72 hour, work-week fast, every other week



Day 2 is done. Just past the 48 hour mark. I had that feeling I could eat, but not really hungry. Very clear-headed, I love that feeling.


Morning of day 3! Just over 60 hours and will break my fast when I get home from work today. No hunger. Some leg cramps last night, should have added more potassium I think… :neutral_face:

(Karin Geertsma) #19

Way to go, you’re almost there! I did my first 72 hour fast last week, and found the 2nd day to be quite a struggle, but felt great my final 12 hours. I’m currently going for a 48 hour fat fast, but seem to be struggling more with following through with it. I think the fact that it’s not all or nothing (since I had bulletproof coffee this morning and intend on having some MCT oil later today) is making it more difficult. Next time I will stick with the strict water/tea/black coffee only fasting. Keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

(Pamela Draper) #20

That’s what I am settling on also…love the way my brain and body kicks into gear around hour 36.


OK last 10 minutes of my fast and I have to be honest, I’m hungry! I think I need to quit planning the end of my fasts because I think KNOWING it’s close to time to eat is making me feel hunger. #nomoremindgames


I seemed to have settled at 3 pounds lost on my 3-day fast. I’m good with that. :smile:


As of this morning, I am back up all 3 pounds. :frowning: I know it could be many things, but I am disappointed by it. One thing that has plagued me since my fast is feelings of hunger. I can’t wait until afternoon to eat anymore (although I’ve forced myself to wait for 11:30 am a couple times). Of note: I’m still eating perfectly keto, and I’m not stuffing myself. But I’m often eating 3 times each day vs the 1 or 2 I was before the fast.

Today I drank a LOT of water hoping to see a small improvement in the morning. I’ve decided to skip the fast I planned for next week until I get my hunger in check. I have decided to try an egg fast next week, Mon-Fri.

(Jessika Nilsson) #24

I discovered that I was hungrier than usual yesterday after my 70h fast, which I had ended the night before (Tuesday). I rectified it by eating more fat than usual in my eating window :innocent:
(I generally always eat by 16:8, or even shorter eating window)


I’m so irritated this morning! I’m up 1.8 pounds this morning again. OK, I know that isn’t possible and those damn scales are lying. I’m retaining water, inflammation, or some such…grrrr still lol

Jessika, you bring up a good point. I’d say of course I’m getting enough fat, I average 75% or better most days. But I just spot track every now and then, so I don’t really KNOW. I’ll be tracking starting today!

(Jessika Nilsson) #26

I’m not saying that you need to track (unless you really want to), just to maybe eat slightly more if you’re experiencing more hunger than usual.
And don’t mind some weight gain, it can be anything and note that you will definitely weigh differently when your ‘system’ is empty compared to when you’ve been eating for a day or two, depending on how fast your gut works :sweat_smile:

(Jennifer) #27

Can’t watch the scale. Fasting empties out your digestive track, giving you a few more pounds lost. You weight gain is water and food in your digestive track. Your low point is still valid, and you will see it again the next time you fast and clear out your digesting food.

I always gain 2-4 pounds when I stop fasting. And quickly lose that and a bit more during my subsequent fast. I don’t worry about it…


Oh I know. That was my internal thoughts, telling me it was time to track for a bit. :smile:

I’m really trying not to mind the weight gain, but I’m not nearly 2 pounds above what I was before I started my fast. LOL


The rational part of my brain understands this. lol I’m just going to KCKO (after cussing out the scale each morning) :smiley:

(Rosi ) #30

I am brand new to this forum! I just discovered it after finding the 2 Keto Dudes’ podcast. I have been in a stall for months now. I am 42 years old, 148 pounds, down from 175. I want to lose at least another 20lbs but I have been seriously stuck since January. I have been Keto since August of 2016 with occasional cheat meals. I am not in the mental groove of no cheating. I just listened to Megan Ramos on 2 KetoDudes and wanted to switch things up a bit to try to shed this extra weight. I am 6 hours into my 72 hour fast. I am a little worried that I can’t do it. I have wanted to try this for a while and just got the will to start today. I am glad to find this forum for support and information! If you all have any tips and/or tricks to help me endure this fast, I would sure appreciate it! Thank you!

(Rosi ) #31

Ugh! I hate when I post and find a mistake! I meant to say that I am in a mental groove of no cheating! LOL Sorry about that!


I find once I’m past the 24 hour mark the rest is downhill. I can feel that my stomach is empty, but I’m not really hungry (no stomach growling, etc). I avoid food topics while I fast. Hang in there and let us know how you’re doing.

(Rosi ) #33

Thank you! I was wondering about herbal teas during a fast. Is that acceptable? I just made myself peach tea with no sweetener at all. So far so good! I managed to make my kids supper. Felt some strong cravings but I am ignoring them and doing things to keep me busy.


Tea is fine. I drink tea during my fasts. I also add some sweeteners. It’s a personal thing whether you want to add sweeteners. I use Swerve and liquid stevia mostly. Some also drink bone broth once a day. Be sure to keep your electrolytes up. If you haven’t seen the ketoaid recipe, go here… KetoAide homemade

(Rosi ) #35

I was literally eating Himalayan salt at work today secretly, lol! Love this recipe and I will try it once I get the supplies. Thank you for the link!

(Kenny Michelini) #36

Hi everyone. I’m new here. I was big on Keri and if, now adding longer fasts. Last week sun to weds fasted about 60 hours. Back at it this past Sunday, thinking I’ll make this one closer to 90 hours. Tracking body fat percentage weekly.