Anyone around my size?

(Sue) #1

Hi, starting Keto next week. I’m just wondering if there is anyone around my size doing keto that DOES NOT exercise, and looking to lose weight? What are your macros? I keep doing all these online calculators and my numbers seem to be pretty low. Just curious what everyone else’s are?

I’m 5 feet 2 - 134 pounds - probably around 29% body fat (according to google images lol)

(LeeAnn Brooks) #2

I’m close, 5’2” 130 pounds, but I exercise.

Why so adverse to exercise?

(Sue) #3

It’s hard for me to find the time to. I work Monday through Friday 7 am - 4 pm then have an hour drive, then have to pick up my 3 month old, take care of her, then i have a puppy that i need to take care of as well…cook dinner, clean, etc. and by the time im done with everything its like 10 oclock. I’m just so exhausted by then. I know these sound liek excuses but i feel like i’m just so exhausted, then have to wake up at 5 am to get ready for work and take care of my daughter in the AM.

I’d eventually like to work out just right now it’s rough.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #4

Exercise is not necessary to weight loss on Keto, so don’t feel guilty about it. It just has other great health benefits on its own, so I always encourage it.
Good luck with the baby and puppy. Sounds like you have your hands full.


I’m close, 5-1, 135. But I’m also 67, which impacts calorie intake. My macros are under 20 grams net, around 55 grams of protein, 110-120 grams of fat and between 1300-`1400 calories per day. I’ve lost 36 pounds over 5 months and am still losing about a pound a week.

(Lindsey) #6

I started a week ago, I’m 5"1 and 130lb. Not sure if it’s working or not yet, I’ve not seen any of the big water-weight shifts people talk about. I’m not exercising at the moment because I’ve hurt my hip, but I’ll be getting back into it eventually.
My macros were showing up as really low using an app, but I saw one of the other threads advising to set it at ‘maintain’ rather than ‘lose.’ I think it should still give me a deficit, and I can tweak it if not.

(matt ) #7

Make time to take a walk with your baby and puppy. It’s mentally refreshing and good for you physically as well. I walk my dog in any weather and any time of day or night. I made a promise to us both.

It’s a great way to get outside which also has many benefits.


(Beth) #8

Hey girl! I am 5’3”, 135, 30% bodyfat. I’ve lost 17 pounds since March without exercise; I will keep going until I get around 20% bodyfat.
I used those calculators at first and ate within the macros but the low calories from the calculators were hard for me to stick to. I lost about five pounds in the first 2-3 weeks while I got adapted. It took me about a week to get over the keto flu.
I could not stay with the low calories every single day, some days I just need more fuel than others. I refuse to “diet” anymore.
I did better when I started adding intermittent fasting; I started losing more pounds and more consistently. The scale doesnt drop every day, more like it stays the same for five days and then I drop a couple pounds at once.
First I skipped breakfast, then went to the 16:8 eating window. I lost consistent weight doing 36 hour fasts three days a week (MWF) which let me eat on weekends with family. I eat above the calculator calorie counts on eat days. It averages around 30% more, still a deficit over the week. The fasting periods provide beneficial hormone changes vs just low cal every day.
I’m doing longer fasts right now (3 to 4 days) to lose my last ten pounds.
My latest DXA bodyscan shows I GAINED two pounds of muscle on keto WITHOUT exercising. I attribute that to the beneficial hormone changes of the fasting.
There are tons of ways to tweak this for your own benefit. Dr Jason Fung’s blog and books helped me, the podcasts, the recipes section, and I like the recipes from Dana Carpender’s Fat Fast books - they make small portions all within the macros so I don’t have to do anything. That helped me get a handle on a portion size that is still satisfying.
I have stopped focusing on macros now. I just measure my blood glucose every morning and after meals to see how I react to different foods and amounts. Still losing steadily. I learned it here from @4dml. You can search her posts to learn more.
One more thing: I am now smaller at a higher weight than ever before. My body composition is shifting. When I ate carbs I could never fit into a size 2 or 4 while weighing in the 130’s. So inches may change even when the scale does not, thanks to the gain in lean tissue.
Welcome and good luck! You’re in a great forum for support and science based info!

(KetoQ) #9

Sue, you certainly have long days and lots of responsibilities. I can understand, I’m up at 5:30 and don’t get home until 7. And I have it much easier than you. My baby is 16 years old.

Focus on getting some long walks in over the weekend. I see lots of young parents on my walking path with strollers. You too can become one of the “super mommies.”

Based on my personal experience with young babies, during the week, it’s more important that you get your sleep. Exercise during the work week should not be a priority.

Oh, and by the way, that’s a really cute baby you got there!


I’m finishing up my first week of keto and I’m 5’7 around 140 lbs. Right now I’m just focusing on keeping my carbs below 30g, moderate protein, and eating lots of fat. I don’t live and die by specific macros, just trying to eat intuitively and keep my ratios in check. I don’t exercise a lot either because I am working constantly, but I try to be up and moving throughout the day and walk a lot and take the stairs when I can. My body’s natural set weight point is around 125-130 lbs, so I am looking to lose at least 10 lbs. I haven’t seen any big weight changes but I’m trying to give my body time to adjust. However, my face looks less bloated than when I was eating high carb. I’m hoping to see some more significant changes soon, but just the increased energy and mental clarity is enough for me to be sold :smile:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #11

From the sound of things, you may lose rather slowly, since you are pretty close to a healthy fat percentage already. Also, women’s hormones tend to affect things, as well. Be sure to get enough calories, as the body does not take well to starvation (somewhat counter-intuitively, fasting has a very different effect). The safest macronutrient, from the point of view of keeping insulin levels low, is fat, believe it or not, so keep your carbohydrate under 20g, your protein reasonable, and replace your lost carb calories with fat calories, and you should be fine.

Keep us posted about how things are going for you.