Another Carnivore Thread

(Full Metal KETO AF) #1118

@FrankoBear If Bunny finds out about it I’m sure she’ll tell you what’s up!


(mole person) #1119

Very interesting. I’m on the lean side at 104 lbs and yah, when I ate a lot of protein at the start of carnivore I was really hungry a lot, eating too much, and weirdly craving stuff. Also, I had a return to pre keto brain fog, lower mood, and crappier skin.


I was super satiated when I started, way too much, it was a bit uncomfortable to be so full all the time.
But I didn’t eat more protein I usually do. Only in percentages as I ate less food I normally do.
I am borderline overweight.
Eggs and meat are my top satiating food items and carbs make me hungry. Eating very high protein is something I can’t do, too satiating (at least with all the fat I inevitably eat with it but protein is way more important than fat anyway regarding satiation. Lots of fat isn’t effective without lots of protein, the opposite is, I guess, I have only a tiny experience with low-fat keto days).

I am fat adapted since long and it has a big effect on my satiation and hunger, no matter how I eat. There are probably lots of personal factors. For example, I was always good at being satiated for long when well-fasted, even on high-carb. Carbs make me hungry and more uncontrolled but I need to eat them first.


I had written this the other day, and forgot to post it…so here is my little corner of the world on New Year’s Day…

Off topic. But here is a pic of what things look like here on Jan.1,2020. Its 10F outside, nice and sunny. I love Michigan!
Got a foot of snow the other day, so everything is covered in a lovely blanket of sparkles.

(Susan) #1122

What a beautiful picture =).

(Ashley) #1123

Funny, Michigan here too and we had a nice 60F!!! Funny how up north you guys get dumped and we had a nice sunny day :slight_smile: actually didn’t read that well :slight_smile: 60F on Xmas! And the next day! But on the first I think we had like 45F!

Just started and need help

One might eat a bunch when starting carnivore. Most of us come from a malnourished situation. Yes even on low carb etc. We control/manipulate/limit/eat plants that go against us and while we feel wonderful on low carb, we are actually still ‘dieting’. We think we can control the body when in truth we can’t. Down to that cellular level.

So when one gets good meat and fat, the body demands to be fed. It is happy as a lark getting the nutrition it requires. Depending on how we are coming into carnivore, your body will ask and ask for food as it needs. This is when carnivores say feed the body all it asks. Just let it happen. As your body uses all this good meat and fat to recover, heal internally and more it might ask for more food or ask for less as it balances itself back to normal. This journey will be very different for each of us cause we are all the same but certainly not in the damage internally to our bodies. The body will repair and heal itself if we feed it as it asks.

Never be scared to eat on carnivore :wink:

(Shane) #1125

Christmas in SE Aus. Ho Ho Ho.
Might have to get out there and mow the nature strip before it blows away.
At least the wind changed and I can see the trees over the road through the smoke haze today.

On a more carnivore note, my weight dropped again this morning for about the 10th time in the last couple of weeks. Not bad for the holiday season.


Lunchtime’, actually this will probably be my only meal today. Meat cookies with tallow and egg yolks for topping. Liver for a side.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #1127

Fangs, are you suggesting that those following a ketogenic diet that includes vegetables, spices and nuts are not having their nutritional needs met? And until they go on a carnivore diet and eliminate these things, their body isn’t being fed appropriately?

That’s what it sounds like and while I appreciate the carnivore diet works well for you and the rest of the folks on this thread and in the ZC community I have concerns about the message here. There are people who are healthy and eating a variety of different plans. And you’re right, they’re all technically “dieting”. So are you. So am I.


Just from a read of her comment I think she may be referring to situations that we have all seen. People go low carb or keto but still insist on caloric restriction. CICO is so ingrained that it’s hard for some to get it out of their head.

If I’m wrong on my read of this I’m sure she’ll tell me. :smile:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #1129

I get that plants don’t jive with some people. Heck, I don’t jive with alcohol. But it would be insensitive and wrong for me to tell everyone that to drink alcohol is wrong, even if I thought that deep down. I personally love plants, way more than meat. They make me feel good and alive when they’re part of my life. I respect those doing the carnivore diet, I really do. I simply take issue with blanket statements, that’s all.


As do I. This isn’t for everybody. In my case, though, kicking veg to the curb has been a good thing. Keto, done right, is good medicine for most people.


Pretty! We had some hoar frost, it was pretty but melted already. It’s January but it’s still not “very” cold all the time. 30-40F here (Celsius makes much more sense, oh well).

I went out (some cycling), we finally went and found the shop of the pig farm but it was closed. Probably just some after New Year thing, we will try another time. Hopefully when it will be warmer, I was so very cold for hours.

I wasn’t late to order mutton, I will get it, yay! My SO is looking forward to it and will cook mutton goulash. Too bad even I can’t imagine it without potatoes but it will be fine once (and carefully). But I need very low-carb more than before, my body refuses to handle anything else, I get too hungry and that’s horrible (I solve it but it takes huge efforts). My next week will be challenging.


Alcohol is a toxin but I won’t give it up and my body easily handles it (the minuscule amount I super rarely consume :smiley: It IS a toxin with serious effects if we aren’t careful). Plants are different, we usually eat them often and in significant quantities (not on carnivore, though but it’s true for alcohol as well).
I was a HUGE vegetable lover and I love my fruit garden. I even look with respect at many traditional dishes even if I don’t want to eat them, it’s culture, not trash.
Personally I believe we are very, very different. Plants has very different effect on our individual bodies. I don’t think I need much healing (probably some but mostly not because of plants, probably. I am not an expert, what can I know? some plants aren’t okay just like some animals, I feel that and don’t eat much of those), I don’t do carnivore for that. The plants themselves feel fine to some extent, carbs are problematic for me. Sadly, the two are typically strongly connected. I imagine I will eat plants in the future too but extremely little because of carbs (I probably will experiment with the super low-carb items, those are theoretically fine in bigger amounts. I do my own personal diet, not carnivore. But honestly, it’s way easier just not eating plants unless rarely in tiny amounts, at least for now).
People can get malnourished on any diet but keto is fine even with lots of plants if one does it right, I’m sure about it. I mean, we can eat all the necessary nutrients. It might be bad for us if we can’t handle much (or little) carbs or we can’t absorb something or if we have problems with most plants. Just like surely some people would get sick on carnivore for some reason. Each to their own. But we are subject to change. I surely did. My sweet spot/range shifted.
We won’t all agree about these things, though. It’s normal.


The protein leverage theory would have us eating enough food until all our essential amino acid requirements are met. The fat leverage theory would have us eating enough food until our essential fatty acid requirements are met. The salt leverage theory would have us eating enough food until our electrolyte micronutrient needs are met. The carbohydrate manipulations of food science would have us eating until we explode due to insatiable hunger.

There is also a physiological state where fat adapted higher protein intake does not influence hunger hormones and insulin response acutely. But in a non fat adapted, non ketogenic state the insulinogenic amino acids can drive hunger due to insulin spiking.

So people come into carnivore in different nutritional states. Those wishing to avoid any hunger complications are better to become fat adapted and in nutritional ketosis as part of the ramp up.

(Shane) #1134

We need to put that on a T shirt.


Bob called what I was saying. No I am not saying that some don’t do very well on lc etc. What I was saying is when one ‘over manipulates’ their plans, any people can all do this on any plan, we can fall prey to malnutrition easily. I am not talking just ‘dieting’ as in changing your eating plan to healthier, I am talking more restrictions and overly forced fasts and more a lot of people ‘do’ to starve down the scale.

The message isn’t carnivore is end all be all for everyone :slight_smile: The message is friggin’ eat well for nutrition and stop ‘over dieting’. That is where we lose a lot on our plans.


LOL you called it. You know me so well. You understood exactly what I was saying, one carnivore to another HAHA


I didn’t blanket statement in that other post tho :slight_smile:

but carnivore is no plants. we have reasons why we don’t eat them. So if one wants to eat plants on another plan, then have at it. Do your thing. No one ever says this is wrong for you. But in carnivore land I sure will never say plants are healthy to eat. It is not me. If you read that and disagree, then hey, that is cool. We all do what we need thru this life but a carnivore like me finds the science studies and more very core valuable info about my plan and it is something I would chat about because of that. I ain’t shy that way LOL