A really extended fast: going for 46-days!


Hi Michelle,

I don’t use MCT oil during my water fast, but I do take ~4-5 grams sea salt during the day and 400 mg magnesium at night.

(Jacquie) #103

@Debby Curious to know how you go 35 day fasted as I gather you’re not ‘overweight’? Do you know your bf and do you track lbm? :slight_smile:

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #104

Day 15 and 353 hours fasted on water, coffee, bone broth, electrolytes, and occasional heavy cream. No hunger issues and some foods that I see in advertisements or on the internet look really good but I can easily pass on them! Here are my numbers for today:

I am very surprised how easy it is to stay fasted these days. I shouldn’t be surprised as I’ve read from many more experienced people that they felt the same way! I don’t even think about food, just go on with my day and work, or keep busy in other ways, and there is no need, or urges, or even desires for solid food! I went into Starbuck’s this morning to get a decaf Americano with steamed heavy cream and I could smell the pastries and breakfast sandwiches being heated and thought nothing of it.

From reading other’s fasting logs I know I am now getting to the point where there may be issues so I will have to stay determined and smart as I proceed. Jimmy Moore said that on his first attempt of 21 days that he had to quit after 17 days when he took communion at church. I guess it may have been too much bread for him or something. I know I take communion a couple times a week and have no issues with the bread but do avoid the wine.

Others talk about getting weak or other irregular feelings that cause them to stop the fast. The first rule of fasting is “If you don’t feel well then stop the fast!” I have been chilled for the last week and find that increasing my salt intake, spread throughout the day, helps me to stay warm. I did add an extra blanket on the bed last night as, although I live in Florida, it has been chilly for us: 40 degrees F, 5 degrees C. Working and keeping busy help me make it through the day.

There is a new study that made the news the other day and the headlines read “Diet ‘reverses diabetes in just 10 weeks’, claims new study.” Half the patients saw their condition reversed after just 10 weeks and were able to reduce or stop taking diabetes drugs. The leading researcher Professor Sarah Hallberg is quoted as saying “This is the first time we have seen such a drastic change in such a large group of people outside bariatric [weight loss] surgery.

“It is something we would never previously have known was possible. I was so blown over by the results and we should now think about using this approach as a standard of care as it outperforms current treatment.” She added: “Diabetes is a state of carbohydrate toxicity. Insulin resistance is a state of carbohydrate intolerance. Carbohydrate intake is the single biggest factor in blood sugar levels.”

Life changing news for tens of millions of people worldwide!

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #105

I’ve never used MCT oil as well. I have Coconut oil but on this fast I only use occasional heavy cream and any fat in my home made broth.

(Guardian of the bacon) #106

Hi Ron.
I’m enjoying your documented fasting experience.

Do you by chance have a link to this study?

(Keto in Katy) #107

I’m sure many members here have seen Dr Hallberg’s TEDx presentation titled “Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines” — I am posting it below for anyone who has not seen it. It is excellent. I think Dr Hallberg is certainly one of the important voices in the low carb arena today.

(Michelle) #108

I don’t have a ton of weight to lose. I really want to try extended fast for HGH increase and autophogy. Just don’t know how long I can go on stored fat. I’m probably over engineering it too… Just need to take the dive and commit.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #109

The articles say the report is due in early 2018 so it may still be in progress!


Have you done short fasts before? It might be like running a marathon. You have to start with shorter distances. Although judging by this thread, @ron-coleman is having a far easier time than running an actual marathon would be :wink:


I actually don’t have any weight to lose and feel like I already weigh too little and want to do extended fasts for HGH increase and autophagy as well, so I don’t think you’re over-engineering it. :wink:

I’ve done shorter fasts and did okay, but I’m afraid that without some externally objective criteria like a real-time test for muscle breakdown, that I might be doing harm while trying to do good.

I think I might be “stuck” with more frequent 2-3 day fasts or a Vongo-like Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) of 5 days and logging glucose, ketones and calculating GKI.

(Michelle) #112

I do IF regularly, but haven’t gone more than 36 hours.

(Michelle) #113

Yes, hear ya!’ I may plan something for when I’m super busy at work so I am distracted.


Then it sounds like you’re well on the way. I think if you’re keto-adapted, it comes down to that boredom factor, so as you said, you’re really busy at work, and there’s no temptation, you’ll be golden.

(Jacquie) #115

@Debby Not sure if you’ve seen my post to you in this thread, so I posted again in case you haven’t. :slight_smile:

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #116

IF is great by itself as there are many programs that support just doing IF for health and weight loss. 36 hours would be called alternate day fasting (ADF)! Longer fasting does have additional benefits like the increase in HGH at the 72 hour point.


Looking for it! :slight_smile:


I did the 35 day fast last August (and I was freezing in the hot summer!). I broke the fast because I was getting really tired, where I had had plenty of energy up until that point. I don’t know my bf, so have no way to track lbm (except for the home bio scale, which I know isn’t accurate)

My goal is to lower HBA1C, lower fasting insulin levels. (5.7 HBA1C and 9.6 insulin) BMI was up a little 19.5 to 20, but really not overweight, just heavier than I was previously used to. I don’t track food and don’t just eat when hungry. (Yeah, …overeat. Need to break that habit…eventually)

(Jacquie) #119

@Debby Interesting that you can fast that long with those BMI numbers, even though BMI is an crappy measurement. :wink: Do you mind me asking your height and weight?

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #120

Day 16 and 378 hours fasted on water, coffee, bone broth, electrolytes, and occasional heavy cream. No hunger issues as today I am making a new batch of chicken broth and not even a nibble! I did take a sip a little bit ago and it gets 2 thumbs up from me! Here are my numbers for today:

As I had been warned, a long fast is a real good detox for the body. Now that I am in my third week I have seen the ‘black sludge’ phenomena as a lot of the toxins are expelled. A very good event and another benefit as I get my body really cleaned up so that when I do start eating again I will be able to properly absorb more of the nutrients that I need. I imagine that after the many decades of improper eating that a good cleaning is needed—come on sludge!

I work from home and, even as I make several trips to the kitchen for my beverages, there is little or no temptation to find a snack. On rare occasions I may see something, like nuts, that I used to snack on and my mind says “Hmm” but my determination is building and even though my stomach may pretend it agrees I can ignore the impulse. I am working toward a goal and need to keep my eye on it!

I was listening to a talk by Gary Taubes, author of ‘Good Calories – Bad Calories’ and ‘Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It’ and he was giving an example that I will paraphrase.

Imagine I invited you to a meal and told you that I had a famous chef coming in to prepare the meal. I would say “Bring an appetite as there are several courses to be enjoyed.” Now how would you prepare for that dining experience and be sure that you had a appetite enough to enjoy even a little of every course? You may skip a meal, or two: You may even not eat for part of the day before. You may go to the gym before you came to be sure you are hungry or walk a few miles to my home just to work up an appetite! All of this in expectation of a great feast so that you can enjoy every morsel placed in front of you.

Now, let’s look at what the medical professionals tell us when they think we should lose weight: “Eat less and move more!” Hmm. I thought that is what we just did preparing for the meal above to build up an appetite! How can we be expected to lose weight with advice that makes us hungry? No wonder, according to many studies, Eat less and move more fails 98% of the time! There has to be a better way.

(Michelle) #121

Ron - I seriously think you are part-man and part-machine. Wait, make that ALL machine!! Ron - are you a robot?

Type these numbers exactly as you see them: 5487623

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: You are amazing. Thanks for all your great posts.