3 Weeks In, Not Too Impressed, Ready to Give Up

(Doug) #101

I think “moderately active” means something like walking for a half hour to an hour a day.

(Charlotte) #102

Those people who lose a ton of weight easily and quickly are usually men, unfortunately. I’m 40 years old, about 6 and a half months on keto, and have lost close to 50 pounds, but it took me 3 months before I started to see significant weight loss. In the beginning I was measuring my weight loss in ounces more than pounds. I don’t really exercise at all, other than weekly yoga classes and slow strolls around town every now and again. I tracked for the first month or so, then switched to more intiutive, time-restricted eating. When I eat, I EAT, but I only eat once or twice a day.

For women, especially women in our age group, patience is a key part of keto. If your body is telling you it needs more sleep, give it more sleep (that happened to me early on as well). Your body might be doing some repair work before it gets around to the serious weight loss, and it may require more sleep to do so. Weigh yourself once a week MAX, even less often is better, drink lots of water, make sure you’re getting enough electrolytes. Don’t compare yourself to your husband–women’s bodies are different. Keto DOES work–at this point I honestly feel like weight is just falling off effortlessly, about 4 lbs a week on average over the past couple of months–but it took awhile to get there. So I’d advise hanging in there and enjoying the journey if you can.

(TJ Borden) #103

I know this idea drives some people nuts, but…

You’ve been working at this for a while and you don’t feel like you’re making progress. By now you probsbly have a pretty good idea of where carbs are found, and what protein volumes look like.

Maybe try to simplify things. Stop stressing over your macro tracker and stick to the basics:

  • 20 grams or less of carbohydrates
  • moderate protein scaled to lean body mass
  • fat to satiety

You’ve mentioned being concerned about getting enough potassium, so try using lite salt on your meat and you should get plenty.

(Championsidewinder) #104

Yes I use a 1/4 tsp of potassium chloride twice a day, and no toxic lite salt, it’s just as bad as table salt, just salt processed to death lol, I still need to follow an app, ppl say listen to your body but that doesn’t work, I just get too much or too little of something.

(Championsidewinder) #105

I wish I could chat with a guy that uses carb manager and is retired and walks a few miles a day and what is his app set to, moderately active or lightly active

(Doug) #106

Moderately active.

(Championsidewinder) #107

I mean if I enter calories burned from exercise it will say I’m down on calories and most ppl would say I need to eat more because my calories are down so a eat something but then I go over on fat or protein or carbs :man_shrugging:t2:

(Championsidewinder) #108

Oh ok, I just know if my calories are at 2500 per day then I should not be in too much of a deficit like ending the day at say 1800

(TJ Borden) #109

Listening to your body is something that’s learned, and comes pretty naturally once you’re fat adapted.

A lot of people follow apps with great success. You’re insisting you need to while at the same time saying it’s not working. I’m just suggesting something different.

I’ve been at this lifestyle almost a year, down 80lbs, and only counted carbs the first month or so just to learn where they were. Other than that, I don’t count a thing.

You pretty much just nailed the problem with apps right on the head. The app CANT know you’re specific metabolic needs. It can get usually close, but you need to adjust to what works for you. You said it’s not working… so try something else.

(Championsidewinder) #110

Something else? Lol I tried that something else, I didn’t keep track of nothing during the first 2 weeks on keto and then quit the diet because I felt like crap, then started the app and I now know where my sodium is and potassium but after I started using an app I started to see I was not get enough of something or too much of something that’s why I can’t stop the app, if I quit the app I will just stop the diet all together,

(Doug) #111

You’ve said you’ve been keto for 2.5 months. If you stayed under 20 grams a day of carbohydrates, or perhaps a little more, but not too much more, then I figure you are pretty well fat-adapted. Maybe not all the way - I think some people take 6 months or more to really get all the way there, but you’re doing pretty darn well.

Regardless of what some others may say, you should be able to burn your own fat now, for energy. You don’t have to follow any certain targets for calorie intake or fat macro for food.

I think you are worrying about calories far too much. Your own fat has around 3500 calories per pound in it. Burn some of that each day and you do not need as many calories from food. :slightly_smiling_face:

Keto not for everyone?
(Championsidewinder) #112

Well one thing I don’t understand is, if I am not at least partially fat adapted then why or how do I get the energy to play 18 holes of disc golf, I been playing for 21 years, and play pro, so keeping my carbs between 15 net grams and 25 then where am I getting the energy to play?

(MelissaH) #113

Wow! I know this is older but you look great! Thanks for the encouragement

(TJ Borden) #114

That’s normal for pretty much everyone. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess, based on your pic, that you’re past your 20’s. So it’s probably fair to say it’s taken decades to get where you are now? What exactly were your expectations after a couple months?

I’m not here to talk you down from the bridge, others might try, but I’m happy to tell you what’s worked for me and MANY other people here. If you don’t want to try it, that’s fine, you do you.

Right now, all I’m hearing is you came up with how you think things SHOULD work, and it’s not, but you’re not really wanting to try another approach.

Another note: recommendations on the app are based on SAD. They don’t necessarily reflect what you ACTUALLY need with a ketogenic way of eating.

(Championsidewinder) #115

I’m 55 years old 224 pounds

(Doug) #116

Who says you are not fat-adapted? Sometimes one’s salt intake or other electrolyte levels may need to be adjusted for one to feel better, but yes - I think you’re burning your own fat just fine. So, as far as I can tell there is no need to worry about your overall caloric intake nor the exact amount of fat you’re eating each day.

Since I want to lose weight, to an extent I would rather burn my own fat rather than be eating fat.

(Championsidewinder) #117

Oh ok my sister said that once, but I just can’t imagine not eating say before a workout or after, I take hard boiled eggs with me to the course and eat a couple if my gut starts to hurt because I’m hungry with a lot of salt

(Championsidewinder) #118

But I thought I have to eat a curtain amount of fat each day, my sister is a medical technologist and she said not eating enough fat can cause Ketoacidosis just like not drinking enough water, so that’s why I try to eat enough fat

(Doug) #119

If your pancreas is making just about any amount of insulin, you need not worry about ketoacidosis.

Burning your own stored fat is metabolizing it, just as if you ate it. Many people routinely fast for several days, even weeks, just burning their own fat, without problems.

(Championsidewinder) #120
