800 calorie liver shrink diet

(Bob M) #41

Good luck, and I wish you a fast recovery!

(Tracy) #42

Best wishes and take care


Best wishes! My thoughts will be with you!

And of course good food works better, I experienced that a lot :wink: Mostly after I added back meat though… That stuff can be effective, even/especially the lean kind! :smiley:

(icky) #44

How did your surgery go @MeganNZ ?

Hope you have WiFi/ phone coverage in hospital to stop you being too bored…!


Hope you’re recovering okay @MeganNZ :pray::hugs:

(Megan) #46

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and well wishes :heart: Home now. It’s going to take a while to recover. The incision is very long, and the drain is still draining a lot. It has to come out on Friday regardless of how much fluid is coming out, so here’s hoping it slows down a lot over the next few days.

I have developed pneumonia and my CRP is much higher than my doctors would like (162 mg/L yesterday, normal is less than 5mg/L) but I really wanted to get the hell out of Dodge and come home. I can’t believe how terrible a lot of the experience of being in hospital is. It’s so bad that if I didn’t find a way to make it funny I’d cry and having a full on meltdown! Ruby had fun writing scripts for a hospital drama, featuring me as the patient the episode was following. Bless her, I laughed so much :crazy_face:

(KM) #47

Yay! So glad to hear it. :grin:

(Robin) #48

@MeganNZ Thanks for letting us know you’re home. So glad!
Here’s looking forward to better days 🫶


Yay! Get better real soon! I suppose such a big operation will need a longer recovery time but I wish the best, shortest one possible!
Rest well in your familiar environment and eat well, whatever that means for you right now.


Hope that you shake off the pneumonia & that the fluid clears up…take care of yourself :hugs::pray:

(Megan) #51

I’m not sure what, and how much, I can write but I really want to connect here and say things feel ■■■■■ It’s nice to know some of you care, even tho we have never met.

I had to go to A&E yesterday. Didn’t want to but the district nurse was insistent. Plus this surgery has to succeed as it’s a one shot repair, unlikely to be able to be repeated if it fails. Tho, admittedly, I’m wanting it to succeed more for my surgeon right now, than myself, but that’s only b/c I feel like ■■■■■

I hate hospital so much I’m in tears just thinking about it. Why do they get so much wrong and do so much so badly? It doesn’t help I trained as a general nurse and know how things should be and should be done. I wish I was ignorant and clueless.

After many, many, many hours (hi @FrankoBear :crazy_face:) I just walked out, praying God would render me invisible as I walked past the huge nurses and doctors stations to get to the only exit. He did :heart:. I managed to get out of the hospital grounds before I couldn’t walk any further. I found somewhere to sit b/c I was about to collapse and ordered an uber to come get me.

I feel better being in my safe home hiding in my safe bedroom far away from the world out there. I’ll keep taking all my post op meds, keep trying to somehow make myself eat a bit of food, keep my fluids up, keep mobilizing and doing my deep breathing and just wait to either feel better or worse. But I’m not going anywhere near that place again if I can help it. The district nurse comes again on Monday so I’ll ask her to talk with my surgeon and let him know what’s going on.

I arrived at the hospital at 4pm and asked my nurse if my surgeon could be told I’ve come in so he can pop in and check my tummy if he wants to before going home for the night and very probably the whole weekend, after viewing the photos the District Nurse had sent him. The A&E staff refused my request. Protocol. I swore silently and over text to Ruby like a friggin trooper. There is nothing Christian about the hate and anger I feel right now. But thankfully Jesus has already forgiven me, some 2000 years ago. :innocent:

I feel better having written what I have. Thanks so much guys for being here.

(icky) #52

Hey Megan, I’m so sorry you’ve had such a miserable time in hospital… Hospital stays really can be awful, can’t they.
I’m in hospital too right now, just had surgery on a herniated disc and I’ve been really lucky this time… Great surgeons, lovely staff… It is possible to get lucky and have a decent hospital stay…
Glad you’re back home now - I know what you mean about home being your “safe space”.
I’m here a few more days, hoping to go home on Wednesday… I miss my critters! :paw_prints::paw_prints::paw_prints::paw_prints::paw_prints:
Hope you’re healing as well as possible! :two_hearts::pray:

(Robin) #53

Oh, glad you’re on the other side of that surgery and had a good experience. Your critters will be equally thrilled to reunite!
You got this!

(Robin) #54

My first thought was wondering if your insurance will cover the bill if you self-released. That would be my big scare.
I hate that your hospital experience was so dismal. Hoping you can now find your balance and healing in your own warm home.
Keep us in the loop!


So sorry that the staff wouldn’t listen to you & let your surgeon know you were back in… it’s so hard when you’re a medical professional & know things aren’t being done right. Have you got anyone who could come with you if you need to go in any more, & be there when the district nurse comes to advocate for you? It’s hard to be assertive when you feel so ill!
Just take care of yourself and I hope you heal soon :pray::hugs:

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #56

I was told by a wise man 30 years ago to “pray for the sons of bitches to go to heaven,” and “it’s okay to ask for it to happen right away!”

It’s great advice, actually, because my prayers often make no difference in the people I pray for, but they always change my attitude for the better!

(icky) #57

How are you doing Megan?

I just got home from hospital today and thought of you…

(Diana) #58

I wonder if the lean pork is satiating due to the potassium?


I never looked up potassium in pork before but now I just did. I still don’t know how much is in green ham, my number one cut but I could compare pork shoulder with pork loin. The latter has more but pork shoulder has a decent amount too and it triggers overeating in me (fat isn’t very satiating to me, often not at all. I need the calories for satiation but it doesn’t make me stop if I just add more and more fat). It’s probably a complex thing involving individual things but I find it curious. Pork shoulder is really bad for me satiation wise (okay, chicken is even worse :D) and it’s triggering, it’s easy to eat a lot of it… While a lean pork works well (and I don’t like lean stuff enough to eat a lot of it), green ham is my best option, I just can’t eat it all the time in big quantities, sadly. it would be a nice fat-loss plan (along with fattier items, of course, the ones I eat either way, no matter how fatty my main meat is. I need a bit more with lean meat but it’s still a huge win).

But I need to make experiments :slight_smile: It’s hard as eating only meat for a meal isn’t my style but I move into that direction.

(Diana) #60

I haven’t had lean pork in a while. Been going down a pufa rabbit hole and trying to eat mainly beef. With that said I just ordered some pork tenderloin so will give it a try and see if it’s as satiating as it is for you. :slight_smile: I do find pork shoulder quite satiating though esp if the fat hasn’t rendered all the way. (My I have changed…I used to not be able to stomach any fat on meat…)