Calling all slow losers!

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #101

Yeah thanks. I sweated over that for the few days afterwards but my doc called and said everything was fine. All my levels were better than last year.

Another funny thing that came out of the annual checkup is that although my liver function was “normal” it was still on the upper end of the range. My doc said I should cut back on carbs to help it along a but further. I just smiled and said sure thing doc! :smile:

(Jen Luecke) #102

Thank you for starting this thread Jen! Makes me feel better too that there are others in my shoes. I started keto JAN 1st 2018 and have been strict! Cheat meals are not a thing for me. I’ve consistently worked out 4-5 days a week which before this I was not consistently doing any excercise. I’ve yo-yo’d since the beginning and seeing that scale go up and down would completely ruin my attitude and I would obsess about it all day. I’ve lost about 7 pounds when it’s all said and done so about a pound a week and OMG it makes me so mad to hear about people losing 30 and 40 lbs in a month or even 2!

So if you stopped reading this post half way through you would probably think I’m on the brink of quitting. Well I’m here to tell you I have drank the keto cool aid! I love this lifestyle. I feel better than ever. I love the food and have no desire to go back to a low calorie diet. I can’t feed my brain enough information right now. I’m running longer distances than I have ever been able to before. My clothes are starting to fit better. My attitude and mood has improved. So to hell with the scale I say!

I haven’t gotten my blood markers tested yet but that is my next step. I’m tweaking and fine tuning things all the time to see if I can finally unlock the magic door that will lead to FAST weight loss (and btw if you’ve

found the answer since you posted this please share)! Until then I will keep calm and keto on! Thanks again!


Women will often gain muscle and bone mass which is good. Stalls seem to happen for women around 3 weeks in, so it’s possible the scale is not moving or even going up because you are gaining muscle a bone.


This has been the case for me so far.

I’ll be honest - I’m a smoker (cigarettes) and just hate cardio in general, so for my “exercise” I started HIIT weight lifting, since I find it more relaxing and actually stick with it. Only cardio I really do is walking my dog, which probably hardly counts since he is a little guy and likes to stop and smell everything.

So anyway, my weight loss so far (2 months since starting keto) comes in little bursts, then stalls, and then occasionally my weight goes up for a little bit, then stalls, then a sudden drop, etc.

By about 2 weeks ago I just quit weighing myself very often anymore, only weigh myself once a week now, because otherwise I was driving myself nuts. Been focusing more on visual changes instead.

I think it helps that I am genuinely “big boned” - stocky build women in my family tree - and also a pear shape, so my clavicles give me encouragement when the scale makes me go uuugggghhhhh.

(CharleyD) #105

What I learned from @dudes from the latest podcast, eat more fat that you think you need, while keeping carbs way down and protein moderate and you may just bust that stall.

(Jeanne Wagner) #106

Honestly i don’t know how much I have lost since I started Keto. In July I quit gluten (all the grains), and since then I lost a whopping 14 lbs. that’s over 6 months. Then in December I really started Keto more seriously. Next Monday I go back to the doctor to have a checkup. I hope I have lost weight but I din’t think I have. I think my body is doing some rearranging. Hopefully I will have non-scale victories to celebrate.

But in order to try and take it up to the next level, I have started fasting. So far I have done a 3-day and a 5-day fast. I am hoping this will get my insulin down and then a I can start to lose more weight. I’m going to do a three-day fast this week, and then have three days of feasting before I see the doc.

(Miss E) #107

So so relatable! From the cardio to the clavicle and the pear in between :joy:

(Jen Luecke) #108

I actually just did my first extended fast (3 day) and when I weighed in for the week I had dropped 7lbs. I felt great through the fast only drinking water and salt with a bpc in the mornings. It felt great and I’ll definitely be doing it again!

And yes I learned pretty fast that I was not getting enough fat at first, but once I got my percentages right I felt much better and dropped more lbs. My fitness pal helped most with that when I realized I could look at the pie chart under macros! It became like a game to get it just right. :joy: Its just going a little slower for me than most but I will never go back just based on how great I feel.

Thanks for the advice! KCKO :avocado::fried_egg::bacon:

(Jen) #109

Great to meet another slow-losing Jen! :slight_smile:

No, I certainly haven’t found the answer since I posted, but I am still sloooooooooooowly losing. Only 2 lbs since Christmas, and a total of 25 lbs since I started Keto on July 3, 2017. Not gonna lie, it’s still tough, especially since my husband has lost almost 60 lbs in the same amount of time and he “cheats” quite regularly while I am extremely strict and committed.

But like you… I am not going anywhere any time soon. Every time I feel frustrated and want to “quit,” I realize there’s really nothing to quit. This is just my way of life, and it’s the way I know I need to eat for the rest of my life. What am I gonna do, start eating granola bars and potato chips every day again? That’s not an option, so I’m just sticking with it and trying to accept my turtle-like weight loss.

I am halfway through reading Dr. Fung’s “The Obesity Code” and I can see the writing on the wall that I am probably going to have to start really fasting if I want to see some better results. I have been resistant because I have such a bad relationship with food and when I fast I tend to OBSESS, but I’m hoping I can work through that. If that doesn’t get this weight loss kick-started, I really don’t know what will.

(Jen Luecke) #110

I want to read that or go into the Dr. Fung rabbit hole some way. I will tell you I just did a 3 day fast and saw a 7 lb loss in a week which is the best week I’ve had so far BUT it wouldn’t surprise me if some of that comes back. I will tell you that I am in the same boat as far as the food obsession goes and it was at times a challenge through those days and ultimately probably led to me doing a 3 day fast instead of a 4 day fast. BUT what I learned is that I CAN do it! I have the ability to go 3 days and not eat anything! It’s empowering and so satisfying (believe it or not :rofl:) to find the power within to abstain from food. I was never really hungry and my energy level was surprisingly high. The biggest issue for me was I wanted to binge out when I broke my fast so beware of that if you decide to go for it. I highly recommend it and I will be doing it more often as the feeling strikes me. Good luck and KCKO!


Yup. Same thing happens here.
I fast. I keto or ZC. I am rigorous in my carb monitoring. I don’t lose, or lose slower than a glacier.
My husband (wonderful man that he is) drops a few carbs while still eating them in serious amounts, and the weight seems to melt away. Two months later his weight loss slows, he gets bored, and goes back to bagels, mash and sandwiches at work.

I should be delighted for him that his metabolism is still so resilient.
But no, I am just jealous.

(Jen Luecke) #112

Exactly right! Men can just think about losing weight and drop 10lbs!

(Dan Dan) #113

Didn’t you know thinking speeds up the metabolism :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Lee Ann ) #114

Hey Jen,

You are an inspiration to make those frustrating feelings known publicly!! Sounds like we are losing about the same rate… SLOW! I started keto the day after Christmas because I am going back to school for nursing and I am really apprehensive about being able to to physically handle that type of job. So far I have lost 17 lbs and am loving the way my clothes are fitting, but like you I wanted to see this miracle happen and drop 50 in two months. What I keep telling myself for motivation is that I see a lot of women having surgery and they are only allowed minute amounts of food and their weight loss isn’t much faster than mine. I have a friend that had it done and it took her a year to lose 100 lbs. That is a little more than 8 lbs a month which is what you and I are doing. So do not lose hope… It will happen, it has no choice. KCKO… I am proud of everyone that at least tries… If we don’t change anything, we can’t be disappointed when nothing changes. Lee Ann

(Candice) #115


(Candice) #116

WOW!!! I’m WAAAAAAY over on protein!!!

(Meghan Ellis Palatino) #117

Ive been doing it about a month. Ive lost only 7lbs. Im being strict and working out. I use keto sticks and its always mid level, super dark post workout. I have a lot to lose. I just dont get it.

(MarySue Moffet) #118

Hello! I have been reading the forums since I started Keto Feb 3rd but this is my first post. I too am a slow looser; 9 lbs since Feb. Along with the 2Ketodudes podcast I listen to the Keto for Women Show which is helpful to me to just breathe and keep moving forward. Plus, what else can I do? This is where I want to stay.
When I got my blood testing kit about 6 weeks in I realized that I was not in nutritional ketosis; only running between 0.2 and 0.4. So I tried a 24hr fast and got it up to 1.6 but 2 days later it went back down. No wonder I had only lost 2 pounds by that point. Finally did a 5 day fast and now my ketones are staying above 1.0. The last fast really revealed how many digestive issues I am battling, felt great fasting but not so good eating. My suspicion is that I have much healing yet to do. I did loose weight finally but now I am super focused on getting my digestion right.
Thanks for being out there and giving us all a place for support.

(Rebecca ) #119

Hi Meghan

I think the answer is to just KCKO. I’ve lost about what you have in 6 weeks and my husband has lost almost 20. We try not to talk about lbs lost anymore cause it just ticks me off. :joy:

What NSV’s are you seeing? I just commented to Hubs today that I FINALLY feel this jolt of mental energy in the mornings that I haven’t had. I feel like I could run about the office. Wish I was home instead of chained to my desk because my house might finally get CLEAN!

And I just feel like there’s less of me around the middle. I haven’t measured since starting, becauase again, it doesn’t take much to discourage me. If I don’t see a good result I get derailed. But I personally can see some changes in the mirror.

I am keeping at it! Hang in there.

(Colleen Bryson) #120

I am new enough that the acronyms are lost on me…what is IF, what is EF, what are NSVs?
Thank you for your consideration.