2019 Super Bowl strategies

(Karen) #1

Bringing nuts and shrimp! I love both so won’t feel deprived.
Go rams!


(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #2

We are making a Keto friendly taco dip and buffalo chicken dip. I have pork rinds for dipping, they have tortilla chips. Also thinking about making beanless chili. They are making mozzarella sticks and potato skins too, but I’ll do my best to avoid that temptation :wink:

Shrimp and nuts, good plan!



(Karen) #4

:joy::rofl::joy::rofl: I’m with you!!!

(Tamela Robinette) #5

I’m doing garlic parm chicken wings in the air fryer, making a tray of meats and cheeses, with olives, also cucumbers with a cucumber garlic fill tzatziki dip I found that only has 3 carbs.

(Tamela Robinette) #6

I also bought pork rinds but my husband ate them all yesterday🙄

(Hillary ) #7

I’m doing buffalo chicken dip and maybe a chicken crust pizza

(less is more, more or less) #8

Sigh. A book, if I could. We don’t have “superbowls” on the planet I’m from.

(John) #9

My strategy is that I don’t give a crap about sports and so things like the Superbowl are a non-event for me. I also don’t voluntarily attend parties so having to worry about taking foods to social gatherings are not something I generally have to think about.

(Karen) #10

I absolutely love to go to Super Bowl parties with all of my family. This year it’s at my mother’s new apartment, since daddy passed away last year. We are all going to squeeze in cozy because it’s pretty small and there will be 14 of us. We’ll bring folding chairs. I don’t have a dog in the fight, but I love being with my family!

(Janelle) #11

I don’t give a flip about football but we still watch the game. We’re making keto meatballs, jalepeno poppers and shish kebabs.

My favorite football-related comic -


(Doug) #12

Just got back from the madhouse known as a grocery store. Cottage and Colby cheese, pork sausages, and a bag of roasted and salted pistachios, already out of their shells. <~~ treat time.

And wow were they selling the processed food with lots of added sugar today.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #13

I went yesterday afternoon and felt like I needed a football helmet just to maneuver through the aisles :sweat_smile:

(Laurie) #14

Try this. Srsly.

(Carl Keller) #15

I’m going to eat a chicken wing every time the Rams score and I hope I am stuffed by the time it’s over. I’m not a fan of either team but I don’t want the Patriots to tie my Steelers for 6 super bowl rings.


(Running from stupidity) #16

I thought this was going to be about how to injure that uber-cheat Brady in the first minute or so :frowning:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #17

I “liked” this part of your comment:

But I disliked this part:

#RavenNation :black_heart::purple_heart: no hard feelings :joy: I do hope the Pats lose though, I cannot stand Brady :triumph:



I don’t even like football but I really do despise the New England Patriots.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #19

(PSackmann) #20

Loving the responses. Our friends smoked a pork butt and are supplying starchy sides. I brought cucumber salad and a broccoli-cauliflower salad. Also spinach artichoke dip with veggies to dip. And dark chocolate mint fat bombs for when the cheesecake and ice cream come out. I’ll be over on carbs but not too bad.