2 weeks into Keto & GAINED 6 LBS!

(Dan Dan) #21
  1. Try to shorten your eating window to 6hrs or less

  2. Increase calories to 1500kcals @1000kcals might lower your metabolism

  3. Ditch the snacking the reason is that even tiny amounts of insulin block lipolysis

(Michael ) #22

EF is extended fasting. E.g. fasting for 3 days. I understand still being hungry on keto, but i think fasting can help. I Am in the habit of only eating 4 hours a day and i don’t usually feel hungry outside of eating window. And it’s difficult to overeat in 4 hours so chances of calorie deficit improve. I’ve found that the best way to avoid hunger is by not eating…crazy right? But insulin gets low and blood sugar levels stay stable when you’re keto and not eating, so it’s easier to feel satisfied if you adjust to abstinence for large parts of the day

(Kristin ) #23

too much protein, and not enough food if you’re exercising! Body may believe it’s starving and hold on to calories!

(Ethan) #24

Weight and body composition are different. It doesn’t sound like you need to hit a weight goal, but instead a size goal. The easiest way to lose weight is to just hack off a limb, but I don’t recommend that.

From what you are saying, you are still likely not in ketosis, since you are craving lots of sugars. Have you checked ketones?

(Lannie Le) #25

How did you initially get into IF? I trust your experience and advice that the only way to stop the hunger is to stop eating but all IFers start somewhere. Did you start with allowing 8 hour feeding time and ween off from there? Are mornings or fasting at night better?
Thanks again for the great advice and insight. This is very helpful!

(Allie) #26

Yes this. You have to feed your body fat to teach it how to burn fat, you likely need double what you are aiming for and half the amount of protein.

(What The Fast?!) #27

I would stick to a protein macro and a carb macro, and have fat to satiety. If you’re hungry every other hour, you’re not eating enough fat. If you eat fat to satiety, you likely won’t be hungry for snacks. (I say this from experience.)

Try having some eggs cooked in bacon grease in the morning. If you’re still hungry, make a fatty coffee (coffee with coconut oil or MCT oil). See how long that lasts you before you get hungry.

I, like you, used to eat 5-6 times a day and a big part of switching to 2-3 meals a day is simply the routine. I found when I started keto, I still wanted to snack, but it was either out of habit or it was that I hadn’t eaten enough fat in my previous meal. I always ask myself which of those two things it is, if I started nosing around the cupboard for a snack.

The reason it’s best to eliminate snacks is all about insulin. You want to spike it as few times a day as possible. (There are a bunch of great diagrams that explain this - here on the forums and also in Jason Fung’s books.

Another note - and again, this is from my own experience - try to let go of calorie counting. If you are training that much, you need to fuel your body. At 1000 cals a day, your body is downregulating lots of things just to keep you existing. Adding fat in will allow you to have lots of energy for your workouts and will also teach your body that it doesn’t have to run on the bare minimum, so it can crank up your metabolism.

(Michael ) #28

I started with 10 hour eating windows and went to 8 after a week or two, then 6, then 4 and sometimes only one meal. Just listen to your body and if you’re really hungry, it won’t kill you to eat but mind over matter in the beginning is necessary. It will get easier over time. Eventually, you can mix things up to keep your body guessing. I’m going to hit the weights heavy this weekend so I will adjust the windows if i don’t feel satisfied. But in the beginning, it might be best to be strict and stick to as long of a fasting period as you can to help address insulin resistance. Good luck

(Gina Craig) #29

Girl, you look way skinny in the picture. You may be at your ideal weight. I too wasn’t losing at all until I did extended fasting. I have lost almost ten pounds in a week. Give it whirl, and if you need encouragement we are all here to cheer you on


@Fat_Mike has suggested fasting. It’s the quickest, surest way to lose weight. It’ll also conquer the hunger cravings you’ve described. Fast until you lose 20 lbs. Once you start eating, just keep the regained weight under 5 lbs.

Have a wonderful wedding!


For many (me being one of them) Quest bars GIVE me sugar cravings! They do have a Keto line buy their expensive.

(Lonnie Hedley) #32

Agreed. Lots of people suggest cutting out all sweeteners. Even if they don’t make you stall, they can still trigger those cravings which make some people “cheat”.


You’ve gotten lots of good advice on here! I’m going to be another person who recommends you reframe your goals. Unless you’re a wrestler/boxer trying to make weight by a certain date, your goal is not actually weight, right? 115 lbs could be twiggy arms and legs and a huge belly; it could be a minuscule torso and huge legs. If weight were actually your goal, you could get there instantly (just lop off a limb and you’d be there!). What you want is a certain size/proportions, right? If so, measurements/photos are much better guides for your progress.

Also agree about the snacking (that’s a lot of insulin spiking!) and the long-term nature of healthy eating. Keto might be your ideal WOE for health and vitality and radiance, but it’s hard to put a hard timeline on getting very specific results that you think are important (but may not be high on your body’s list of priorities).

(Edith) #34

Not enough salt can also make you hungry. If it has only been two hours or so since a meal, try having some salt, either through bouillon tea or a glass of salt water with 1/2 teaspoon salt. That may take away the snacking hunger. Salt/electrolyte needs go up on keto.


(Ken) #35

Another salt source is dill pickles. Almost no calories and tons of salt. My preference is for the fresh pack ones that have to be kept in the fridge. The juice can also be drank as well. Other pickled veggie type products.also work. If you really like similar products, you can pickle things like ham, gizzards, beef, eggs, etc. yourself.

(Andrew) #36

Some dill pickles have fructose in them. Fuckers

(Allie) #37

I can only find them with sugar added :slightly_frowning_face:

(Andrew) #38

The little gerkins usually are good. TART mf’ers

(Candy Lind) #39

The people who say:
“eat more fat”
“You’re not eating enough”
“stop snacking!”


I restricted calories at first and IT SLOWED MY WEIGHT LOSS TO A CRAWL. You MUST eat enough calories and make 70% or more of it fat, or this way of eating will not work. Since Christmas, I have increased my caloric intake three times, and each time I’ve seen another drop on the scale. My body is finally beginning to ASK for fat for energy. Since you work out, you will fat-adapt more quickly, but you MUST give your body fat for fuel, and enough of it, or it will not adapt. TRUST ME.

Oh, and the salt thing? You need A LOT, especially when you are still adapting. Use lots of salt and supplement potassium and magnesium. There’s lots of info in these forums about it, and a recipe for “keto-aide” which I drink daily.

KCKO (Keep Calm, Keto On)!

(Candy Lind) #40

Yes, fasting is good - AFTER you are fat-adapted. NOT before.