ZC Plan-Meat & Water only

(Jodi) #81

I’m glad this thread has helped! :slight_smile: I mostly eat ZC, but I’ve had a few small slips & several keto meals here and there.

No diving into any big bags of Ruffles anymore here! One of the best things I ever did for myself was coming clean about all the emotional eating I was doing. I’ve caught myself making “emotional” food choices still, but nothing like before. I think it will always be something I need to be aware of, but sticking to ZC as much as I can really helps!

The ZC regulars who posted on this thread had great info they shared, it has helped me tremendously as I keep going forward. :heart_eyes:

Hope you have continued success! :grin:

(Jodi) #82

Tomorrow is my day 30 (finally). I spent the whole summer working my way to full-time ZC. I quit coffee 2 weeks before my Day1. Then, a week before I started I got really sick. It really helped push me into sticking to this plan. It took 3 weeks in before I quit napping every day…I was napping since I quit coffee (so about 5 weeks😳)

This week I’ve finally started to feel really great. I do think I had a bad withdrawal from coffee, I have no interest in restarting that either. I gave away my coffee, and coffee maker. :blush:

I feel fantastic actually. :grin: It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way and I have no interest in going back. I eat mostly beef, a little pork, bacon, sardines & chicken. I only drink plain water. I don’t fast, I usually eat 2-3 times a day at this point. I’m always hungry when I eat. I track nothing that I eat.

I know I’m down a couple pounds, but mostly I’ve noticed body comp/shape improving. I’m starting to feel strong again and recently started working out a bit too. The strong feeling is my favorite part!

(Cathrine Helle) #83

This was a loooong thread, but I’ve tried to read through it - so valuable that you share your experience so openly!

Personally I eased myself into ZC after summer; mainly by skipping veggies at my dinner. Just to see how I felt eating just the meat. I’ve also made my life easier by cooking up large pots of simmered lamb and beef, so lately my lunches have also been ZC. I’m still drinking coffee (dreading the withdrawal), and I still have some dairy (especially if the meat is lean). I find I crave the fattier cuts, and the broths that are made when I cook meat with the bones. Regular minced meat or leaner pieces of steak leaves me just tired of chewing :confused:

My biggest challenge are the social situations, but I’m hoping that feeling stronger both mentally and physically with help with this :slight_smile: I hope you continue to share, we all have our challenges we face eating outside the norm <3