I’m having surgery on the 30th of this month to repair a very large abdominal hernia. The surgery will take most of the day as I need my abdominal wall reconstructed. Part of the pre-op plan is to do a liver shrinking diet for 2 weeks. My surgeon said to use Optifast shakes but I’ve found a somewhat less offensive meal replacement product to use. The ingredients in Optifast are awful, especially for someone who eats zero processed foods and eats carnivore (except for a bit of coffee). Not that all the ingredients in the product I’m using are great, but they’re better.
Anyway, I’m on day 2 and figured I’d start a thread to burble in, as needed, and to hear from anyone who has any experience with this diet. It’s usually used for folks having bariatric surgery because they need to move part of the liver out of the way to access the stomach, and if the liver isn’t depleted of fat and glycogen it can break/tear quite easily. My surgeon wants me to get my liver as small as possible to create more space inside so he can hopefully perform a muscle closure, tho there will also be a fair bit of man-handling my liver during the surgery. I’ve also had botox injected into my abdominal muscles about a month ago to try and relax them as some are very contracted making a muscle closure impossible.
I’ve gone backwards and forwards on the idea of just eating 800 calories of meat a day and may still do that, but for now I’m doing the shakes. I’m stressed about only eating 800 calories a day and being an all or nothing person I’m thinking not eating anything solid at all may be easier than eating a small amount of food. If I ate veg it might be different as I’d be able to get a lot more bulk for 800 calories, but I don’t.
I have a question for folks who know about set points. Both times I’ve eaten carnivore I get to the weight I’m currently at then weight loss stops for months. Would eating 800 calories a day for 2 weeks help break through the set point? I’m a bit worried I’ve messed up my metabolism by possible undereating tho, as I lost 0 weight after 6 days nil by mouth in hospital a couple of months back. Maybe 2 weeks of 800 calories a day will do squat for weight loss, tho should still shrink my liver (I hope!)…
Thanks for reading!