6 weeks no weight loss

(MelissaH) #20

I love cronometer! Way more than mfp


I’m having the same issues 8 weeks in. My husband has lost 15lbs,me nothing. But I am feeling great and clothes are fitting better. So maybe fat is turning to muscle or something like that.

(Running from stupidity) #24

Logging is part of the learning process, IMHO. So many things that look safe are in fact not. It’s also a very good planning tool.

I use Cronometer because it has an official database that is controlled by the company, rather than one that anyone can add anything - no matter how incorrect - to. If I’m doing tracking to ensure I’m doing it right, I want to be sure I’m doing it right.

Generally speaking, this is a HORMONE control diet rather than a CALORIE control diet. (“Diet” being used to mean “the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats” not society’s current usage.) Tracking also puts us in ballpark to show us if we’re not eating enough (and thereby driving down the metabolic rate).

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend The Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung. It’s a mostly good and easy read.

(Jane) #25

Agave may be natural but has more calories per tsp than sugar so be sure you are counting it in your carb totals.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #26

Cronometer also has a pie chart. The top section with your stats has four sections, swipe left for the macro pie chart.

(Bunny) #27

You may not be getting enough calories[1] when first starting out, it may take a while for the weight to come off; 6 weeks is not going to tell you anything! Yet! As you lose weight the metabolism slows down[4].

Here (below) are some things that I think will help, if in the future the weight simply will not budge.

Trying to burn fat can be very very tricky, elusive and frustrating even when in ketosis so I thought I would share some foreknowledge as a guide for you to investigate further possibilities in the future!

  1. THE TOP 10 KETOSIS MISTAKES AND HOW TO PREVENT THEM (very in-depth; goes much deeper than your typical mistakes)
  1. Why, Exactly, Do Our Bodies Fight Us on Weight Loss?
  1. 12 Tips to Balance Estrogen Levels Naturally - Dr. Jockers
  1. The Perfect Intermittent Fasting Ratio for the Most Weight Loss (Fat Burning)

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #28

Mmm. Pie…


I am in same boat and I am frustrated … I don’t feel like typing a book but I will say I have tried all the ideas everyone has and it will work for few days then… gain back a pound or whatever… I am close to throwing in the towell on this one… I have been so strict for 7 weeks and I am only down 3 pounds, maybe less today… didn’t weigh… I like this WOE for the most part but I am also missing some things…if it was working I probably wouldn’t miss things so much… but when I am not eating so many things I used to eat etc. and still not losing… insane. the last ditch thing I am trying now is way less dairy, I have been decreasing it but now I am really working harder… anyway, if you figure it out let me know!!!

There are some really nice people that have been trying to help me!! so super thankful for them and I am not quitting yet but I am not sure how much more I can put in and not get results…

(Running from stupidity) #30

Are you tracking your macros? Are you eating enough?

(Candy Lind) #31

@Texgirl, some questions:

How close are you to goal weight?

What kind of results were you getting with other eating plans?

Do you think you’re eating healthier now (I hope so!)? Are your clothes fitting better? What about other NSVs? Did you start keto only for weight loss, or were there other factors?

Do you ever skip meals because you’re not hungry? Do you snack? Do you track your food (for macros)?

Are you fat-adapted? Have you thought about incorporating some IF/EF into your plan?

I would tough it out a bit longer - it can take time for your body to let go if that body fat has been around for a long time. The health benefits alone should be an incentive to keep plugging.


How close are you to goal weight?

What kind of results were you getting with other eating plans?

Do you think you’re eating healthier now (I hope so!)? Are your clothes fitting better? What about other NSVs? Did you start keto only for weight loss, or were there other factors?

Do you ever skip meals because you’re not hungry? Do you snack? Do you track your food (for macros)?

Are you fat-adapted? Have you thought about incorporating some IF/EF into your plan?

I would tough it out a bit longer - it can take time for your body to let go if that body fat has been around for a long time. The health benefits alone should be an incentive to keep plugging.

I need to lose 20-30… I am 5’3" and I started out at 161.8 and I am now 158. something… I did get down to 156.2 but that was short lived! Now I am back and forth 157-158… stuck.

The issue with other eating plans is initial weight loss but then stall then I quit do to frustration… but I only give it like 3-4 weeks… so going 7 is a success for me!

I am eating healthier… whole foods etc. I have lost about 1 inch in belly which is great. I started keto for weightloss only…

I try not to snack and I most of the time skip breakfast but do have BPC…
I track on cronomter… and most days are within macros, I am 99% always under 20 carbs even with the cheese I eat which i am thinking may be part of my issue

I started IF for few weeks and intially I lost 2 pounds but then stalled and have since gained one of those back. I don’t think I am fat adapted… I do get hungry!! Just don’t feel like I have read I should feel.

I plan to keep on it… but I have some big hurdles coming soon, a work meeting that is almost a week, tons of food and alcohol … then disney world vacation then TG!!! AHHHH…

I am trying more coconut milk vs. heavy cream in coffee?

I will admit one of my fav snacks is chilie lime pork rinds and cream cheese!!! So, trying not to do that!! BUT man, it seems all the things I loved about keto I am finding I shouldn’t have and dont get me started on having a drink!! That will for sure mess me up… even one vodka soda… soo super frustrated… but I am in the spot of … then what? If I don’t do this that means going back to some low carb, low fat plan… again… I really wanted this to work!!!


I am and I am around 1300-1400 cal per day and I think I am getting enough fat but that is something I am looking at… I am going to work on less dairy and more coconut oil, avocado and animal fat… maybe make some fat bombs… I will admit most of my fat early on was totally dairy!! Its super easy to get enough fat when you eat that much cheesy cauliflower cream cheese this and that!!


Are you tracking your macros? Are you eating enough?

Sorry, I forgot to copy and paste… I replied but its not attached to your comment.

(Running from stupidity) #35

Isn’t it just :slight_smile:

One issue people frequently have is not eating enough, so the body just slows down because it’s not being fed enough, which defeats your purpose.

Also, you can quote by highlighting the text you want to show and then hitting the “quote” button that pops up directly above the text.

(Candy Lind) #36

The hardest ones to lose, no matter what method you use!

Hope you read the label - many flavored ones have additives that are carby. If yours is, try making your own flavoring with some kind of ground pepper & True Lime (crystallized lime).

If you get hungry between meals, you are not eating enough. Are you counting calories? Rather - are you RESTRICTING calories? If you have the least little inkling that you are IR, you need to NOT restrict calories. That could be your problem right there.


Thanks for the tip!!

(Candy Lind) #38

@Texgirl, do you exercise regularly?


What does IR mean? When I first started I ws eating more like 1700 calories because cheesy caulflower was my staple side dish!! I thought i was eating too much, too many calories because after my initial 4 lb loss it stopped… so I started trying to figure out why… I quit making cheesy cauliflower…


I started last week… I did water aerboics and gained a pound the next day!! Did it 2x last week… meant to this week but work was too busy but I am sure this would help!!

(Running from stupidity) #41

Insulin Resistant, probably, as I doubt that you are Infra-Red :slight_smile: We do tend to use shorthand around here a bit…

It’s great for overall health, but really does bugger-all for weight loss compared to eating right.