Another Carnivore Thread


Note to self…stay the heck out of a lot of threads on the forum before I go blind reading the most stuff posted about nutrition LOL

Need to tighten my focus on carnivore and not wander the board too much. When I do this I can get into trouble fast, so sticking closer to home now and keeping my trap more shut on the board and the whole point of this is to keep my friggin’ sanity :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

People say don’t argue money, religion and politics. 3? heck no, there are 4. Nutrition LOL

eh, all cool. no biggie. just have to pull back from the insanity of it and just chill. Good thing carnivore gives me that. When eating plants I would fight like a dog and go at stupid conversations with vigor, now since I am so chill, I have superior brain clarity after being in a carby brain fog for so long…I know when to walk away and not go down that road of crazy. You know, that is a wonderful benefit to carnivore, walk away and let the others just flip out, I wanna live a better life than that HAHA

oh well, just a small rant on forums and unsound info posted and things like that. I know we all go thru it in every forum we were ever on with all types of stuff out there. You know I was on a hiking forum since I am a true hiker and 2 hikers were going at it like crazy over how ‘good’ a mountain trail was and just how rocky it was and how the vertical climb was and more. I was like, what the ??? I don’t know how these 2 hikers saw this trail so different but both insisted their evaluation of the trail was correct. One hiker said, eh easy climb, good for beginners etc and went on to say why and another hiker came in and said, are you nuts? this trail will take out old people and kids and they could never handle this hike…and yea they went at it LOL So for me all forums are subject to WOW and at some point you do have to walk away and chill thru the crazy.

talked too much about the crazy of it all HAHA
just chatting out some thoughts on what it will take for me to survive on a forum and just walk away sometimes is obviously best with some threads.
I love our safer carnivore category area. So easy to chat amongst the natives ya know :slight_smile:

(Keto Koala 🐨) #1406

Very well said Fangsy :heart::heart::heart:


eh, it’s all cool. forums go in ebb and flow of crazy and good I guess HAHA

(Scott) #1408

So I guess carovoure is much like keto, you can make of it what you want within certain limits. Funny but I never hear the term dirty carnivore. So if I increase meats and reduce veggies I should be able to get some benifit out of it, right? I may not be quite ready as there are some things that doubt I will put aside like beer and wine. This makes me ask, any of you carnivores out there drinks too?


well Scott, there is dirty carnivore, and that applies only to the food eaten, not the person eating it HA

dirty means a ‘few’ things like maybe eating cocktail sauce which is plant based, maybe eating store shelf mayonnaise, maybe eating a product like shredded cheese from a bag that contains cornstarch binder. Then of course we can dirty up a bit more but then it starts to get bad, as in you are leaving the plan mostly, by adding in like some mushrooms to your steak or having a side salad with your steak.

NOW DO NOT get me wrong here, the above is about carnivore :slight_smile:

Your answer is yes and another yes. Reducing veg and increasing meat and fat is a wonderful way to eat. Many Keto plan people do go more protein/fat direction and less veg. Yes you absolutely will get benefit from going lower and lower on carb intake.

Also thing is plants have many toxins as we discuss with our carnivore eating. Oxalates, lechtins and nightshade veggies and more so when one does severely limit the intake of these toxins we can find healing relief. Our joints are better, skin problems can clear, we get way better brain clarity and come out of our carb comas. And many more benefits on top of that :slight_smile:

You might go thru adaption again. Many who drop more and more plants and go more into more protein/fat eating can experience some effects from their bodies eating less toxin intake and having to dump those toxins leaving the body. So just be aware on that one :slight_smile: won’t be bad for all coming from a very very low carb into carnivore but some can experience differences.

drink…I am water only now. No other drinks

other than………maybe a beer now and then which is super rare for me since beer truly is like liquid bread to my body.

AND I WILL allow a diet crappy store brand fruit punch powder drink I mix into a light dilution and put rum in it :slight_smile: or more rare, I might do a diet pepsi and rum but those bubbles in soda bloat me to no end.

So if drinking yea I go for it but try to control the crap with it. But getting older now, much to my dismay, I don’t go toward alcohol now like I used to…plus more and more carnivore a person kinda just drops booze cause their bodies kinda don’t want it, like it as before, get crocked faster on less booze and it can make us feel icky pretty quick…so…that will vary for all how we do handle booze in our life.

hope some of that helps you with questions you might have :slight_smile:

(Ashley) #1410

So i weighed in at 201, now today I weigh 205 and 208 depending on my house so tbh idk what I weigh lol, I doubt I’m 4lbs up!


Bodyweight fluctuates, it’s perfectly normal. Some people have way bigger changes, they come and go.

Fangs, well said. The chill attitude among the carnivores here was a big part of the charm when I came here a few months ago :smiley: I am sure it’s not just about carnivore but the persons themselves but the right diet can help a lot indeed. I am sure very low-carb is for me and I feel a bit different person when I eat right. And the last several years (on low-carb) taught me things. I am way more patient now and see things differently.

To me, this topic is the base/home here, a nice little nest where I can relax :slight_smile:

I might doing dirty carnivore today and tomorrow too. No idea where are the borders of it, it’s surely fuzzy. My SO made one of my favorite egg dishes (my idea. he could make some vegetable dish as well, I had ideas for them as well, I almost start worrying about him, no vegetable dishes all week! except split peas but that’s different, too carby, not “proper” vegetable. but he seems to be okay). This dish needs onions and tomato puree, not a tiny amount. Oh well. I don’t really care, it’s low-carb enough for me.

My SO said he considers lard unhealthy so he didn’t want to use it. After he used it because I wanted lard and he wanted coconut oil… Well, I have no problems with coconut oil (less tasty and more plastic garbage but I can buy it a tad cheaper) so I guess we will use coconut oil for the common dishes… Or I need to make the same dish in two versions, lard makes the not super tasty ones better…
He does even less research I do, well I read things sometimes but not particularly much or scientific as I won’t understand the Chemistry and who am I to know if it’s true? I still can make some educated guesses sometimes but it’s not always easy.
I guess I will prefer carnivore dishes without added fat then (except my own ones, I almost always have some separate dishes). Or with butter if the amount is tiny. He’s fine with butter, it’s just very expensive (while good lard is tastier for me. it’s European lard, it matters, I’ve read and it sounded believable. and it’s not like I use very much of it).


scales are evil, no doubt about it. uneven surface or low batteries and more always interfere with the number sometimes LOL you aren’t up that much if you did nothing bad :slight_smile:

(Ashley) #1413

All I ate was some bacon and some burger lol


eh, you good, me thinks that scale should be executed at some point LOL


Scales are far from perfect, indeed. A mere personal scale… I step on it 3 times and I get different results. I usually use the average of the last ones. Not like it matters. Long term results matter and not even our weight. I would be perfectly fine with my current weight (I probably have about 30 lbs fat to lose) if I looked great, was muscular and totally healthy… :smiley:

(Ashley) #1416

I’m not worried, I usually don’t weigh I just found it amusing. I did drink a lot of water and 1 cup of coffee with very small amount of cream so maybe it’s just fluctuations. Not worried as I can still tell my clothes are looser.


wonderful! and boy that beats the number on a stupid scale any old day!!!

(Ashley) #1418

Also I had a run in with my aunt at the store. My grandmas sister so my great aunt. I walked up to her and said, hey I think I know you! And her first response was hey you’ve lost a lot of weight haven’t you? I can see a huge difference in my face!


oh heck yea. now that kind of comment is all telling and a darn good compliment for your efforts! love it. Just confirms what you are doing is good for you and working well!!

(Scott) #1420

I had the same type of encounter once after I lost all of my excess weight (53 pounds). I was in a car as they were too. All we could see is each others faces. “man, you have lost a lot of weight”


I lost about 20 pounds when my very round face suddenly slimmed down. It was pretty quick but I didn’t notice. Then I saw an old photo and I was quite surprised. People who didn’t see me every day noticed my fat-loss way earlier, nothing unusual about it.
My belly was my fattist part of mine and it changed little this far, not a very unusual thing I assume. Oh well. I am not that heavy so I don’t worry but it will be healthier to lose the fat there…

I expect some slow loss now. After several years, it will be odd but nice.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #1422

This is the worst fat you can carry, it’s an indication of insulin resistance and fatty deposits on vital organs.

(Daisy) #1423

When I restarted carnivore 4 weeks ago, I made a deal with myself that I would not step on a scale or take a measurement for a MINIMUM of 30 days. 30 days will be this Wednesday. I’m going to take some measurements, but I think I’ll push the scale another 30.


So I have heard. I really don’t worry about insulin resistance but the other thing doesn’t sound good. Hopefully I will lose fat at some point, it’s not like I don’t put in effort but it took a long time to find and being able to do a diet where I don’t eat too much. I am okay now, I should add exercise too. I usually have some but the weather and my life problems, mood made me very inactive lately. I typically eat the least (or I am able to do it) when I move the least, in January and in February, eaten amounts and my activity has little correlation but these months have a significant effect on both. And on my mood. I prefer much sunshine (the afternoon hours are important), no fog and not too warm weather. I actually need it to feel okay and not having very antihedonistic, destructive tendencies like not going out, ruining my energy level even more.
Or something, I rather not analyze myself now, that would be depressing.