A really extended fast: going for 46-days!

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #202

Day 30 and 717 hours fasted on water, coffee, bone broth, electrolytes, and occasional heavy cream. Busy day as we rose early to head to the airport and are now being entertained by our granddaughters, what a wonderful experience! Here are my numbers for today:

Still going without the heavy cream and a bit surprised at my numbers as I gained a pound and my glucose went up as my ketones went down spoiling my run of having the glucose/ketone index of <= 1. I am not worried as I am still getting healthier and still continuing the fast with no problems. Since the beginning of the fast I have still lost 22.8 pounds so I am very happy with that.

I was reading ā€œThe Obesity Codeā€ by Dr. Jason Fung this morning on the airplane and he was mentioning about how obesity isnā€™t about calories in and calories out as it is a hormonal problem. Numerous hormones including insulin, leptin, ghrelin and a few others deal with the signaling in our bodies when we are hungry and satiated. If these hormones are not working properly there will be problems with weight.

I need to cut this update short today but will pick up the discussion tomorrow.

(Keto in Katy) #203

@ron-coleman How is your energy at this point? Is it consistently pretty good, or up and down a bit?


Same thing happened with me during my 33 day fast. Iā€™d gain weight, too. And I didnā€™t have more than 1 or 2 tablespoons cream per week, and no broth. I used to take a multivitamin (Centrum women daily) twice per week. So maybe the vitamin supplement induced weight gain in rebuilding tissue perhaps? I dunno.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #205

@stacy: my energy is staying very constant, it is not to the point that I feel the urge to go out and do more but when I do things I have the energy to keep going all day!

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #206

Yes, I think it may be from the autophagy as many cells are regenerating as I go. I donā€™t think my body is retaining water just due to my sodium intake as it is all being used to flush out my system.

I am getting near to your 33 day mark and am still feeling great!

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #207

Breakfast with the granddaughters, can you tell who is fasting?


You are amazing.

(Tim W) #209

Amazing job Ron!

Your post is informative and inspirational, I sent it to my wife as she starts her own 16 day fast. It will give her something to read in her spare time :smile:

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #210

Day 31 and 739 hours fasted on water, coffee, bone broth, electrolytes, and occasional heavy cream. A great day with our granddaughters and I am getting so much better at not eating. Here are my numbers for today:

Today is the last day of excluding heavy cream. Both my blood glucose and blood ketones have risen slightly: 10mg/dl for glucose and 0.3mmol/l for ketones. The numbers have stabilized nicely so far and I will starting adding the heavy cream again tomorrow, Saturday, to see if the numbers will change. I have not been weighing myself the last few days as I am on the road but will step on the source of many peopleā€™s frustration on Monday morning to see what changes have happened.

Even though the glucose rose it did not get to a level that changed the fuel my body is using which is fat as indicated by my ketones being over about 0.2mmol/l. We will see what happens when I start adding in the heavy cream to see if my glucose goes back down into the 70s again. I am not sure how to explain the details of that but as I hypothesized the other day; because I was not ingesting the fat calories, my liver may have generated more glucose to make up any energy difference. What a fun experiment!

A little over 2 weeks to go until Easter and I am still imagining all of the great meals I can have when I finish this fast. It is not bothering me too much now but if I donā€™t control it I know from my other fasts that I will end up obsessing over all of my options. I am working to avoid that if I can so I can go directly into a more regular plan of eating.

I donā€™t need everything in one day but will plan different menus for the days after the fast. I will find out through my refeeding program how often I really need to eat, not when I want to.

Being that Easter Sunday is when I will begin eating I am considering what my refeeding strategy will be. In the past, with my 7-9 day fasts, I just jumped back into eating with both feet and had some bowel issues from it. I have been listening to others to see if I can make the transition a little more pleasant.

Since it will be Easter we are having ham for dinner so I will try starting in the morning by waking up my digestive system and starting up the peristalsis that has stopped or slowed since there is nothing to move through my digestive tract. Many suggest using a few high fat foods like a hand full of nuts and 5 or 6 olives to start things moving in the right direction.

I plan to take my time consuming the ham and may have some vegetables with melted butter. Some cheese on the side would be a nice touch as well. The key will be to only eat until Iā€™m satisfied and it may not take much for satiety to kick in since I havenā€™t eaten in over 7-weeks. I will continue these posts for a while after I end the fast so those following along can see what happens.

Depending on my control, Iā€™d like to convert this fast into a 20-4 intermittent fast which means that each day I will fast for 20 hours and allow myself a 4-hour eating window, probably 4PM to 8PM. Intermittent fasting gives me a lot of the benefits of the extended day fasting and especially after having fasted for so long I may be able to prolong some of the extended fasting benefits like increased resting metabolic rate (RMR) and increased human growth hormone (HGH.)

I mentioned yesterday that obesity is not caused by calories as we have been told for many decades but by the foods we eat and the action of hormones. The greatest news is that we are not the weak willed gluttons we have been made to feel like by all of those pushing the high carbohydrate diet! High carb (low fat) diets have never worked and of the 89 studies that are available: including 19 before the guidelines were issued, to make all of us part of the largest dietary experiment ever, 88 of them refuted the advice and indicated that a low carb diet was most beneficial!

Using the logic of the low fat diet the Womenā€™s Health Initiative (WHI) was the largest ever study of 50,000 women where they had 1/3 of the women reduce their calories by 500/day and it was estimated they would lose 1 pound a week, 52 pounds in a year, or 156 pounds in the 3-year portion of the study. At the end of 1 year the average weight loss was 6 pounds and at 3 years it was no loss at all! It has been shown over and over that the low fat diet fails 98% of the time!

I changed from that mentality in July 2015, lost over 80 pounds while never being hungry, reversed my pre-diabetes, had my doctor tell me I no longer needed medications for high blood pressure or cholesterol as all of my numbers are great! It is a form of nirvana that I can eat a large variety of fabulous foods for the rest of my life while maintaining my health and possibly prolonging my life!

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #211

Day 32 and 757 hours fasted on water, coffee, bone broth, electrolytes, and occasional heavy cream. My older granddaughter asked me this morning how I can sit at the table when others are eating and not eatā€”I told her that I was not hungry (the truth) so it is easy! Here are my numbers for today:

I had some store bought chicken stock yesterday and it tasted great as it had been a couple of days since Iā€™d had some. My glucose shot up to the highest level since about day 3 of the fast when my glucose was first coming down! My ketones also went up a bit showing that I am still burning fat as my primary fuel. Being in ketosis for 4 Ā½ weeks is great as I have had consistent moods, consistent energy, and no urgent desire to eat!

Now unlike a lot of other people on the LCHF (low carbohydrate healthy fat) WOE (way of eating,) I do not work out on a regular basis. When I started this journey back in July 2015, after my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic, it took me about 3 weeks to reduce my HbA1C from 5.9% to 5.2%! His first question was ā€œWhat are you doing for exercise?ā€ I replied ā€œI roll out of bed in the morning and roll back in at night.ā€

Yesterday we took the granddaughters to the Adventure Science museum in Nashville and had a wonderful time. I probably walked for a bit longer than I normally do: I had no problems at all even with almost 8,000 steps recorded on my phone. As I am shrinking I will probably start with some light to moderate lifting just to build up my muscles again to the point of filling in my body especially in my arms and legs where I would like some more structure. Now that my body is looking better I can go to the gym and look like I am building muscle and not trying to become less obese.

My current BMI (body mass index) shows that I am at 32.7% which is in the obese category. I do know that BMI is not a precise measurement and because of that I struggled being on the ā€˜fat boy programā€™ for most of my 20 years in the Air Force. I have been told that I have a large frame and very large muscle groups; in fact, I had Air Force doctors write letters to raise my maximum weight due to my body structure but to no avail. It was terrible to be 6ā€™1ā€ tall with a 36ā€ waist and be told that I was 10 pounds overweight! A few years before I retired they changed to the Navyā€™s system with a ratio between neck and waist measurements, when they first measured me I came in at 19% body fat with the max limit at 24%ā€“I was no longer on the program! Of course, my commander had issues with that as I was still 10 pounds overweight even though that did not matter any longer.

Today I will start using heavy cream in my coffee to see what effect it has on my numbers. I am expecting my glucose to go back down about 10mg/dl to where it was before I withheld the cream. This experiment really hasnā€™t affected my ketones very much as they have raised about 0.3mmol/l so I will still expect to be in the range of 4.5-4.8mmol/l in the next few days. Further analysis coming.

I do have only 2 weeks left on my fast and have really settled into a nice routine, coasting along and enjoying the mental clarity and other benefits of these high ketone levels. I mentioned yesterday about my refeeding plan I have worked out and I will need to be careful to not get too wrapped up with eating to where I become obsessive as has happened to me on previous fasts.

I am way past the point, at 32 days fasted, to become obsessive but I still need to watch the mental game I have talked about in the past. Thinking about the mental game, it has really become so much less that I donā€™t have to think about it most days. Now this morning at breakfast, we ordered crispy bacon for the 3-year old and they gave her like 6 pieces! Knowing she might eat one, my mind looked at those beautiful examples of deliciousness sitting right next to my coffee and my mind jumped in and screamed ā€œBACON!ā€ I quietly resisted and have mixed feelings of regret although I am very proud of myself for not breaking my fast.

I was talking to my son-in-law this morning about the LCHF WOE as he is very obese and asked him if he was ready to commit to a lifestyle change to reduce his weight. With all of my yo-yo dieting over the years I am a prime example that it only works if you commit to this Way Of Eating as a lifestyle and not a temporary diet. It is a whole different way of thinking! I never want to go back to eating so many carbohydrates that I make myself insulin resistant and start having major issues like pre-diabetes again. It is all about making the commitment to change our lives to help us to live longer!

(Keto in Katy) #212

This thread keeps winning. :thumbsup:


Inspired! I marvel at your perseverance. Good for you!

(Tim W) #214

Well done!

I keep telling myself that Iā€™m 11 days into a 15 day run. If I eat now (might have some cream or butter) I have to ā€œstart all overā€ some dayā€¦

Nice work Ron!

(Becky Searls) #215

Question about glucose he @daveketo
I have been using one intermittently for a couple months and I am beginning to wonder if it is faulty?
I very rarely dip below 100, usually Iā€™m nearer 110 or even 115-120.
For example, right now Iā€™m fasting (day 4) - when I checked my blood sugar yesterday, both times I was at about 105?
Is this because I had some bulletproof coffee? Bone broth? Am I super IR without knowing it even though Iā€™m at a healthy weight and very physically active?
I havenā€™t gotten any tests done since going keto - if I wanted to go and get a baseline so I know where I stand which tests would you recommend?


(Barbara Greenwood) #216

I was interested in your plans for refeeding, Ron, so interested to see your comments about that.

You said at the outset that your reasons for this fast were partly spiritual, and of course Easter Sunday is a feast day par excellence in the Christian tradition. However, from the physical point of view you are very wise to plan a slower reintroduction of food.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #217

Day 33 and 785 hours fasted on water, coffee, bone broth, electrolytes, and occasional heavy cream. Fasting at this point is easy! I still have to catch myself every once in a while but the decision to not eat is painless! Here are my numbers for today:

A reminder that today is my last day on a trip away from home so I am not weighing myself but just carrying forward my previous weight for the benefit of the Excel graphs I am creating. If I didnā€™t do this the line would drop down to zero ā€˜0ā€™ and screw up the axis to where my actual weight would be a horizontal line.

I began to use heavy cream in some of my coffee yesterday and my glucose and ketones both went down as I expected. The glucose went down almost 20 points, which is a lot more than I had thought but the previous dayā€™s value was much higher than the others, so it is in an acceptable range. My ketones dropped by 0.4mmol/l which is what I predicted, again, within the range I planned. My glucose/ketone index (GKI) is much better for it as well which means I am in a very therapeutic zone for healing my body of any ailments I have.

I read an interesting article from last year titled ā€œI lost weight by eating lots of bacon and cream. Hereā€™s a scientific explanation for why.ā€ I am not going to insert a link as I am in an airport and have my graphs to post as well but I am sure that you can Google the title and find the article. I like it as it explains how so many doctors still donā€™t know about the low carb diet and are really missing out on a means of making their patients much healthier.

I know I have given my doctor a ton of literature, including 4 books and a lot of studies, to help him to understand this dietary hacking I am doing that caused all of my biological markers of disease to reverse and now he has taken me of all prescription medications! A warning: I am not a doctor but I did this way of eating myself after research to correct the many issues I was having like hypertension, pre-diabetes, and high cholesterol. I wanted my doctor to take me off of the medicines when he saw that I didnā€™t need them any longer. Do not just stop your medications as it can be extremely dangerous; talk with your doctor!

Getting ready to board my plane, will try to post this before I do!

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #218

I know about Easter and that is why I planned to break my fast on that day. Actually I am fasting for all of Lent which many Christians have done for 2,000 years! Today most people canā€™t imagine skipping a meal let alone fasting like this.

The waitress at the hotel restaurant asked why I wasnā€™t eating when my wife and granddaughters all had breakfast for 3 days in a row and I told her ā€œI am fasting for Lent.ā€ She said that her sister had tried to fast for Lent and passed out on the third day. I gave her one of the cards I carry with Youtube videos including a classic Dr. Jason Fung video on fasting!

I had also considered that Lent is technically 40 days which excludes the Sundays of Lent. I decided to fast the entire 46 days and not take advantage of the feast days on Sundays!

(Dave) #219

Hi @beckyjoy ā€“

Actually, I find with myself and many others there is definitely a mechanism of glucose sparing. Thus, when eating at my usual levels (around 3000/day calories), my fasting glucose is often between 95-105, which originally concerned me. But as I get a fasting insulin with every blood draw, Iā€™ve come to find that my insulin is low in spite of my glucose being higher (or at least higher than I expected).

From an energy regulatory perspective, this makes perfect sense if my glycogen stores are lower due to being low carb. Remember, we arenā€™t too afraid of higher constant glucose that is actually being spared, we are afraid of higher constant insulin (hyperinsulinemia).

Now with that said, I find in that higher cal state from above my BHB readings (ketone strips) do tend to be lower when my glucose is higher (as expected). But when my calories are lower my steady glucose range drops and my BHB jumps up. Thus, I am indeed surprised your glucose is higher after several days of fasting ā€“ that is unusual.

(Barbara Greenwood) #220

Historically, did people fast for the whole of Lent? I always thought that they abstained from meat and other rich foods for Lent (hence the tradition of pancakes on shrove Tuesday, a last supper of rich food) and water-fasted on Wednesdays and Fridays.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #221

According to St Augustine and many other church Fathers, catechumens were obligated to fast for their Lenten instructions which could be from 6 to 9 weeks in length! Many christians of the time would continue the fast as a form of penance and cleansing in preparation for the greatest gift ever given.

If you remember Pre-Vatican II we abstained from meat every Friday of the year, which is still widely practiced outside the US.

In the Orthodox churchs they still abstain from all meat for the entirety of Lent! In other words, Lenten fasting has changed over the years from more restrictive forms to the very lenient version employed today in the US.