72 hour fast


I have been doing keto for almost a month. I have just completed my first 3 day fast. The only thing I consumed was some electrolytes in my water. Surprisingly it went really well. Not sure if these are good numbers but these were my numbers before I broke my fast.

Should the ketones be higher after three days?

(Jane Srygley) #2

Congratulations!!! My ketones were quite a bit higher after 3 days, but I think that’s very individual.

(Doug) #3

How did you measure your ketone level? I ask because urine ketone content varies a lot; it’s really just what you body isn’t using. Blood levels can be much different.

That’s great. :slightly_smiling_face: A lot of people have trouble in the first couple days, as the body first gets pretty well emptied out of food in the digestive system, then uses up most of the stored glycogen in the muscles and liver.