A doctor's experience of extended fasting!

(Running from stupidity) #41

You said you were in this to learn how it worked, IIRC. Consider that to be a lesson :slight_smile:

What trouble are you having with you ADs

Oh, just the usual problems everyone has with them - trying to find one that works and doesn’t have stupid side effects. Just tried Brintellix (vortioxetine) which was showing no obvious deleterious effects at 10mg for three weeks, but when we stepped it up to 20 (in an effort to get it to actually do something) my body revolted and displayed most of the listed side effects basically immediately. So after a discussion with my pharmacist, I’ve stopped that, and am back to see the psych in a couple of weeks, and I guess we try again.

(Lisa ) #42

Sorry I’m too lazy to quote you :smirk:
I went through every class until I eventually found bupropion works for me (used to aid smoking cessation usually). Venlafaxine gave me such bad side effects I was in bed with fevers and vomiting for 3 days… Not good! I hope that your psych can sort it out. I really do find that stepping out and doing some exercise improves my mood drastically…I think it’s more that it gives me structure in my day.

(Running from stupidity) #43

No fun! I wasn’t that bad, but headaches, dizzy, vomiting, etc… Still not great but only off them for a couple of days now, so time to just ride it out.

I hope that your psych can sort it out.

Honestly, I’m thinking of dumping this one and going elsewhere. Have discussed this with my doc, so time to discuss it again, I think.

I really do find that stepping out and doing some exercise improves my mood drastically

Yeah, I get out for a decent walk every day, in addition to all the housework, shopping, etc… it does help, for sure.

(Lisa ) #44

Sometimes a new set of eyes is just what you need! Go for the new psych.

(MyLove MyLife) #45

I just followed your thread Lisa, Hope you had a great Christmas, Merry Christmas. Two weeks of fasting is amazing I cant able to imagine. I will give a try 72 hrs fast and will add up.

(Lisa ) #46

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you give anything a go. Success usually comes from a string of failures.

(Running from stupidity) #47

Well, I’m set, then :slight_smile:

(Lisa ) #48

Took me 8 years to learn how to do a jump kick. Eight. Years. Now I’m learning to do the splits cos why not? Unco as :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(MyLove MyLife) #49

I agree with you!! Without failures the success has no meaning!!


Thanks for being the test person!
This is so inspiring!
What I love about going on my long walks is I can listen to all the great Podcast out there about fasting the 2 Keto dude’s all of it!