Back Again - Bullet Proof Coffee Yes or No


(Peg Prince) #1

Hi Everyone! In January 2019, my husband and I started keto. We lost a combined total of 27 lbs in 9 months and kept it off while we continued the diet through to Christmas. We fell off at Christmas. By February - we were still having “BPC” (made with MTC oil, cream, butter) for breakfast, and not eating bread, pasta, rice potatoes etc…but then Covid hit. Our 18 year old son came home from University and low and behold…Now - I’m back up to 147 (goal weight of 132). My husband doesn’t fit into his clothes anymore either. So, I am BACK and committed. My question is - after about 15 months of having BPC for breakfast… is this a good why to get going again. I do like it because it takes away my hunger …Any thoughts on this subject?

(Marianne) #2

When I first started, I was having BPC in the morning with maybe a couple of scrambled eggs and bacon, and I found that that would carry me comfortably to dinner. Can you do that (TMAD)?

More importantly, I think it would be good to get your fat and protein macros and stay close to those, keeping the total carbs to less than 20g/day. I believe it you do that, you will lose weight. Don’t count calories. So, if you choose to get some of your fat through BPC, and you meet your macros, so be it. Keto is very flexible. I only tracked like this for 3-4 weeks, just so I learned the approximate macros of the things we commonly eat.


I for one am going to use BPC for intermittent fasting. it does not raise my insulin levels and I can thereby wait until later for my first meal of the day and do 18/6.
But as it is, I am not really a fan of it or the taste. If I am not fasting then I would rather eat something fatty than drink a coffee which is fatty. But that is just me. I use it basically to stop any hunger pangs. and 1 teaspoon of butter or coconut oil will do it. ( MCT oii gives me the runs badly!!!)


Really up to what works for you, I really like the taste of them but cut them out a while ago because they were stalling me out, not directly but because of my daily intake with them in the mix) traditionally a BPC is your coffee, 1-2 TBSP of MCT Oil, 2 TBSP grass fed butter. If you’re putting in cream on top of those that’s a REALLY calorically dense coffee! May or may not equal a large meal depending on your ratios of what’s in there.

(Peg Prince) #5

Thank you. Do you used Coconut oil or MCT oil?

(Peg Prince) #6

Really, so I don’t need to buy the expensive MCT oils to get the same full effect?

(Peg Prince) #7

My typical BPC is one TBSP each MCT oil, cream and butter. Not grass fed oil or butter as we simply can’t afford them. Even the MCT oil is very expensive. However, doing this over 15 months allowed me to not only loose weight, but not feel hungry until 12, 1 or even 2pm. So it really serves as my breakfast more than anything. I’m not a bacon and eggs person, so this yummy coffee is perfect for me.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #8

Strictly speaking, Bulletproof coffee is a proprietary recipe developed by Dave Asprey and promulgated on his Web site, But a little browsing on these forums will show you how diversely people interpret the concept of putting fat in their coffee. I’d say, do whatever you can afford that works for you.

I find that I prefer my coffee hot and black, no sweetener, no cream. I guess you could call it “bullet-vulnerable,” lol! :grin:

(Doug) #9

If you’re trying to eat fewer times per day, and it helps you do that, then it sounds great to me.

MCT oil - some people swear by it, saying they can really feel it and that it’s a good thing. I always think, “You’re burning your own fat to start with - why add more, especially expensive stuff in this case?”

If butter, etc., gives you a consistency that’s good enough for you without adding MCT oil, then why bother with it?

(Peg Prince) #10

Good point! I will give it a try without the M CT oil!


For all the “magic” of a BPC you’d want a C8 MCT Oil over Coconut oil. The C8 MCT chain is the one that for lack of a better term has the most “octane”, burns the fastest, gives you the most energy etc. The exact blends change depending on the brand of oil but I think the average is that a pure C8 oil has 10x the punch of a “normal” MCT or Coconut oil which is a blend of C6/C8/C10/C12 chains. C8 converts to ketones the fastest. With all that said, you definitely don’t have to buy some uppity brand though, I switch it up depending on price. Right now I think I paid $25 for a 32oz jug of KetoMCT, I also use LeftCoast, Sports Research there’s a ton of them. Look around. Don’t have to go broke on this stuff, I used to do that thinking I was doing myself a favor, NOPE!

Keep in mind though, the MCTs are the “energy” in the BPC.

All this BPC talk is making me want one, afraid I may restart the addiction.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #12

I disagree although I used to believe this. Too many variables are individual (protein) and I don’t believe in a fat target either. The main thing with ketosis is carb limiting. If you do that you’ll be in ketosis. I fully believe protein and fat should be eaten to satiety. If you choose a hard protein/fat macro isn’t that just a round about way of counting calories without actually “counting”? Fat and protein have pretty predictable caloric content across the board. Approximately 4 kcals per gram of protein and 9 kcals for fats. If you choose a specific number of grams of each you are counting calories. I did it for months and it worked till it didn’t because as you loose weight your needs will change. If you adjust down by using a macro calculator you aren’t listening to your body’s hormone signals. So you keep adjusting macros down and eventually you bottom out stalled from a slow metabolism. I lost weight and achieved maintenance levels when I abandoned tracking, macros and all the stress causing hype around eating and trying to lose weight by carful calculations of how much food was “okay” to eat. I started losing weight again after eating several hundred kcals more per day, only counting carbs. I set my protein macro very high (1g per pound) and used that as a limit. I set fats macro to zero and added them as I felt necessary. I rarely got near my protein limit eating as much as I craved. Then I just abandoned all tracking once I found what worked for me. I know now what low carb is and don’t need to count those anymore. I learned how to judge carb content close enough to stay in ketosis. I know what’s okay and what’s not. I never want to live with a tracking app as part of my eating again. There’s much better ways to live your life.

To the OP, Peg BPC is fine! I lost a lot of weight doing BPC fasting for multiple days in a row. The longest was 4 days with a 10 lb loss. I regained 8 when I started eating again but over the next 10 days that all dropped off. Not everyone gets those results but it was a personal experiment and quite successful. However it ended with disaster sheets so after that my limit was 3 days. No issues with that. My BPC was 15g grass fed butter and 20g MCT oil with a double espresso and hot water to dilute it. I used the mason jar technique since I don’t have a frother. I made my BPC in a mason jar, put a lid on tight. Put a dish towel doubled up over the top and shake it really hard for about 30 seconds to emulsify it. Many cheap blenders can take a regular mouth canning jar instead of the pitcher. Look up mason jar blender hack on the web. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Alex ) #13

I’ve tried many times to integrate BPC into my diet, I think it’s a lot of effort for basically a lot of calories! I seriously don’t think it lives up to the hype, and it usually gives me stomach pains!

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #14

I’ll give you the standard unwanted but true answer.

If it works for you, and you like it, then do it. If you aren’t getting the results you want, or you don’t enjoy it, then don’t do it. Sorry!

My personal “coffee as a meal” is 100ml HWC, 1 Tbsp coconut oil and two whole raw eggs. This slurry is added to the first couple (“couple” is a very vague term,) cups from my French press. But I only have it once in a blue moon these days. Lately I’ve been doing cream, just not as much. And my new tactic is to start with black and add a splash of cream if I feel like it on the second cup. I actually like black coffee, but since starting keto I’ve really come to love the cream too!

(BuckRimfire) #15

As far as I can tell, by far the most cost-effective source of MCTs is coconut oil from Trader Joe’s. Theirs is way cheaper than the other supermarkets that I visit.

Supposedly, refined MCT oil is more C8 and C10 fatty acids while coconut oil is mostly C12 fatty acids. C12 is still considered “medium” chain but I see claims that it is not absorbed as fast as the shorter ones. I try not to let that bother me.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #16

@BuckRimfire I’ve tried both coconut oil and MCT in coffee. I hate coconut flavored coffee. It totally overwhelms the flavor. MCT is tasteless. It’s worth the extra $ to me. I don’t drink BPC unless I’m fat fasting. So I don’t go through it quickly.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #17

And I can’t even taste the coconut but I can still taste the coffee, so… :woman_shrugging:… But my aquiline nose is better at holding up glasses than actually smelling things, especially aromatic rather than the 5ish or so basic tastes, bitter like coffee among them, so that maybe it.

(Marianne) #18

I used coconut, but I like the flavor of MCT, too. Just never tried it. Now that we eat OMAD, I don’t do BPC anymore.

(Peg Prince) #19


(Peg Prince) #20

I tried used a Mason jar while I was visiting a friend in L.A. last year. It exploded all over her kitchen. I love my Bamix immersion blender! I have to buy more MTC oil on Amazon ( love to support local stores, but $49.00 for 32 ounces hurts. In the meantime, I will try coconut oil!