5am and I have been crying for an hour

(Robin) #102

How many calories are you getting on an average day?
When I restrict too much, my body rebels and hold on to weight.

(Liz Santiago) #103

That is the thing, I have not. I started eating less like 2 weeks ago with fasting as to try and do something else to see if things change.


Do you know how much did you eat before? It’s worrying that you didn’t lose while eating this little, it hints at already more than minimally slowed metabolism… Not like I would know how it goes with the extreme responders, normally it slows down after days, yes, as far as I know but it is probably not so much at that point.
Oh I stop, I just lack knowledge and info about your past to say something even potentially remotely smart here…

(Robin) #105

Liz, it seems you just need to be heard, not helped. Honestly, that’s not an accusation… It’s a state of mind I am personally familiar with.
You’ve pretty much been handed all the possible answers. Now it’s up to you. Try to go a steady couple of months without changing things up and then reevaluate.

(Jane) #106

You are starving your body of nutrients with this small amount of food.

Chronometer is a much better app. If you stick to real food it should be easy to enter in portions - eggs, meat, fat, etc.

Still starving yourself. Don’t expect different results.

Not very nutrient-dense.

Might be worth to track both. It is easier to step on a scale and get depressed, but many MANY people here have had their waist shrink while the scale didn’t budge.

You can’t add mrore protein while fasting or eating OMAD.

When was the last time you ate 3 meals a day? I went through your posts to make sure I didn’t miss anything and almost every post is about fasting, eating salmon, etc and you keep defending that approach even though it isn’t working and the veterans here advise against it.

You have lost 80 pounds in 2 years, kept it off and that is amazing! If you gain a few pounds to kick-start your metabolism it will be worth it in the long run.

Hang in there - you have come so far and it looks like your body is taking a breather. But feed, not starve your body!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #107

I’d also like to reiterate what I already posted, which is that gaining lean weight (in other words, better muscles and stronger bones) is a good thing, and that it is possible to gain lean mass even while losing excess fat. So the fact that the scale appears to be going in the “wrong” direction is not a reliable guide to progress on a ketogenic diet.

Because so many people in the U.S. and other countries are overweight and come to keto to shed excess fat, we tend to forget that the primary purpose of a ketogenic diet is to normalise the metabolism and reverse insulin-resistance, and that shedding excess fat is a pleasant side effect. This way of eating is about weight-normalisation, not about weight-loss.

(Jane) #108

Good point!

eta: I never got back to my college weight but from where I started I don’t care. I feel healthy, have lots of energy (most of the time) and not “fat” anymore. A bit extra padding, but that’s ok. I have been able to maintain without counting anything or being hungry for the first time in over 40 years.


Wow, I actually tried that diet about 10 years ago. Lost a few pounds over the first three weeks, got some good comments, made the carrot soup which started tasting good and then stalled and gained it all back. It showed I reacted to eggs which is probably true and I do not remember what else. The egg part was true as they used to upset my stomach 20 years ago and a few years before I tried her plan I could eat them again (and still do!)

What I remember most was that it was the only time I gave up coffee and the headache was massive and took three days and she did not want you taking advil or aspirin. It was memorably bad. When I gave up on the diet I went back to coffee and have not stopped since!