Can't get through Day 1!


It doesn’t have to be coffee! I do green tea. It’s not “bulletproof” though. It’s matcha tea with heavy whipping cream and a teaspoon of coconut oil for flavor. I will do it with black tea every so often too. I make a container of cream for my tea when needed where I add vanilla to the HWC, the vanilla adds more sweetness without the sweetener. But if you want to do It bulletproof though, you can

Also I carried around a full jar of macadamia nuts and brought cheese sticks with me to work every morning to have other options. Room temp cheese is the best way to eat cheese lol.

(Marianne) #22

I’ve only been on this two weeks, but if you are going to skip breakfast, I’d at least have a bulletproof coffee. I thought the sound of it was disgusting but loved it at first taste, and it holds me all morning if I eat nothing else. I agree that your few few days in, I would eat breakfast. My suggestion is to have a BPC, two eggs in butter and some bacon. I really feel that if you have that, you won’t need a snack and will be able to make it to lunch comfortably. I think it’s important to meet your protein and fat macros. If you read a lot of these posts, keto doesn’t have many of the restrictions of other “diets.” (just feels wrong to call keto a diet) Your body wants to be fed with the right stuff, not deprived.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #23

I’m still at three meals a day at 11 months. Sometimes two. I’m still hungry! No, starving at times.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #24

Me too Regina.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #25

Why are we so different? Forum people say the stomach emptying thing is no big deal. My stomach gurgles for hours. It gurgles, I get gas, I need to eat. My stomach is constantly demanding food.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #26

Even now, my stomach would love a touch-up!

(Christy) #27

Pack a keto friendly lunch. Boil some eggs, mix up some guac, take a salad, pre cook some bacon … you have to plan ahead.

(Sandy) #28

I started keto for a month now, but I can tell you it was really hard for me to skip carbs and sugar in the beginning! I am Asian and you know Asian food is all about carbs, sugar… and more carbs and sugar! It was so tough I cannot have dinner or “dim sum” with my family and friends :pleading_face: (My family didn’t even agree for me to go on keto because they don’t think I’m fat, but I am - to Asian standard)

I would say the key to force yourself to skip carbs is to keep imagining that day you reach your goal! And if you did it for day 1, on day 2 tell yourself if you eat carbs today, your 1st day would go on wasted! Then keep on that thought of “All the days I did cannot go wasted”, it works for me.

(Sandy) #29

Btw, do not ever skip breakfast, I rather you skipping a dinner but not breakfast.

(Scott) #30

peanuts are not good for you. Eat only tree based nuts.

(Linda) #32

What is the problem with peanuts?

(Alec) #33

@julie2, it’s been a long while since you posted your initial struggles. How are you going now? Are you keto? I note you last visited the boards a couple of weeks ago. Yes, BB is watching you!! :joy:

(Sarah Sim) #34

They are a legume.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #35

I’ve been eating peanuts since day one and am now at maintenance weight. Yes, they are a legume, but fine if you don’t overdo.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #36

It is my understanding that because peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes(as in beans), they have a lot of carbs. We aren’t supposed to eat beans on Keto (much to my dismay) because they wreck ketosis. I know there are several other reasons why peanuts are not healthy, hopefully someone else will jump in. I’d like to hear more as well.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #37

I think it’s important to point out that in general, most whole foods (minus fruit maybe) is on the table as long as you are keeping carbs under 20 grams. If you want to eat meat and fat all day and then eat 20 grams of peanuts or beans, go ahead and see if that will work for you. I think it’s important to understand it’s not about having a list of forbidden foods but why we strive for ketosis and the easiest ways to get there and stay there, for our individual bodies.

(Linda) #38

Peanuts are barely more carby than almonds.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #39

Wow, thanks for this! I had no idea. I do know that I’m really missing my pinto beans after 3 weeks in (this time). I did Keto a year ago and lost some weight, but went on a big binge after not losing for a really long time. I’m on Keto with my doctor’s oversight this time. She is encouraging me to also do intermittent fasting again, something else I’ve been successful at before, but she wants me to consider longer fasts. I do get triggered easily, so am staying away from craving foods for now.

(Linda) #40

Pinto beans actually are high in carbs. Eden makes black soy beans that are great for chili and are really low carb. Not so easy to find, though. I love being able to have chili again.


Have you expierenced keto flu yet?