Ate too many carbs

(Empress of the Unexpected) #62

Question. I feel like I’m missing out on variety and nutrients because I can’t eat eggs. But I can sure eat the bacon. What would be a substitute for the eggs to go along with the bacon?

(vera) #63

I started making bulletproof coffee and I think that’s a good way to get the fat in


Hahaha… Bulletproof coffee? I normally don’t drink coffee.

I tried bulletproof tea before, and… after I tried a few times, I find out that I might not know the proper way to make after all. The look is not like those posted on website. (The oil is VERY OBVIOUS on the tea, which looks yuck to me)

(It tasted weird. Not really in a bad way, but confirmed not in a good way.)

(KCKO, KCFO) #65

I enjoy chocolate chia pudding at any meal. I also just IF most mornings.

Here is a good list of possible alternatives to eggs, since vegans don’t use them their sites are good info on no eggs or dairy recipes. You can still have bacon with these, we won’t tell the vegans :innocent:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #66


(Richard Morris) #67

@vvverawwu Eating a pint of ice cream is not a normal eating behavior. Even for someone responding to an energy crisis like reactive hypoglycemia that would be excessive. For some people getting “back on the horse” after a small lapse is the best strategy. That wasn’t a small lapse.

I think you should definitely get some advice from a specialist trained to deal with binge eating disorders. Which is not me, nor anyone on the forums (even those who are so trained, are not on this forum in that capacity).

What I would suggest is in your case to try to restrict yourself to very mundane boring meals that have adequate energy but no more for several weeks. Try to use simple meals as a tool to retrain your body to eat for energy not for novelty.

If I were in your position I would have bacon and eggs for breakfast. 2 slices of bacon, 2 eggs. If you are still hungry, cook a 3rd egg. Still hungry? a 4th egg. Teach your brain that when it demands novel foods, you will give it nutritious but non-novel food.

For lunch, have a tin of tuna and if you are still hungry a slice of cheese and wait 10 mins. Still hungry? another slice of cheese and wait 10 mins. Teach your brain that when it starts acting out and wanting you to eat a pint of icecream … it’s going to get a slice of cheese and 10 mins in the sin bin.

For dinner Steak, and 1 leafy vegetable like Spinach with a teaspoon of butter on it. If you are still hungry, cook some more spinach with a knob of butter.

I think you need to teach your brain that it is not going to be allowed to act out like that … it’s going to get essential nutrients and energy.

There is a happy place you can reach where your brain just shuts up about food until it’s running out of energy … most of us have made it there. Maybe not all of us from the place that you are in, but I was in the general neighborhood at one point.


Great advice from @richard and @gardengirlkp

I would like to add - get organised and prepared! It really makes the difference for those moments when you are tired and vulnerable. Use your upbeat periods to prepare fast and easy things that you can grab when you are tired. Clear the house of everything you shouldn’t be eating . Try to only go shopping when you are feeling good and NOT hungry! Make larger batches of things so you can plate up extras for the next day or put some in the freezer - things like pots of slow-cooked meat are amazing for this.

Focus on having 3 solid meals a day. If each one has a good amount of fatty protein you will likely feel full till your next meal. If you are ravenous between meals then you have either not eaten enough at the last meal or it is head hunger most likely.

Try and avoid snacks but don’t beat yourself up about it right now. Get through these initial few days then weeks then months with keto snacks available so that they are there to reach for when you are tired and hungry. That could be leftovers, cheese, cold meats like salami or cooked bacon, hard boiled eggs with mayo, etc.

Eating a pint of ice cream may not be normal behaviour for most people but I get it - it was normal for me. If I end up eating junky carbs again for whatever reason, the addiction takes hold again and that is where I end up too. I’m not saying it is easy getting back on track, but it is doable and the key is making it as easy as you can for yourself. That and salt! Take about a teaspoon and a half of salt in small amounts during the day with water - also stay well watered! - it helps.

You CAN do it, trust me.

You may also find this FB group useful…

(Richard Morris) #69

Well said Daisy.

I just thought of a snack option. Boil up a bunch of hard boiled eggs and keep them in an egg carton and write on it with a sharpie “SNACKS” then when you are craving a snack … grab one peel it cut it in half and smear a little butter on it and some salt and eat that. Hopefully your brain will work out “Oh right THIS is the lever I need to pull when I need energy, not stimulation”


Great idea. I love hard boiled eggs cut in half and loaded with mayo too - so good. There are things that you might need to cut back on later from a snacking POV but I wouldn’t think about that now. Cheese and cold meats are my go to too. I am a fearful snack monster and am working on tackling that now BUT only when I am comfortably keto again.

Ooooooooooo, my new favourite sweet treat - you will LOVE it. Creamed coconut. I just got a 12 pack from Amazon. They are hard blocks of literally creamed coconut that I melt and put into moulds with a shake of raspberry powder. No sweetener required. They are fatty, filling and DELICIOUS. Hold on, I may even have a pic somewhere…

(Karen Parrott) #71

I’ve been using beef sticks, avocados,or eggs and canned tuna as my Keto filler foods for when I am more active than I planned or I’m in a state of a stress and the binge urges get to be too, too much.

I try not to use food as a coping tool but when in dire straights I put something Keto in my mouth. It keeps me in remission or a lapse. As opposed to relapse.


I also think there is a big difference between those early days and later on. Early days I just need to eat as much and often as I want to really BUT keeping it all keto. I don’t have BED though. I suppose I would call myself on the spectrum and have tendencies but not full blown. My approach is one step at a time. First step is just getting through that first week and cutting all the crap by any keto means necessary! Worry about the rest in steps 2 and on :smiley:

That and salt! Salt really does help - for me anyway.

(vera) #73

Thank you for the advice but the problem is, my mom is the one who buys the bad foods and I always buy the healthy foods.

I also don’t eat when I’m hungry…
I don’t get hungry that easily but I eat when I’m bored so I honestly don’t really think about what I’m doing.

(vera) #74

I binged again and ate more than last time…
one of my family member is making me eat more food even though I don’t want to because I feel terrible and guilty :disappointed:

I was forced to eat two sandwich and an ice cream and I really didn’t want to :cold_sweat::cold_sweat::cold_sweat:


While I don’t have a binge eating disorder I have trained myself to avoid all sorts of foods for my health. The trick I use is to decide ahead of time what I do or don’t eat. And then if I see a food that looks yummy but it’s on my nolist I say to myself I don’t eat that. If I were tempted to eat it I might imagine how terrible I would feel if I ate it, how horrible it is for my health, how disgusting the ingredients are… You get the picture. Based on what I have read Vera you really need to see an eating disorder specialist. It will change your life! Good luck.

(Rob) #76

For a bit of context… this is a more recent topic from the OP which, if you haven’t seen it, gives a lot more on the presumed seriousness of the situation.

I have binged by any normal definition - a box of cookies, on top of a 14" pizza, and maybe a pint of ice cream or large chocolate bar, over an evening or so which made me feel like crap (after the immediate warm fuzzies of the sugar rush). Not that it stopped me from doing it on many occasions until I eventually found keto. I can’t even get my head around the above and the consistent binges before and since sound like a giant cry for help one way or another, and probably requiring urgent professional help.


Yes , I read that the other day. It’s alarming for sure. My reason for recommending a binge eating specialist was based specifically on the post you quoted. It is both alarming and sad. I’ve eaten almost a pint of ice cream in an evening many years ago but cannot imagine the quantities related above. There is an enormous pain being buried in all that food and clearly it’s not working as the binges are growing exponentially or at least the reports of said binges are growing. A cry for help one way or another for sure. An immediate assessment by an addiction specialist is required. Hopefully, Vera makes the call or someone in her life realizes there is trouble and gets an assessment asap.


I’m not sure how and why you were forced to eat, especially food that is not what you want to eat. I’m a little confused. You mentioned that your mum buys the food so you live at home I assume? Are you at school/college or working? There are definitely some emotional issues going on by the sounds of it (on your part and likely theirs too) that needs addressing. The fact that you were forced to eat implies that they were worried because maybe you haven’t eaten enough in the past? I will be honest, I am concerned by the way this thread is going and what your status is.

(vera) #79

The family member forced me to eat because he’s an aggressive guy
I eat at 5pm but he doesn’t believe that’s dinner
He eats at 8pm
He came home from college a week ago
So he forced me to eat two subway sandwiches and ice cream after I binged because he said it’s my fault for binging and eating at 5

(vera) #80

I want help but because I’m not 18 yet I can’t get the help I need because my mom thinks it’s bs and my bro think it’s completely my fault for doing this and giving me negative reinforcement and punishment
I’ve always been the one who does the shopping but my mom would always get her junk food


Depending on state law you can absolutely seek mental health treatment without your parent’s consent. Check the laws in your state.