Dear All
I am a large 6’5", 170 Kg 54 yr old male.
I am entering into week 8 and have been on or very close to 20g carbs for the whole duration, I have a good 60 to 70 Kgs to lose to get to a healthy weight range… I do not have any major underlying health conditions except slightly elevated blood pressure.
I did lose 7 kgs water weight in the first 2 weeks but have had no noticeable weight loss in the 6 weeks since.
In the past I have tried (regularly) quick loss eating plan such as the GM diet and 5 and 7 day juice “detox” weeks where I can normally drop 7 to 10 kgs water loss.
I am not fat adapted yet, although on some days I can feel it is close and I am slowly closing my eating windows and moving towards regular IF.
My question to the forum is how many of you took 8 weeks or longer to become adapted and how many with a lot of weight to lose stalled (piss) after the first 2 weeks.
I must acknowledge that I have felt much better within myself over the last 8 weeks , I sleep much better and my mood has improved tremendously, some days I feel the clarity you all talk about and I am happy with the life style
Many Thanks