Can't sleep, freezing, cranky, weight gain


I eat more than enough protein. The problem is that I eat all keto friendly foods, enough protein, enough fat. I am always hungry regardless. I do not track what I eat anymore because I see no differences in tracking or not tracking.

(Polly) #7

That is what made me ask about hypothyroidism. Perhaps it is not as well controlled as you would like it to be at the moment.


lol I wish it had to do with fasting, but unfortunately I cannot even make it from meal to meal without starving, no matter what I do


I get my thyroid checked regularly. I have always been on the sleepy/cold side. Even in the summer. My Dr can’t figure it out either. But my numbers are within range


How do you eat? First I [personally would try to change my food choices. They matter a lot.

How do you know you eat enough protein and fat? My body is rarely pleased with adequate protein, for example, well it depends on the type of fat and my total calories, actually… And probably the type of protein matters too… Sometimes our body is pretty choosy and want some another keto style.
But I am sure keto isn’t for everyone. I just am sure that some people merely do it a bit wrong - maybe great for others but somehow wrong for them.
I don’t say it’s the case just maybe it is…? My original keto wasn’t nearly as bad for me as yours is for you but it wasn’t really good, I had to change my woe very much to see things improving.


The problem is that when there are 5 things possible to eat on keto, changing things is impossible. I feel like I eat the same things over and over again and get bored.

Previous post that was closed

I can substitute eggs for eggs basically

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #13

If you eat enough to satisfy your hunger, you might find yourself being more comfortable. What makes keto possible for me is not having to restrict calories, and being able to eat a wide range of foods I love (bacon, eggs, pork, beef, duck, goose, chicken, lamb, etc., all slathered in gravy and/or butter).


I eat enough to over satisfy my hunger, then problem is that I am starving an hour later


This is why I am feeling defeated. I am doing keto just as is should. Every suggestion is something that I have tried and had no success. That is why I am here. Before going on a carb fest and giving up


first off, HUGS to you and hope your child is doing well. I know with a sick kid you can get very out of balance and emotional very fast.

Then the stupid carby camp foods drew you back. I know. I been there. Old fun times with the family, we let our control down, we just wanna enjoy life on whatever terms and food is included in that :slight_smile: So yea I get this.

You are struggling big time now.

First put on more sweaters, raise up that heat in the house if ya can, move more, moving heats up the body, take a super hot shower to get the bones warmed and anything else you can do LOL

but thing is once you were there and doing well you got slapped back.
pushed back. smacked down. just all that you did gain in health benefits and that lifestyle change stability was lost to you…and now you are trying again and you don’t have that same mojo do you?

I know. It is super duper hard to get back to where you were. I struggled alot of times thru the years and finally it all fit into place but I walked a miserable walk alot of times also.

Best advice. Get ALL THE KETO foods you love and adore and eat the heck out of them at all times you need food. Never ever go hungry. ALLOW yourself this time to eat all you need to gain back control, to cut the carb cravings, to change your body again off that nasty sugar and just eat keto foods at every turn til you get that hunger satisfied, very important, you get your body now ketone adapting again and put your foot down and go for it. Give yourself that pep talk, one more time, all in and go for it.

Sending mojo vibes to you :slight_smile: and hope you do ok. Just take care of you, relax, surround yourself with keto foods and put this time and effort on you :slight_smile: Sometimes some self care is super important. When we get very low like this sometimes we have to know others are having troubles like you with their eating and others like me have walked that same path and we got thru it and so will you!!!

one step at a time, get all keto foods you love, buy alot and eat only those keto foods at all times you are hungry. Step 1 is just eat til you are super happy and full and eat only your on plan foods. You start right here, just think each meal I eat will be keto friendly and you got a very good start heading back into your eating change and holding on tight and with more time eating keto every day, the days tick by and you gain more and more control…but it all starts with that first step and day 1 of your plan :slight_smile: best of luck!


Vitamin D deficiency is behind the hypothyroidism.

Are you trying to lose weight or gain?


Thank you very much. The problem is that I am eating whenever I need to, hence gaining weight instead of losing. I have the keto-mojo meter and I am getting the best numbers I have ever gotten before. That is what I am not understanding. How can I be doing so much better, still be hungry, AND feel like crap all at the same time. In my home I am fortunate and not at the same time. My husband and I both are keto, and my 16 year old step son is partially keto (he says he is doing keto, but still eats carbs lol), and my 11 year old just eats keto dinner and makes his own carby meals during the day. On the weekends, my other 3 step children come over and they are not keto. We do very well even with them around. We have been every strong and mostly over the cravings. As I said, I have always been cold and tired, but this past week has been crazy abnormal. I would love to turn up the heat in the hours, but I live with 2 that are always hot. I am told that I can always add more, but they can’t remove anything else. So I sit here (working from home) wearing 3 sets of fleece clothes and a space heater while chattering my teeth. It’s really hard to continue when feeling like this.


I am overweight. Definitely trying to lose. I have had weight loss surgery as well and gained back most. My vitamin d levels are normal.


Growth hormone drives ketosis (youthful metabolism) regardless of what the coffee drinkers will say on here. So children don’t need to be on keto because their growth hormone levels are high from growing unless they’re obese. It’s best to avoid seed oils like the plague.

So the only way to be in ketosis without caffeine is to fast sufficiently daily but not over 24 hours. There’s a sweet spot between 20-24 hours. You’ll need to figure out what that is for you.

What you’re describing sounds like carb loving gut bacteria or even candida controlling you to eat.

Another issue could be a flickering monitor making you feel hungry. Do your eyes hurt when starring into the monitor?

Did you check your B12 levels?


oh I thought you were still eating junk off the keto plan. So you are eating ONLY keto plan foods, your numbers are good but you are gaining now?

sorry I misunderstood where you were at.

What are you eating and what macros and numbers and all are you gearing at?

It does seem like maybe some bloodwork or a Dr visit might be warranted? I mean if you are eating keto only and you truly haven’t changed anything, right? then something else has to be amiss I would think?


I was about to say the freezing thing is either you not eating enough or your metabolism slowing down, then read down and saw you’re hypothyroid. Makes perfect sense. You may (and probably are) temporarily screwing with your thyroid meds efficiency as all your hormones bounce around for a while as you’re adapting. I’d first make sure you’re eating enough, meaning by the numbers, not your apetite. Remember being hypothyroid means your metabolism is chemically screwed so you can’t trust how you “feel”. Easy test is eat your ass off for a 1-3 days and see if that goes away, if it does that’s your answer. If not see if your doc would let you up your meds temporarily. I don’t have HT but I took some levo for a a little while for the metabolic boost… WHOA! Good Stuff :grinning:

(Rebecca ) #23

Hi Melissa and welcome! I understand your frustration. What thyroid supplement do you take (if I may ask). Synthetic contains T4 only and many need the other hormones also (T3 T2 and T1). Natural Desicated Thyroid contains these. HOWEVER, there have been recalls on all of them (3 brands) due to inconsistent ingredients. I found this out the hard way…15 lb gain, swelling, exhaustion, hair loss, moodiness etc. My point being that you may not be getting the proper levels of medication that you need. Good luck!!

(Bob M) #24

This is supposedly true: keto will “mess with” your thyroid hormones, at least initially.


Fellow starving woman here. I have just come to the conclusion that I am someone that will not ever know what not hungry feels like. So, I have to track. This way, I know when to stop eating. I keep “breakfast” (trying to fast so, first meal) and lunch under 300 calories each, then try to not eat more than my husband at dinner.
I know that you said tracking doesn’t help you, and I thought the same for me until I graphed the info and looked for trends. I had a couple of months worth of personal data and I looked at EVERYTHING! I graphed weight loss versus net calories, total calories, weekly calorie totals, fiber, fat, total carbs, protein and probably more that I am forgetting at the moment. I thought i was going to go into my weight loss doctor and have to convince her that i needed fewer calories than standard recommendations. I was surprised that her recommendation was lower than my calculation. (My husband was seeing her and I was following along with plan that clearly stated “don’t count calories”) Turns out I am just a bottomless pit and need an app to tell me when I should have been full. I used Google sheets to analyze my data and can help you if you are interested.