Any ideas to make lamb fat less “rich”

(Alec) #1

I had some fatty lamb for lunch. Very filling, couldn’t eat much. But it was too rich… any ideas to make lamb fat less rich?


I find that acid really helps for that. I will sometimes just dip my meat in red wine or apple cider vinegars.

(Pete A) #3

If possible find a leaner cut.


Traditionally lamb has been served with either fruit or acids in order to cut the fattiness.

Of course, those are often carby and not suitable for keto!

But I still use that idea to sometimes.

I’ve got a great recipe for lamb shoulder where you stab the shoulder all over and insert slivers of garlic. Then you rub the outside of the shoulder with anchovy paste. It works beautifully!

There are lots of Greek recipes where lamb is cooked with tomatoes, where the acid offsets the fat, and you could always increase the acidity with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

North African recipes often use apricots and other dried fruit, which are (of course) very sweet. But I am not such a purist that I couldn’t put a single dried apricot in a stuffing made of cauliflower rice, with other spices.

For some reason I have never been a fan of combining cinnamon with lamb. Just doesn’t work for me. But other people seem to love it.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

(Karen) #5

Citrus cuts fattiness.