Accidental discovery - nom nom

(Ellen) #1

I struggle with upping my fat intake, happily cook with coconut oil & lard but have tried it on it’s on and just bleurgh! I made a curry last night and the fat had solidified over night, so I tried a bit and it was pretty good. So now I’m going to make some curried coconut oil to keep in the fridge to snack on.


OMG! I bet you could do some dill pickle or salt fat chips!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

I started buying refined coconut oil to cook with. It does taste pretty bland on its own. Should I switch to the unrefined? Does the taste affect the taste of the food you cook in it? (I had to get used to the taste of corn popped in olive oil, as I recall, but I came to enjoy it.)


I’d switch. Refined coconut oil is sort of nasty in how it’s processed:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

Thanks, Brian. That’s good to know. :scream:

(Khara) #6

I still get confused with all the coconut oils. I’m sure that stems mostly from reading labels that are touting the benefits of that particular product. Due to articles like the one above though I’ve generally gotten a bad vibe about the refined coconut oils and don’t use it very often. Unrefined will impart a soft coconutty flavor that I don’t like on certain foods like eggs. So for those foods I stick with butter or lard. I like that I get some variety of fats this way too.
I have recently been considering this product for a refined no flavor option to have in the kitchen but I haven’t decided yet. It says mechanically pressed without solvents or chemicals.…