72 hour, work-week fast, every other week



I’ve decided I’d like to do at least a 72-hour fast during the work week every other week. Is that too much/too predictable? Hopefully not. I started my first EF during the Zorn fast, but really feel like every month just isn’t enough for me right now. I want full benefits of autophagy while I still have lots to loose. I know my scales aren’t precise, but according to them, I have 48% body fat and 13 viseral fat. That brings up my next question, what number do I want viseral fat to be? (None?)

Since the Zorn fast, I’ve been trying to IF, eating around 11:30 am and no later than 6pm. My EF fast begins after I eat dinner tonight (Tuesday) until the end of my work week (Friday evening).


Just a few minutes into my fast. Tomorrow afternoon/evening will be the hardest part. I only have a 3-day work week this week and will fast through it. I tell no one (other than my daughter who lives with me) that I’m fasting. I bought wireless headphones over the weekend and bought/downloaded “music to code by” today. Looking forward to a fully zen week of getting work done! I’m an editor and really need to be able to block out the rest of the office environment.

(Kanel) #3

Well, hello there! I just started my first 72-hour fast (yesterday at 6 pm) so we are on quite synced :wink: I will also be working these 3 days, computer job so not very strenuous.



A little over 14 hours fasted now. The difficult zone approaches!

(Kanel) #5

Way to go! Yes, the 18th and 24th hour can be hard, funny how that is basically ever time :slight_smile: I’m at 24 and just had some green tea.


Your plan sounds good. I, too am fasting Tuesday until Friday at 7 (72 hours) this week - 15 hours in now. I will also be fasting from 7pm Wednesday to 7pm Friday every week in June (after this week). I have a specific reason to try this, but your plan of 72 hours every second week does sound better (from the perspective of mixing it up better).

(April Jo) #7

I am actually beginning my very first extended fast. 23 hours in so far having broken my foot over the weekend has made this rather difficult. I’m normally a busy body.


Once my work day ends, I think I’ll have it made. Just 5 hours to go!


Oh good. I don’t want to over do it, but I really want to get all the benefits of fasting while I have much to lose. I really want to minimize loose skin for one.




Just passed the 24 hour mark! It’s evening here and bedtime in a few more hours. On the downhill slide…

(April Jo) #12

You got this girl!

(Maria) #13

I am starting a 72 fast as of 9pm (6 mins ago). Stay strong, I will need ur support tomorrow at this time😃I have done a few EF before with BPC and broth but going to try water and black coffee only this time. Trying to get the energy benefits, have been feeling lathargic lately.

(Kanel) #14

36/72 hours in. Hunger is gone but my energy is lower and I didn’t sleep that well. I’ll try to take some magnesium before bed tonight.


Just over 35 hours in. Slightly rough night, but hunger is gone here too. I’m not much of a morning person so will have to see about my energy levels later. I’m down 2 pounds, that’s always the best motivation for me.

I ate sea salt last night and took all my supplements. I added a couple extra potassium pills since I’m not getting potassium from foods. No leg cramps so yay!

Maria, you bet! I’m here if you need me. I think you started your fast at a great time. I plan to start mine a little later (closer to bedtime) next time. I’m doing water only, maybe some tea later, but I don’t drink coffee.

(Cathrine Helle) #16

Following! I would like to do a longer fast as well, but don’t feel ready yet, so I’m soaking in advice and others experiences. You got this :raised_hands:


Day 2 is done. Just past the 48 hour mark. I had that feeling I could eat, but not really hungry. Very clear-headed, I love that feeling.


Morning of day 3! Just over 60 hours and will break my fast when I get home from work today. No hunger. Some leg cramps last night, should have added more potassium I think… :neutral_face:

(Karin Geertsma) #19

Way to go, you’re almost there! I did my first 72 hour fast last week, and found the 2nd day to be quite a struggle, but felt great my final 12 hours. I’m currently going for a 48 hour fat fast, but seem to be struggling more with following through with it. I think the fact that it’s not all or nothing (since I had bulletproof coffee this morning and intend on having some MCT oil later today) is making it more difficult. Next time I will stick with the strict water/tea/black coffee only fasting. Keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

(Pamela Draper) #20

That’s what I am settling on also…love the way my brain and body kicks into gear around hour 36.