A poll about drinking alcohol and keto


It was the sugar in the tonic water


I’ve only had wine once since keto, but I got super tipsy on two glasses and 3 hours later it felt like I took a brick to the head. Never had that happen before.

(Tamela Robinette) #44

I used to be a straight LUSH. Drank 2 to 3 nights a week and all weekend. Since going keto my desire is completely gone! I want to drink but can’t! It doesn’t taste good at all to me. My preferred beverage was IPA, followed by merlot if I just wanted to chill a little. I can’t have IPA now, well cause…straight carbs. Michelob Ultra taste like crap to me and I’ll have a glass of wine now and think “meh.” Nothing. Zero buzz and zero desire for a second glass. I’m learning to live without it I guess, but like tonight I’m going out with my girlfriends who will all be drinking and I’ll be the proverbial wet blanket🙄