16oz Chili Infused Fat Bomb :)

(Windmill Tilter) #1

I just cooked & canned 14 pints of keto chili using 73% hamburger. I found 27% fat to be a bit too much from a texture/mouthfeel standpoint. Also, when you’re pressure canning, excessive fat is tricky variable given it’s insulative properties.

I used 10lbs of hamburger so that makes 43oz of fat. I decided to skim 16oz of the top. Now I have 16 oz of gloriously chili infused fat. I’m coming off a 80hr fast, so for the moment just looking at it makes very happy. I’ll be hungry again soon though so I need to think of something to do with it. What to do, what to do…:heart_eyes:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #2

Nice problem to have!

Love. L. O. V. E. your avatar. Don Quixote + Picasso = :orange_heart:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #3

If you like mushrooms they’re great for sucking up excess fats in a dish. Use them with stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls. They would be good in chili also.

(Carl Keller) #4

It looks like tea… glorious Keto tea!

(Windmill Tilter) #5

Thanks. My grandparents bought me a small papermache Don Quixote in a market in Mexico that was inspired by the picasso sketch when was 8. For whatever reason I fell instantly in love with it. I’ve had it for 32 years!

@David_Stilley : Mushrooms are a great idea! Now you’ve got me thinking.

(Windmill Tilter) #6

My wife hates this thing LOL. Every time we move she tries hid to him at the bottom of a box of old blankets or something, but I always find him. Where I go, Don goes. I think he’s pretty awesome… :):relaxed:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #7

He is indeed awesome.

(Laurie) #8

Flavorful drippings are great for frying eggs in, because the heat is low. Procedures requiring higher heat can be a bit iffy if the fat contains solids that might burn–but the fat in your photo looks pretty clean. Have fun experimenting!

(Windmill Tilter) #9

After I took it out of the chili with a ladle, I rendered it for another 20 mins in a cast iron frying pan to ensure all the water was out of it (significantly increasing the shelf life). Then I waited until it cooled down to around 120 degrees and strained it through a paper towel. It looked pretty clean before, but I was really surprised by the amount of solids the paper towel captured.

I’ll definitely be frying some eggs in it. :slight_smile:

(Bunny) #10

Make keto fat bombs with it?

Cacao Powder (not cocoa powder; with lost nutrients)

Coconut Flakes

Ground Sunflower Seeds

Ground Flax Seeds

Brewers Yeast

Nutritional Yeast

Wheat Grass Powder

Ground Chia Seeds

Coconut Fat

MCT oil

Just be sensible with the amount and how many you want to make? I know it may sound gross but the health benefits outweigh the taste (I skip the artificial sweeteners)!

Mix together with your chili fat and put some cayenne pepper or chili tepins in that and you’ll have a thermalized[1] keto fat bomb?

All these ingredients will help burn the fat off your bones…! But really healthy anyway if your not trying to burn fat?


[1] “…Weight-loss effects of capsaicin on appetite and brown adipose tissue. “…It showed chili pepper affects energy expenditure by triggering the BAT in the same way as low temperature does, leading to increased energy expenditure via non-shivering thermogenesis[42] …” …More

Fat bombs - good or bad