800 calorie liver shrink diet


I used to eat little to no meat but tons of fat… The biggest (and pretty much only) challenge in low-carb (as I didn’t want just low-carb, I wanted to eat right so I cut off added sugar, very processed items and much more) was drastically reducing my fat intake. And it still wasn’t good enough and after 14-15 years, there is still struggle. But I am almost content now when near carnivore :slight_smile: And I do like my lean pork in moderation, sometimes more than other times. Pork loin gets moist and amazing sometimes and too dry other times… No cuts are the same every time. Well beef tends to be more reliable (according to my tiny experience) but I never can know what I get from my pork. The lean stuff may become a moist, lovely roast - or it may become dry. Probably it’s mostly about the fat percentage, it wildly varies in pork even for the same cut. But it can’t be the only reason. Maybe it’s the individual pig or it is from another muscle, maybe the fat is a bit elsewhere and it helps while cooking, IDK.

I can’t afford ruminant meat (often, like every week) but I strongly prefer tender, lovely pork anyway. I like some beef now and then, it’s exotic meat to me (my family mostly cooked chicken or pork as it’s normal in this country), it’s variety and tastes good (unless it’s too fatty, I hate tallow but it’s fine in meat in moderation, it suits ruminant meat)… But I wouldn’t eat it too often. It’s chewy, more work… But it makes awesome dishes like Goulash or the more carnivore-ish beef stew. Yum. It’s like restaurant food to me: very welcomed now and then but I don’t want it often.
Tender pork every day? Oh yeah.
Not everyone handles pork well, my body is fine with it. Lucky.

(Edith) #62

HI @MeganNZ, we haven’t heard from you for a while. How is the healing going? How are you feeling? I hope everything is going okay.

(Megan) #63

Apologies for disappearing and a big thanks for everyone’s’ support, I needed to climb into a hole and lick my wounds. Unfortunately, it looks like I’ve developed an infection inside, the discharge from my incision has started to smell real bad. So off to the doc today for some antibiotics. Hoping like hell they don’t say I have to go to the hosp to get it checked out by someone in the surgical team.

(Robin) #64

Darn it! Two steps forward, one step back. But you’re still one step forward… thanks for checking in.


Oh no, I hope they don’t keep you in, hugs & prayers :hugs::pray:

(Megan) #66

They kept me in for 24 hours to start the antibiotics, check bloods 3 times and do a CT scan. I have some fluid collections which isn’t surprising given the surgery but the infection has been caught early and there’s no mesh involvement. So yay.

Damn glad to be back home b/c Ruby went downhill very quickly today. Bi-polar is hideous, it just takes one or 2 stressful events and bam, she’s unwell. I’m glad the docs were happy to discharge me b/c I need to be home to look after and keep an eye on her. They know I know what to look out for and will go back if needed.

I see my surgeon on Monday for the 4 week check. Apart from this being a long recovery I think he’ll be very happy.

(Robin) #67

Bless your heart!


Glad you’re home take care of yourself :hugs:

(Edith) #69

Thanks for the update. It’s good to hear things are moving in a mostly positive directions. :blush:


Megan, how are you doing now? Hope you’re healing :pray::hugs:

(Megan) #71

Post-op complications have mostly resolved and I’m doing well thanks :slight_smile: I decided to make a complaint about some of the things I experienced during my hospital stay. I hope a few changes are made as a result but mostly I’m just pleased I used my voice/power and complained.


So pleased things are resolving, & I hope they do take on board your complaint! :hugs: