61 yrs old four weeks in- a bit discouraged

(Paul) #1

HI I have have been on keto diet and intermittent fasting 2 meals a day about 1700cals for 4 weeks and have loss 6lbs in the first week but nothing since , I am 61, 19 stone 3lbs 40% fat 5’ 8’’ i also have Hypothyroidism and was wondering if this would be why i am not loosing weight i have been on thyroxine for many years 200 mmgs . i also workout at the gym 4 days a week still no fat loss and no inces loss either so i am am struggling , can anyone help me start my weight loss ??


Can’t speak to the effects of thyroxine, but everybody hits a plateau after losing the initial water weight. Don’t give up now – I lost a quick 10 lbs immediately upon starting keto last August, then went a whole month with no results on the scale at all. I stuck with it because I started to feel so much better, to the point that I spontaneously began taking long walks.

Then, at the beginning of September, suddenly the weight started to fall off again, and I never looked back until I’d reached my goal.

(Lori) #3

I have been on diet for 9 weeks and have only lost 12 lbs. I have 1300 calories a day, 5-8% carbs, 20-25% protein and 65-70% fat. I thought I should be losing more. Can someone help me out with this?

(mole person) #4

Try starting your own post in the Newbies forum. You’ll get much better help than under someone else’s posting.

(Lori) #5


(Carl Keller) #6

Hello and welcome Paul.

There is an idea in the functional medicine community that following a ketogenic diet is bad for thyroid health and I’ve even seen it’s been mentioned as dangerous. So I am hoping that you have discussed this way of eating with your doctor.

With that being said, I will say that your weight loss is very dependent on healing and changing the behavior of your hormones and your Hypothyroidism is probably complicating things. So extra patience might be necessary while your hormones get sorted.

You might find this thread interesting. It discusses hypothyroidism and Hashimoto and there are several people with this condition who have found great benefit with keto.

(Frank) #7

Making a fundamental change in diet is a major stressor in itself. Working out 4xs per week is just adding to the stress. Just a thought but how about backing off on the gym, or stop altogether for now, and take some walks 3-4 xs per week instead.

(Jane) #8

Search for PISS (post induction stall syndrome). Perfectly normal and you aren’t doing anything wrong. Just keep your carbs under 20 and the results will come. Eventually :slightly_smiling_face:

(Keto butts drive me nuts) #9

Trust is a must!!! I go for how I’m feeling. I’m not starving myself on the “normal” diet so life is good!! #kcko


put your head down and keep grinding… Your body is fighting to hold on to that weight… eventually it will decide to burn the fat stores. I had a 1 month plateau and it was frustrating.
Focus on your none scale gains. Sleeping better? check. Clothes fitting better? check. more energy? Check.
I broke my plateau through interment fasting, recording my macros, and finally, replacing a meal with 1 cup of almonds. BOOM. plateau busted.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #11

I agree involving your doc is a good idea. I understand you’ve been on thyroxine for a while. Have you had your numbers checked recently to be sure your dose is still keeping you in proper range?