5am and I have been crying for an hour

(Edith) #82

Thanks for the info. I’ve been keto for five years. I originally hit my fantasy weight of 115 pounds but over time, my weight has been slowly creeping up. I’m at about 124 pounds now. I would be happy just to get back to 120 pounds. I’m short so 5 pounds does make a difference, but I don’t need to be my fantasy weight.

In my early days, I found eating a lot of fat didn’t keep me satiated but higher protein did. I tried carnivore for a bit, but I gained weight and over time did not feel well on it. Your post has got me considering that maybe I just was not eating enough fat overall.

Electrolytes has been a big problem for me on keto/carnivore. I’ve recently added some fruit and rice back into my diet. I’m hovering around 50-70 grams a day for carbs. I am feeling MUCH better with the added carbs. My electrolyte issues are pretty much gone since I added in the extra carbs, but the weight crept up a few pounds. I actually started looking at my total caloric intake once again. I’m trying this plan for about a month, but if weight doesn’t budge, I may try a version of your very high fat diet in the new year and see what happens with that. Unfortunately, dairy is a no-no for me. I won’t be able to use that to increase my fat intake. I may just have to eat a lot more bacon. Oh, darn! :laughing:

(Alli) #83

Have you tried goats dairy? :slight_smile: i’m assuming you have but if you haven’t, it’s a great way to get potassium and sort electrolyte issues! Although, bacon has potassium too :smiley:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #84

Very wise words! :+1:

(Robin) #85

Hmmmm…. 12 days since we’ve heard from @liz_santiago.
You still around?

(Michael) #86

4 days. Very difficult for most to hear advice to eat more than they are. It does not compute for many.

(Liz Santiago) #87

Yes I have read every single advice.

(Liz Santiago) #88

So since I started fasting I have seen the scale moving, but the thing is that I just eat once a day and I can’t seem to be able to add more protein because with what I eat I get full and because I eat before 4p, and go to bed by 7-8p I don’t get to feel hungry. One other thing is that I stopped using Trulicity which makes me constipated and before using it I went at least twice a day and when I started it, I started going 1 every 2 days. I am again at 210 but usually I start the week 210 go 211, 212, and by Saturday again 210. So, I am waiting for my endocrinologist app to see if 3 week out of Trulicity makes a difference.

(Liz Santiago) #89

Nope, I don’t know but I am not sure I would dare to try it.

(Liz Santiago) #90

OMAD? What is that?

(Liz Santiago) #91

I honestly don’t even know how to really check macros other that more or less putting my food in my fitness pal and see what is says.


OMAD is eating once a day. I really try that now (to avoid overeating) with mixed results. Not easy to eat my 130g protein in one sitting without carbs… Why my body wants that much, it’s inconvenient… Oh well. It wants that much so it gets that much.

If you can’t eat enough in one sitting, have more meals. Hunger is overrated and not needed for eating. I can’t possibly know what timing is best for you but 2 meals shouldn’t be impossible to do… 2 decent meals, not too small low-protein ones.

Maybe you can focus on your protein more somehow? I can imagine you get satiated way too quickly with even your little vegs at this point but I don’t see a big wriggle room here, maybe you really just need multiple meals. But maybe choosing other foods would help, I don’t know. Sometimes I don’t want more normal meat or eggs but can have some sausage. Or drink protein. Or wait a little and eat again. On OMAD, just eating to satiation may not be the best idea anyway, I go for stuffing myself but even that may be not enough. Some not very satiating protein actually can help me on OMAD while I avoid it normally… More tempting items are easier to eat in bigger amounts, I don’t think it’s surprising. We may need tricks on OMAD even if we are used to eating big meal let alone if not so much - and some people just should eat more times.

(Robin) #93

OMAD is One Meal A Day.
Many of us end up there naturally.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #94

I believe that’s the key. If it happens naturally, it’s more likely to work better than if we force it.


Yeah, it’s nice if it comes naturally… But what if it isn’t? It still may be the best for us. Sometimes we need to “force” things as the natural thing doesn’t work at all. But I mean some proper effort, no true forcing our body to do something it doesn’t want.

Not being able to eat enough on OMAD is a sign for me that at least some tweaking is needed - and adding another meal if the meal is already done and our day is lacking. And it’s possible and better to eat, I forgot as I always can eat when my body wants more food in the end of the day. It’s probably not the best idea for others who should just handle it and do it better the next day.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #96

Or, it might not be. That’s why I am big on listening to our body. Trying to out-think two million years of evolution carries a big risk of unintended consequences.


Yes I already wrote it’s not for everyone, multiple times. I MUST go for OMAD as I have hardly any chance without it. I am just tired of my 5MAD days and interestingly, I must try to do OMAD if I want to avoid thjem. I had a time when TMAD was natural but now I can’t do it without trying to do OMAD.

What has evolution to do with this? I can’t see as evolution isn’t good enough to lead us to the perfect woe, look at people. The right timing doesn’t come automatically either.

I as a human am evolved to long fasts, handling famine decently and my body STILL doesn’t skip a single day! (And I never would deliberately starve either. Just because my evolution allows it without permanent problems if I do it right. I mean, not too long.) Sad but I don’t force it. Only go for OMAD. It’s very regular eating, I would gladly eat less frequently but can’t and actually, part of me likes somewhat similar days :slight_smile:

As non-OMAD and waiting for the miracle didn’t work even after years, I want to figure out what does :slight_smile: I have hypotheses so I do what I usually do: experiment.

(Allie) #98

These two statements don’t seem to fit together.

You’ve been advised that you need to eat more because your body thinks it’s starving and is holding on to its fat stores as a result, so you start fasting and further reducing your intake of food… :thinking:

You need to be very gradually increasing what you’re eating to carefully reawaken your metabolism, slowly slowly, 100 calories more a day, stick with that for a couple of weeks then add another 100 calories and repeat, keep going like this, NOURISH your body, stop starving yourself.

(Liz Santiago) #99

I am, but like I said I have eaten 1 meal, 2 meals and 3 but it has not made any difference. I have been stuck in the same weight.

(Allie) #100

Because you’ve starved for too long and need to let your body recover and heal, this will take a long time, you can’t just keep on restricting more and more and expect to get results! Your body needs to heal, it needs to be nourished for several months, if not longer, to undo the damage you’ve caused by starving yourself. It’s not a case of trying something for a few weeks and assuming it’s not working because you don’t see changes, you won’t see changes until your body has healed and knows there’s a constant supply of nutrition coming into it - THEN it will be able to release some of the excess fat you want rid of, but you cannot force this to happen by restricting more and more and more, doing that will just make you sicker and sicker.

Your choice though, either you want to fix your body and your health or you want to keep on screwing yourself over and making your health even worse.


Health should be first priority, not fat-loss.
The two has connection, of course but eating too little isn’t good.
Focus on eating enough food, protein, nutrients first. Your metabolism is probably quite slowed down, it should be fixed.
I do understand your frustration but you definitely need to eat enough first. Not too much but not too little either. And it’s quite tricky when one has an undereating fast, I am not knowledgeable about that, I just know that one need to eat more at that point and forget about fat-loss and focus on health. Not suddenly much more, it would be hard for you anyway, just a bit more until you reach what you need. Not like we can tell you how much is that but the current amount is tiny and if it doesn’t give you results despite you aren’t a super tiny one, your metabolism must have problems. That’s why we all say whatever we say.