Are your skin tags getting smaller and no new ones?


I enjoyed pointing out to hubby that his armpit tags had gone, along with some yellow toenail fungus. He was like “OMG, how’d that happen?”

Keto FTW :checkered_flag:

(Failed) #65

I have to wonder if it’s really the keto, because there are several of them in that cluster and only the one that’s doing anything weird. The odd looking one is now hard and crusty and I’m assuming it will eventually fall off.

If I see any changes in the other ones, I’ll post again.

(Nasir) #66

Is it only me then whose tags are not disappearing?

(Susan) #67

Are you doing a lot of Fasting? It is the 3+ day fasts that make them go, not just normal Keto.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #68

Susan, is there an article about this somewhere?

(Susan) #69

I read about it a while ago on this forum, people were saying their skin tags were disappearing when fasting,

Skin tag went missing!

and I read it on here as well:

They are not scientific articles but people that it has happened to them and they have posted about it =).

(Nasir) #70

I did a lot of fasting (one 5 day, many 2-3 days) but struggling now and mostly doing OMAD/TRE at the moment. Hoping to start EF again as still have a lot of weight to lose.

(Susan) #71

That is awesome, I think according to the three above sources, in time, that should help! I have noticed some of mine shrinking, and one has disappeared, so I am hopeful for the rest to leave in time as well. Good luck to you also!


I had a good number of skin tags pre-keto. Mostly on my neck and underarms. I had cut off a few of the biggest offenders myself. I can’t find a single one at this time.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #73

Thanks for the read, Susan. I thought there was something, somewhere, but couldn’t remember.

(KCKO, KCFO) #74

How long have you been eating keto? I was about a year in before I noticed mine were gone. I had done some fasting 3 days but not many. They are a sign of insulin resistance, once your sensitivity improves, they should too. Someone posted a nice study article on this. I will have to dig it up, I’ll post it in here if I can find it again.

Found it:

(Patrick Langworthy) #75

I realized this over the past week. I used to have several decent sized skin tags (armpits). I noticed that they are all darn near gone (something that regular weight loss is not supposed to do).:blush:

(Susan) #76

Welcome to the forum, Patrick, and that is great that they are disappearing!

(Nasir) #77

I started around xmas last year but not been strict keto.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #78

Give it time. I suspect that how long it takes for skin tags to disappear depends on how insulin resistant one is. Also, though fasting may help the process along, it is not a requirement for getting rid of skin tags.

(KCKO, KCFO) #81

So I told my husband I was disappointed that I found a skin tag. I thought I was done with them. I was getting upset, thinking ‘what am I doing wrong to cause this’. He started laughing and said "that isn’t a new skin tag, it is an old mole you had for the whole time I have known you, it has just changed from that pinkish red color to clear and I think it is smaller. Boy was I relieved, because he was right. It is very different than a skin tag upon closer inspection. So maybe moles will go away to the longer you are eating Keto/lchf.

(Marianne) #82

Just checked after reading this that the one I had on my eyelid is gone!!! I didn’t even notice.

I know I have reported this before, but my husband broke his second toe approx. 45 years ago. It developed a fungal nail right after that. He has been on keto for approx. 4 months now and it is completely gone, replaced by beautiful, clean nail!

So many reasons to love keto.

(Kristen Ann) #83

19 months into keto. I’ve recently had a couple of skin tags and kinda big moles fall off. Just sharing :slight_smile:

(Stephanie ) #84

Its been a little over 2 years since starting keto and i have well HAD one skin tag that was huge and painful and now its finally gone!!! :grin:

(Doug) #85

Not sure if it was fasting or keto or both (and I’ve been poor at staying consistently ketogenic), but I did notice a big change in the first year and now, after 3 years, I just plain don’t get skin tags. I can’t remember the last time I had one. WAY different from 2016/2017.