
(David Cooke) #1

This may seem like a silly question to some, but why does broccoli figure so high on the list of recommended vegetables?
As far as minerals and vitamins are concerned, I have at least four vegetables in my tropical garden (Chaya, Moringa, Malabar spinach, Water convolvulus) that provide more nutrients than broccoli.
I’m not criticising the use of broccoli, just wondering if I missing something, gut bacteria maybe?

(Polly) #2

I think you may have answered your own question @cooked David, you have a tropical garden with tropical veg. The broccoli advocates are almost certainly in the temperate zone and that is one which grows well there.


Of those, spinach is the only one I’ve heard of. And the only one I see online at Walmart. And I would never choose spinach over broccoli. :frowning:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

It’s high in fibre, and therefore it is possible to eat a satisfying quantity without worrying about the carb content too much. Cauliflower is also recommeded, for the same reason.

All leafy greens are fine on a ketogenic diet. So, too, are most vegetables that grow above ground.


Its probably just a popular low-carb vegetable that people often likes.
I dislike it almost as much as spinach so I always avoided it. I loved cauliflowers but they were way too carby for me. Well, it’s true for vegetables in general…
I doubt I miss much not eating green stuff (even when I ate veggies all the time, I avoided most green ones as I found them not tasty).

Keto has its hyped things. Fatty coffees, almond flour and cottage or cream cheese in almost every recipes… They are probably useful for many people. And not a good idea for others. So we can ignore them. We can look at the nutritional value and decide if we want it or not. We are different and need different styles. I need a very different woe now than when I went keto…

(Gregory - You can teach an old dog new tricks.) #6

My go-to on veggies. Dr. Georgia Ede

Is Broccoli Good for You?

When broccoli is sitting peacefully in a field (cue the flute solo), it does not contain any sulforaphane. This pungent molecule is so toxic to living cells (including broccoli’s own cells) that the two harmless ingredients needed to make it are stored in separate compartments within broccoli cells. However, if the cells’ defenses are breached—if the vegetable is cut or bruised or if an insect or small animal comes along and bites into its flesh (cue the ominous organ music)—the individual compartments break open, the two ingredients mix together, and POOF! Sulforaphane—a chemical weapon with the power to kill things like insects, bacteria, and worms.

(Jill Cherni) #7

Love cheese and :broccoli:. It’s also a DNA whisperer. From what I’ve heard cruciforus? veggies fix your DNA damage, is this the substance you are referring to that does this possibly? I saw a YT video about it. Very interesting.

(Gregory - You can teach an old dog new tricks.) #8

Did you follow the link?

Is broccoli good for you?

(Jill Cherni) #9

No I only read what you wrote, didn’t pay attention to any link, sorry! Will go there now. :wink:

For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen Rom 11:36

(Jill Cherni) #10

Wow Gregory, very interesting. I’m going to hold off on them guys a while! I have developed a taste for them since they are “good for us” but after reading this…hmmm I’ll have to change games plans for now until I read up on that some more. Thanks for the info.

(Gregory - You can teach an old dog new tricks.) #11

At the risk of sounding like I’m going ’ Paleo ’ on you, consider when our pre-agriculture ancestors tried to eat something like kale or turnip greens, without the benefit of cooking or a balsamic vinaigrette, they probably wouldn’t be inclined to try it again except in times of famine.

Also consider, that 99% of what you find in the produce department today, didn’t even exist in a recognizable form 100 years ago…

I think there is a clue in the fact that kids don’t want to eat a lot of vegetables that are touted as healthy…

They should have a natural attraction to things that are " healthy "…

(Bunny) #12

Lol…and it can also kill cancer in humans without killing the human and mimic fasting in humans.

I would drink Sulforaphane by the gallons if I could get enough of it and as a matter of fact people already do, more beneficial than harmful to humans. Also neutralizes bad xenoestrogens and leaves the good estrogens alone in the body.

Sulforaphane is also anti-glucose so it burns up glucose in the blood stream to mimic fasting and helps the liver mitochondria in the production of ketones.

You just want to make sure you get enough idione after drinking Sulforaphane because it will drain iodine storage out of the thyroid.

As a matter of fact I have my own little recipe similar to Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s on how to get the Sulforaphane out of the broccoli by cutting the little sprouts off the head then put them in the blender with purified water and then chop them up, (wait 15 minutes for the Sulphoraphane to be released) then warm them to about 60 or 70 degrees then throw in ice cubes and chop again, then drink. A Sulforaphane smoothie!

See also my post:

Sulforaphane & NRF2 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick


Has it crossed your mind that we evolved into modern humans because of processing foods? Instead of in spite of.

(bulkbiker) #14

Depends how you define “processing”… cooking grains and vegetables no doubt makes them more palatable and eatable possibly but creating the disaster of current ultra processed foods appears to be pushing us in the opposite direction.


At last something we agree on. :grinning:

(Gregory - You can teach an old dog new tricks.) #16

No it hasn’t ( crossed my mind), because very little if any human evolution has taken place in the 10,000 or so years post agriculture…

In fact, the changes that occurred post agriculture were largely detrimental.

Neolithic Revolution

Despite the significant technological advance, the Neolithic revolution did not lead immediately to a rapid growth of population. Its benefits appear to have been offset by various adverse effects, mostly diseases and warfare.[86]

The introduction of agriculture has not necessarily led to unequivocal progress. The nutritional standards of the growing Neolithic populations were inferior to that of hunter-gatherers. Several ethnological and archaeological studies conclude that the transition to cereal-based diets caused a reduction in life expectancy and stature, an increase in infant mortality and infectious diseases, the development of chronic, inflammatory or degenerative diseases (such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases) and multiple nutritional deficiencies, including vitamin deficiencies, iron deficiency anemia and mineral disorders affecting bones (such as osteoporosis and rickets) and teeth.[87][88][89] Average height went down from 5’10" (178 cm) for men and 5’6" (168 cm) for women to 5’5" (165 cm) and 5’1" (155 cm), respectively, and it took until the twentieth century for average human height to come back to the pre-Neolithic Revolution levels.[90]


I agree regarding grains. I was referring to processing edible foods as beneficial to our evolution.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #18

Processing in the sense of smoking or curing meat, fermenting dairy, and sausage-making is probably older than agriculture. At least, it seems a reasonable guess, though I’m not sure that there would be any way to prove it.


I’m sure it is but it isn’t older than crushing nuts.

(Gregory - You can teach an old dog new tricks.) #20

That’s what teeth are for… Were they losing their teeth?