Anyone use Organic Palm Shortening (compared to beef tallow) for frying?

(Bob M) #1

I plan on buying beef tallow for frying in my new fryer (to get here tomorrow). However, this has about 9.5% PUFA:

And was recommended on this show:

This is a variety that is farmed by small farmers and is not the variety that is taking land from orangutans. You can read more here:

They have a good table (though it doesn’t have beef tallow):


I was going to use this and compare with beef tallow.

Has anyone used this?

(Bob M) #2

Beef tallow is about 4% PUFA, for comparison. See:

Hmmm…I use a lot of duck fat, which is about 13% PUFA, so higher than the Palm Oil.

(Running from stupidity) #3

That episode is literally the next podcast on my playlist. It’s my favourite keto podcast currently, and I’ve NEARLY caught up on all the back episodes…


I’ve used the Nutiva shortening which is palm fruit, red palm and coconut together. I’ve not used it in a fryer thought, just for cooking meat, eggs and veggies in my cast iron. I love it. No weird smell or taste.

(Betsy) #5

I used it for making popcorn. There is too much of something in it and that something burns. I was breathing out whatever it was. It’s not good for high temperatures, IMO.

I am guessing the “something” in it that burns is carotinoids.

(Running from stupidity) #6

That was pretty interesting (listened over the weekend).

(Doug) #7

My gut-basic reply is that anytime I hear “palm oil,” I cringe. I may be wrong - subjective experience here - but have always heard that palm oil is one of the nastiest things going, with all the chemical and heat and pressure processing that any seed oil has, and maybe more. It’s one of the cheapest oils, for a reason.

(Running from stupidity) #8

Yeah, that’s one of the reasons it was such an interesting episode. It’s my fav keto podcast by a long way currently. (“It” being the Keto Answers podcast, not that particular episode individually.)