on a two week leave from the VN war. He always said it was his favorite. I still have a boomerang that he gave me.


LOL funny :slight_smile: love it. Oh yes I can truly put me in the Queen category like so many of us zc’ers :slight_smile: Holding zc strong as usual thank heavens.

----------------fast post again.
just so darn busy doing so much small stuff. I just don’t do a million things at once anymore, ha, taking longer to get it all handled. Lost darn near all control over barns/pasture land maintenace now…shoot me on this one…lol.

final countdown. Kiddo goes to her dorm room at college on Aug 11. Then stays…I am just hitting some emotional mess on that one. Only kiddo gone from the house. Yikes. But darn if she ain’t shining like crazy and can’t wait for her college experience and all is going her way and all seems so set for her I am over the moon, but so darn sad in a way, but yea all good.

As mentioned above holding zc well. Constant contol of one thing, what goes into my mouth so I hold zc as ‘my thing’ while tons around me is going out of control in a way. I like that, my wonderful zc lifestyle.

OK will catch up sooner than later now since things are coming to a head and getting handled better so will be back on the thread and chat up ALL MY great zc friends here :slight_smile: Sending great zc vibes to all!!!

(Karen) #117

Up before the alarm this morning which was a surprise as i was up near 3am for 20 mins to clear my buzzy head. Very wakeful night. Anyway I did 50 plus stair runs which felt a bit hard after yesterdays zillions of squats in one form or another. Read my books with coffee in the garden but it was a bit chillier than i had expected and i was out there in my running vest and big old woman knickers as per :rofl: well i got a bit too cold so when i started running to CrossFit it took a bit to get into the swing of it. The wod was a crazy long sweaty one and i decided i would walk very briskly home (still chilly)

Was ready to eat when i got home just after midday. Ate 2 good sized wagyu burgers topped with a slice of cheese on each and 2 fried eggs. I am going to repeat for dinner as i have 2 burgers left in packet. It was nice and tasty.

catch you all later.

@FrankoBear How did your jerky fast go today… no doubt those pesky vegans and vegetarians were giving you negative vibes :rofl::rofl:

@Fangs great you see you back. Looking forward to reading your posts, missed you xx


No photo and I did mess up my day later but I got hungry early, fried 760g pork (the usual green ham, a nice fatty piece this time) and ate almost the whole thing. It was a too little meal even for an early lunch for me, apparently but I only needed a few other bites (mostly dairy and half an egg in egg milk).
It satiated for me wonderfully but I tried out things we bought and found at dinnertime… And in the end finished the whole pork. My self restraint went from minimal to non-existent in this hot weather - but I was able to go shopping at 2am :smiley: Finally, a bike ride, I neglected those. No green ham in the supermarket, I bought 70/30 pork and found some pork belly! This supermarket rarely has it. It seems a lovely, very meaty slab with little bone and no skin. I will eat it next, the 70/30 went to the freezer.

I am a bit disappointed I didn’t test if my elongated early meat (I started a bit after 11am I think… finished at 1:40pm) could work but it would be informative for my current circumstances anyway, there are too many factors and I can’t keep them stable…

I enjoyed my pork immensely. It’s 10/10 food and it’s just fried supermarket pork, the cheapest. I don’t want better tasting food than this. I just want variety sometimes and I have days when I don’t fancy this much meat but this is a great base.

Guesstimation says 190g protein. My body is pleased with it as usual.

My poor plants are a bit wilted now, Alvaro gave them a nice shower in the evening but it’s not the same as rain… Blackberries are blackberries, I had to get out multiple thorns from my fingers today and I barely even go near them (Alvaro is still on holiday so he can do the picking, he is the one who eats the vast majority of the stuff anyway. almost all as I wasn’t even into it in the past. not so much now, we pressure can them for later) but they needed some cutting here and there… I really want to mow the grass around them but some inconvenient young ones were in the way.

I will read back later (still almost never in my room, too hot) but I am glad @Fangs is back! It’s not the same without you!!!

Well I did read back a little…

I call mine not-pizza :slight_smile: Bad name but what can I do…? :frowning: I only call the best pizza pizza as all the others are lacking. Including my own made from bread dough but Alvaro likes it. I don’t, too much flour and too little eggs (none. I have serious problems with cakes, breads, pasta and the like where egg doesn’t have a very important role).

I used to try making very-much-not-pizza for me (well the top was totally pizza…) but it’s tricky as I refuse to put much cheese into doughs and crusts and whatnots, I never liked that. Now I just make the normal not-pizza for Alvaro and I eat something else, no problem. But if I still want a pizza top, I use some kind of omelet as the base. But I like normal pizza sauce (homemade but with tomato puree and carbier condiments) so my pizza isn’t carnivore, another reason not to eat it. I only would do it if it’s that or Alvaro’s pizza and I don’t like his. I really hate eating much carbs when I don’t even enjoy it. But thankfully, a not-pizza doesn’t trigger me. I have better food.
I do have carni pizza recipes and one can use sour cream as a base… But why bother? It’s not important for me. Maybe one day I will do some again.
Maybe with meat as my flour :slight_smile: I may be ready for it… And some meats are subtle enough. As I always preferred vegetarian pizza… I still don’t want to eat them with meat, fish is an exception, it’s great for pizza, no wonder I usually make that kind even for Alvaro.

I just read the recipe more carefully. Gelatin? I saw it in recipes before and I think I tried it once but didn’t see a difference…? Maybe I put in too little… I am always ready to make my sponge cakes more proper and firm with carnivore ingredients… Cheese is nice but not enough as I put so little into it. And I don’t use egg powder (my homemade egg powder wasn’t smooth enough and I prefer the eggs we buy).

Sigh. Even if one is a vegetarian or vegan, they shouldn’t eat sugary or other junk. I ate plenty of wonderful animal fatty protein during my vegetarian years (I had not very many meaty days in my first 40 years anyway but I did occasionally ate some meat outside of my 8 vegetarian years)… I still ate wrong but surely better than many vegetarians. I had plenty of good nutrients, at least.

But intelligence doesn’t bring knowledge about how to eat… It should raise the chance to get curious and wonder and get info though… But I didn’t do that for decades and only did when I had problems with my weight… And I supposed to have a very high IQ. I don’t necessarily show it, sadly but intelligence alone, while nice, doesn’t make us smart and knowledgeable…

(Geoffrey) #119

Doctors are intelligent but at the same time some of the most ignorant people I’ve come across.
What’s the old saying? A mind is like a parachute, it only works when it’s open.

Back to food though. Today was another pate day. Made a pound and a half of beef liver pate. The beef is home grown so it’s definitely grass fed. Oil used was duck fat. I made the usual two batches. One for my wife, it has onions, mushrooms, rosemary and thyme and then mine only has fat and a little bit of fresh thyme and rosemary.

I did manage to make my too salty venison ham palatable. I remembered how back in the old west, cowboys and travelers, who had no refrigeration, would carry salt pork to cook. It was heavily salt cured to keep in from going bad or off as some of you might say.
In order to make it palatable they would boil it in water first to get the salt out and the fry it up.
So I tried that with the venison and it worked. It’s now delicious.


Is there such a thing as carnivore yogurt? I thought many, basic ingredient yoghurts would be carnivore.

And where do the billions of bacteria get classified in the ZC lifestyle?

The difference between zero carb and carnivore might be found in the desolation of the dessert?