Hi All,
I cut the tops of my artichokes so I can pour salt, garlic powder and olive oil down then become pressure cooking them.
Is there a saw or some such that makes it easier to cut the tops off?
Many thanks,
Hi All,
I cut the tops of my artichokes so I can pour salt, garlic powder and olive oil down then become pressure cooking them.
Is there a saw or some such that makes it easier to cut the tops off?
Many thanks,
Are you cutting them sideways? Or slicing down the middle parallel to the long part?
Slicing the top of the flower, opposite of the stem. That way I can pry open the leaves a bit to add salt, garlic powder , and olive oil
Have you looked at serrated kitchen knives? I think they’re also sold as bread knives.
I’ve never tried it, but it seems like the same thing.
I have an ancient Ginsu knife (of the famed tin can and tomato slicing commercials). They might have done too good a job for their own good, the darn thing is still slicing through more or less anything I present it with after 40 years, I’m sure it would do fine with artichoke tips.
That’s what I was thinking, too. We call ours a “bread” knife, and maybe we even bought it that way? We’ve had it a while. We rarely have bread, other than at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I still use the knife quite a bit. It’s even good for tomatoes, and I used to use it for meat, until I got a “brisket” knife. Bread knife:
Brisket knife:
I like the brisket knife! When I saw the question about a saw, I just thought of a serrated blade as being more or less like a saw blade. I did a search on the big smiley box place for “serrated kitchen knife” but none had teeth like good old rip saw.
Then there are the Japanese Dozuki saws.
I have another version of these with teeth that aren’t as prominent. I’d try it, but I haven’t had an artichoke in a couple of years.
I used to use scissors to cut the tips of the leaves. It takes a little longer, but you’re opening up the artichoke as you do it.
I took a class in making shelves, and the carpenter recommended a Japanese hand saw. I bought one, and that thing is great.
I bought a much cheaper brisket knife, something like this:
It works well for meat (without bones).
Any normal, well-sharpened knife should successfully cut off the base of an artichoke. Obviously, a paring knife might have problems, but any utility knife ought to do fine. To me, a bread knife or brisket knife would be overkill.
First I tried a cardboard knife. Useless on an artichoke, but great on cardboard.
What I settled on was a
20kut45blu Choice 4 1/2" Serrated Edge Utility / Bar Knife
It cuts through an artichoke insanely easy. I find myself using it also to cut cheese, sausage, zucchini onions, garlic, cucumbers, peppers.
Thank you for all the tips and help!