At work now... No stove. Bacon and eggs

(Keith) #1

So on the weekends I make a “Meatza”. Basically 1 pack of uncured turkey Bacon and 4 to 6 scrambled eggs. layout in a pan, pour eggs on top. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 420 deg. F.

But no stove and I grabbed the bacon and eggs in the morning as a last resort. I have a large glass bowl with me and a microwave. I rarely use a microwave.

Anyone here have tips on making something like my “Meatza” in the microwave? Times? cook together or seperate? half cook bacon than add eggs?


(Keith) #2

My plan right now is to lay the bacon flat in the glass bowl. Microwave for 4 minutes, then add the scrambled eggs on top of the bacon. then microwave for another minute. stir the eggs. and 1 more minute.

Any reason this is either too long or too short?

(Ellie) #3

I think that should work. 4 mins might be a bit long for the bacon through depending on the power of the microwave. Start with 2 mins and see how it looks.
Microwaved scrambled eggs are nicer than leaving them whole. The texture seems to cope better.

(Michelle) #4

Turkey bacon though??

(Keith) #5

yeah, with this “Meatza” thing. Pork (Normal) bacon shrink too much in size and it doesn’t work well.

(Michelle) #6

I see!

(Michelle) #7

Personally I would use regular bacon, cut in small pieces with clean scissors, microwave for a couple minutes, pour in egg, stir, and microwave for 20 seconds at a time , stirring occasionally , until egg is set.

(Raj Seth) #8

Maybe a bacon weave for the base?