7 days into 30'ish day Extended Fast


(VLC.MD) #41

Get a KetoMojo … it has the cheapest ketone strips.



Yes - just a large tablespoon which had tons of flavor. Your post about cooking a roast reminded me.


@mamash - I will look up your post about Day 8 :slight_smile: but I have been the same - cooking for my babe hasn’t been too bad. Honestly, what makes me twinge is when she’s eating something crunchy and I hear it. I swear that triggers a Pavlov response :slight_smile: I have found ice helps :stuck_out_tongue:

Vaping for me doesn’t do anything other than what I call a “wooby” affect - in fact, I think for now, it helps with me not eating. But when my husband passed (it was a traumatic death). I started chain smoking. I didn’t drink alcohol at all, on purpose - in fact, doing so scared me to no end because I was afraid I wouldn’t stop. I didn’t drink a drop for almost 4 years. But - the day of his death, someone was smoking, and I asked for one (I hadn’t smoked since college, and was only a drinking smoker)… anyway, I latched on to that like crazy. It wasn’t pretty.

Three years later, my daughter begged me to stop. I didn’t smoke in the house, I went outside a lot, or to the garage - a lot. She hated it. So for Christmas, she said all she wanted was for me to stop smoking. Can’t argue with that, but I truly did not want to. A friend introduced me to vaping, and I went from 24 nicotine, to nothing over time. I vape 0 in regards to that. I feel I will stop, but you have to want to do it, as with anything.


I’m researching monitors that do both - not a good idea?

(VLC.MD) #45

Most if not all ketone testing machines do glucose as well.
the ketomojo does both.


135.5 Hours in…

Woke up feeling pretty good, didn’t hit the snooze button at all.

Energy is good… I feel a little slow, but not too badly. Back is a little sore from painting. I feel a hot bath is in my near future!

(Stacy ) #47

Omg…I just saw the bring the boys to your yard comment…lol…love it.


I went on Amazon and bought one that had good ratings, a ton of reviews, and was cheap. Like this:

I second the recommendation @VLC.MD made on the Keto Mojo, though I only use it for ketones. I test glucose frequently and Walmart sells glucometers that use cheap strips.


@4dml @VLC.MD - ok, got them both. Bring on the data!

On a side note - if anyone were to ever judge me based on my order history from Amazon… I can only imagine the profile that would be created. Holy mother of gawd…


158 hours into my fast… I woke up feeling superb this morning, zero grogginess, but my belly is full on growl mode. That’s going to be annoying today.

I’m dealing well with the cold… the only thing I’m noticing thus far is I am flat on crashing around 6pm and this is where I am having to seriously mentally power through. If I sit for too long, my brain wants to “eat”. I am trying to stay busy… let’s just say I am completely caught up on laundry, and there are zero dishes in the sink.

Today will be a little challenging as I am heading out with friends shortly to do some shopping and they want to do lunch. These are friends who if they aren’t eating, they aren’t happy.

Interesting uptake on the weight through this. Haven’t had that happen. I’m not supposed to start my period this week, so that isn’t necessarily it. Based on fat mass going down, let’s guess water weight!

Note the difference in fat between the Nokia scale and Omron monitor - one is through the feet, one is through the hands while standing. Wonder how disparate those two will become on measurements. So far +/- 5 isn’t too bad.

(VLC.MD) #51


the 6lbs change must be all water ?

The Nokia device puts it at 1/2 water 1/2 muscle.

Interesting the Omron shows a Fat gain, which seems unlikely ?

I see two large spikes in weight. What do you think causes that ?


The first spike was when I changed from an old scale back to a digital scale because my original digital scale broke… It’s in the comets for that first spike :slight_smile:


Well, I have the ick bug that’s going around…

It’s making it very easy to stay fasted, my body is in no way hungry… I’m pushing liquids as I don’t really even want “that”. Started around 2 am this morning… fever, vomiting, congestion, now I just have a scorcher of a headache. Went by my docs and he said this stuff lasts for 2-3 days - he’s ok with me staying on fast if I feel that I can. So we’ll see.

Very low key today, lots of sleeping. So no stats… will catch up tomorrow. I just hope this crap passes before the holiday.

One interesting item to note - never “shoot” a shot a magnesium glycinate with just water. Tastes like the butt of a fish.

(Heather Miller) #54

Hmmmm, very different analogy. Wondering how you would know…:joy::joy::laughing::laughing:

(Teresa (turtle)) #55

@Sassa How is everything going with you?