Back Again - Bullet Proof Coffee Yes or No


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #21

One Meal A Day.

(Marianne) #22

I agree, Dave. My suggestion was for @peggo: as a newbie. I only tracked for 3-4 weeks after I first began because I really had no idea how to ā€œdoā€ keto to start and needed a guideline of food values and initial targets. After that, I stopped tracking and did not adhere to macros. As you said, I just ate clean keto foods to satiety, usually OMAD.

(BuckRimfire) #23

Luckily, while I generally donā€™t like ā€œflavoredā€ coffees, Iā€™m tolerant of the flavor of coconut oil. Itā€™s a little bit ironic, since Iā€™ve never liked coconut, but what I object to in the solid form is its texture.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #24

Iā€™m similar, in that I cannot abide the feel of shredded coconut in my mouth, although chunks of coconut are fine. Funny how that works!

Coconut milk, especially fresh from the the nut, can be quite tasty, btw. :coconut:

(There are three depressions on one end of the nut. Poke holes in two of themā€”a screwdriver and a hammer will be helpful hereā€”add a straw, and enjoy!)


Look at what you guys are buying,

Virgin/Unrefined Coconut oil = tastes like coconut
Refined = tastes like nothing

@Ruina if coffee tastes bad to you this is scientific proof that something is broken in your brain. I will personally find you a neurologist and start crowd funding, donā€™t worry, YOUā€™RE GOING TO BE OK!

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #26


In what insane world do you think I donā€™t like the taste of coffee??? ā€œBitterā€ is quantitative, not qualitative. Bitter is tasty.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #27

Hello darkness my old friend,
Iā€™ve come to drink you once again.

Embrace the darkness! :coffee:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #28

:sleepy: That was beautiful.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #29

åƒč‹¦ļ¼Œeat bitter, is a common phrase in Chinese. Basically it means the ability to endure hardship. It is a great virtue.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #30

@Ruina Have you had your bitter melon today? :joy::joy: I never could tolerate it, tastes like aspirin to me! :woozy_face::nauseated_face::cowboy_hat_face:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #31

I like itā€¦ in moderation. With soy sauce. And other things with it. Meat is a good balance. But on its own? Yikes.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #32

@Ruina Iā€™ve tried it mostly with pork in garlic black bean sauce. It helps a little but I canā€™t say I like it. Some of the people I cooked Chinese food with seemed to like it just fine. :woozy_face::joy::joy::joy: :cowboy_hat_face:

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #33

Iā€™m late to this discussion. But for what itā€™s worth I donā€™t do ā€œBPCā€ simply because I donā€™t particularly want to overload fat at the beginning of the day and spend the rest of the day trying to catch up protein. When I first started keto I tried BPC for a couple of weeks. I didnā€™t like drinking an oil slick so bought a dedicated blender that lasted a couple of months before it cracked from heat expansion. Yes, it was a plastic jar. I then started using a mason jar on my Proctor Silex countertop blender. I started with a well-used mason jar Iā€™d purchased at Sally Anne, then after about a year I bought a new one, which Iā€™m still using two years later. @peggo if a mason jar actually ā€˜explodedā€™ then it was damaged. Or it was one of those fake mason jars that are sold for decorative purposes and are only half the thickness of a real mason jar. When electric countertop blenders for home use first came out, they were threaded specifically to accept a mason jar as the mixing bowl so one could ā€˜blend and canā€™ in a single step.

Rather than BPC, since rather early on eating keto, Iā€™ve been making what I call ā€œKeto Coffeeā€ each morning. This is my first meal of the day and contains both fat and protein to my current macros. I use MCT, coconut oil, clarified butter (ghee) and whipping cream to supply the fat. The MCT is there for quick initial energy, the other fats for slower and more prolonged energy. It tastes pretty much exactly like the ā€œcoffee with creamā€ I drank prior to keto for many years. Yes, I weigh everything to the 1/10 gram. This is coffee, after all, and if you donā€™t weight the ingredients you canā€™t reproduce the good results and avoid the mistakes. Every coffee snob will tell you that! :sunglasses:

For anyone whoā€™s interested, and at risk of offending the MCT pure laines, you can purchase a product called ā€œLiquid Coconut Cooking Oilā€ in pretty much any grocery store or super. It contains mostly C8 and C10, and sometimes a small % of C12. It costs anywhere from 1/2 - 2/3 the MCT you purchase at a health food or supplements store. So you can still get the benefits of MCT without breaking the budget. Of course, if you really want C6-C10 exclusively, youā€™ll have to pay the premium. But you do have the choice and there is some debate whether or not C12 in the mix makes any difference overall to MCT. So donā€™t pass on MCT because of the cost.

Whey protein (low carbs) and hot water
Question from first timer
Ketogenic coffee(hot)
(Full Metal KETO AF) #34

laine definition: Noun (plural laines ) 1. (Sussex) an area of arable land at the foot of a hill ā€¦???

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #35

@David_Stilley Itā€™s a Canadianism.

(Peg Prince) #36

Thanks Paul - I looked it up on line and found it immediately. I guess I have been out of the loop for a bit!

(Peg Prince) #37

Thank you for weighing in! I had no problem losing weight and not eating until 1 or 2 pm after drinking my own version of BPC (much like yours: 1 TBSP each MTC, 35% cream, butter - frothed with a hand blender in a large mason jar). I like the idea of liquid coconut cooking oil but find itā€™s even more expensive than MTC oil in Canada. bummer!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #38

@peggo Michael lives in Canada too. He works at a Walmart and buys it there. I donā€™t see liquid coconut cooking oil generally in the stores where I live in California but itā€™s more common in the Southern states like Louisiana and Florida.

(Peg Prince) #39

OMG - love itā€¦although I donā€™t do Starbucks unless Iā€™m travelling and canā€™t brew my own! Iā€™m a Melitta Pour over kind of girl!

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #40

I buy Jaga Premiun Coconut Cooking Oil at Loblawā€™s City Market. Itā€™s $9.99 per 500ml. Whereas, here in Vancouver the various health food and supplement stores sell MCT anywhere from ~$25-$40 per liter. My first bottle of MCT was Naked Nutrition and cost me $39 at GNC.