3 years off the horse

(Ethan) #1

My background:
It was 2013 and I was 33 years old. I had actually just lost 35 lbs from my high of 270 lbs! I followed a very-high-carb (tons of whole grains) and low-fat diet. I went to the doctor with severe gastrointestinal issues. Doctor said I had diabetes and my A1C was 10.4. I had several complications:

  • Sores on thickened skin on fingers that never healed
  • Fungal infections on a few places of my body
  • Constantly tired

The doctor put me on metformin, and I did some research on my condition. I did a modified Newcastle diet on my own that was ketogenic (800 calories a day for 10 weeks). I really only cared about being low carb, since I didn’t understand what ketosis was. Three months later, I had lost another 40 lbs (weighing 195 then), and my A1C was 5.6. Triglycerides were 60! I thought I was “cured,” so I kept relatively “low carb” (usually under 60g per day). I had some cheat days–way too many, but figured that it would all be ok as long as I kept low carb. I was WRONG. Nearly 4 years from my original diagnosis, I had gone up in weight back to 260 pounds. My A1C was only 6.6, since I was still relatively low carb, but some of the complications were returning. Triglycerides are high again, too.

Three weeks ago, I returned to a ketogenic diet. Thanks to this blog, I really understand the science behind it. I know that I will remain on this diet forever, since there is no cure for metabolic syndrome–only the ketogenic treatment. My weight is down to 242 right now. My sugars are relatively stable (140 in the morning, 100-130 the rest of the mid morning, and 85-110 in the evening.) I am getting a new bloodworm shortly and hope to see at least some improvement.

My doctors all support the ketogenic diet, but I have unique concerns. I have a heart condition that prohibits lifting weights such that I have to hold my breath. I will eventually need aortic arch and valve replacement. I really dread what food the hospital will give me when that happens. I know they can’t do low carb, especially when fed through tubes–but that 10-20 years away.

I have been trying IF for 12-16 hours 2-3 times a week. I intend to try an extended fast sometime soon.


Welcome to the forums.

Glad you are already seeing improvements. And that you have proven to yourself, it is a treatment for T2D, not a “cure.”

Good luck with sticking to it and becoming as healthy as possible.