3 months in ketosis still having heart palpitations

(Khara) #21

Below is a link to @Brenda ‘s homemade Keto-aide recipe.
Difficulty with our electrolytes early on or from time to time isn’t a negative side effect of the ketogenic way of eating, in my opinion. It’s just a reality that we need to understand and adjust for. On a high carb diet our bodies retain water and therefore retain salts and so we need to salt our foods less and even watch sodium content. On a Ketogenic diet we no longer retain water and as a result the salts and electrolytes are flushed out faster. We simply need to replace them more often than what we are used to by salting our foods a bit more and if necessary using supplements. I like the Keto-aide recipe. I go by Brenda’s example and only drink 2 bottles a day. It’s super quick and easy to mix up, quite inexpensive, and there aren’t a bunch of filler ingredients.