About the Fasting Females category

(Amy s) #22

I’m currently at at hr 72 of a 4 (or 5 depending on how I feel) water, coffee, broth fast. I feel fantastic and I love the freedom and feeling I get while fasting but I’ve noticed each time I fast when I get beyond 48h I am freezing most all the time. Anyone else experience this?

(Jennifer) #23

On day 7 of my first long term fast and did fine except my cycle started on day 4. Yuck, days 5-7 have sucked dealing with cramps. Was planning on a water/tea only, but took some bone broth to wash down the ibuprofen when needed. I will be timing my long term fasts better next time.

Still, down 10 pounds and the fasting was very doable. So overall, wasn’t too bad. :slight_smile:

(@CubanBarbie) #24

Same here, I struggle when it’s time to cook. My kids are 8 and 10…my ten year old has learned how to make his own breakfast…a veggie omelette and hash browns made from scratch…although, he’s not very quick about it, so he only does it on the weekend. He has offered to learn how to prep his sister’s too. I sit in the kitchen and read while he’s cooking for safety…and to answer questions while he’s learning…but at least I’m not close to the food! My goal is to get them both cooking so that when they are older, breakfast can be something they do every morning and dinner can be their responsibility one night each week!

Do you think you could get yours cooking for themselves? It’s an important life skill.

(@CubanBarbie) #25

I am…for sure…feeling cold. I’ve noticed that drinking an electrolyte drink helps. I just put some himalayan rock salt into a glass of water or a tea. I’m also off caffeine on this fast so I’m feeling tired…really tired, not energized like I hoped…I’m on hour 92.


Yes! I have a cold nose like a dog when I fast. It’s so annoying. Exercise helps to warm me and keep me warm. Sometimes a set of body squats or a brisk walk does the trick. Of course, it’s winter where I am and I sit all day in a relatively cool office. I am curious to see whether this will occur in summertime as well. I only started fasting in the fall.


I usually do a monthly ‘fat fast’ aka zornfast. I’ve gotten up to 6 days but for March will be trying a 3 day water fast…starting Friday. Wish me luck.

(Katie) #28

This is a little off-topic, but I am confused…in the first episode of the 2 Keto Dudes podcast the hosts said that the keto diet is meant to be a treatment/cure to diabetes, and is not for 5’4" females waying 110 lbs. They almost described me exactly–should I not try keto?

(Teresa Driver) #29

Just my opinion, but if you are happy with your weight/body fat I don’t see any harm in switching to keto lifestyle without any caloric deficit. In fact, I would think it would improve your health all around. I think Carl was talking about don’t do the one week keto and then stop thing that so many women do. You know where we drop all the water weight for one big event and then go back to eating whatever we want?

(Katie) #30

Thank you, I understand what you mean. Is there a post/site/blog/etc. how/what to eat the first day? I am not new to the idea of ketosis, I have researched a lot about it. But when I went tried to implement this week I really was at a loss for what to eat. I have searched the forum but really have not found anything helpful…

(Teresa Driver) #31

I typically eat eggs and bacon for breakfast. Coffee with heavy cream in it
for break.

Lunch is usually leftovers from the night before. Curry today with just
meat, coconut oil, spices and coconut milk.

Suppers are usually some type of meat, roasted broccoli or cauliflower, or
a keto approved salad with olive oil.

Cheeses for snacks, or just butter in hot water with salt. I’m about 3
times your weight, so my quantities will look nothing like yours. However,
in your shoes, I would just eat until full and stop.

(Teresa Driver) #32

Now that I have some coffee in and my brain is functioning:
I found my way to keto through Paleo dieting, but prior to that I had been reading the Weston A. Price foundation’s website.


And then a crunchy homeschool mom friend turned me on to Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions


And last but not least: The Atkins Diet Induction Food List. Just staying on the induction plan foods has been my best bet.

(Katie) #33

Thank you @Teresa_Driver !

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #34

@Pamplemousse aka grapefruit lady (Lol), you need the book “The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living” by Phinney and Volek. Ketogenic foods are listed along with ideas for meals. Mostly this book explains the ketogenic diet in a nutshell.
The book is considered the keto “bible”

(KCKO, KCFO) #35

I was reading the Zornfast thread and got inspired to try fasting over 24 hrs. I started last week, did 26 hrs. before breaking it. I did another fast this week, 56 hrs. and I could have easily continued, but had social commitment, so broke it then.

I did bone broth and coffee with coconut oil along with lots of salty water. I was amazed at how easy it was, lack of hunger, and my energy shot up. My allergies also got better without meds. I dropped 2 lbs during the 56 hr. fast, refed and when I weighed in again, I was down an additonal 1 lb.

I would love to learn more about other women’s experiences with fasting. I also do the IF thing, mixing it up from 14/10 to

editing to say: I am retired, do yoga, walking, hiking in the Rockies, and some strength training. I am soon to be 68, and I am within 6 lbs. of my goal weight. Any other ladies of similar age doing this?

(danjo171) #36

This is a little off-topic, but I am confused…in the first episode of the 2 Keto Dudes podcast the hosts said that the keto diet is meant to be a treatment/cure to diabetes, and is not for 5’4" females waying 110 lbs. They almost described me exactly–should I not try keto?
Keep listening to the podcasts, and you will hear that they correct that.

(Katie) #37

Do you know when they corrected themselves, and/or what they said?

(danjo171) #38

I have just tried to find it in the errata. I haven’t been able to. I can’t remember which episode it was, but Carl pointed out that it was something he said early in his journey, and he has since realised that there are many more reasons to follow a keto lifestyle.

(Gale Dacalio) #39

Don’t believe that. People at work freaked out when they knew I was fasting. It is one of the best things I have ever done for my health. Extended fasting got me started. Now I am into a 4 hour eating window every day. Its totally amazing. They used to call me eleven O’'clock at work because that was when I’d go to lunch. Now with keto it’s so easy to fast and I feel great all day. My longest extended fast was 9 days (including the work week) with salt water only. Fasting is awesome…:sunglasses:

(Candy Lind) #40

OK, I just completed my first 24 hour fast (it’s Monday evening), and I’m going to go for 48 Wednesday night into Friday. That means I’ll eat 2-3 times the next 48 hours before I fast 48. I feel that’s quite doable. I need this for a lot of reasons, the main one being fat adaption. I ordered a Keto Mojo this weekend as well. It’s time for me to kick ass! I will post progress results here as well. Comments/suggestions welcome!

(Buffy) #41

I am only in my 2nd week of keto yet find myself naturally doing IF. Most days I eat in about a 4-6hr window. Hunger isn’t an issue. Cravings… Depends on the day. Am I nuts? Didn’t do anything to artificially effect this pattern.